My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 634: supplement

"Do you know how to use a pen display?"

"Not much contact." Zhang Ziyue shook his head.

"No..." Shen Xin glanced at Gao Hang, "You will follow Gao Hang to familiarize yourself with the pen display."

"Yeah." Zhang Ziyue took a long breath.

Gao Hang also stood up and introduced Zhang Ziyue to each other,

Shen Xin took the opportunity to focus on another girl. The girl with a double ponytail was wearing a white T-shirt on the upper body, a black skirt and black stockings on the lower body, and the hair tips were dyed purple, but it was not too obvious, depending on the age. It's really not big.

Wang Wenhong handed out another piece of material, and Shen Xin quickly flipped through it, and was taken aback for a moment, "A student in a cartoon school?"

"It's not a student... it's a few days before graduation." The girl quickly explained.

Isn't that still a student?

With a black line, Shen Xin glanced at Wang Wenhong helplessly. Why didn't you let the students go? Does Hongchuan have no other assistants?

Wang Wenhong turned his head and pretended not to see it.

I can only ask the reason later.

Shen Xin continued to look down at the material.

The girl’s name is Liu Ruoxing, she has just turned 20, and she has no experience as an assistant—and understandable, after all, at a young age—studying in a three-year comic school in Hongchuan, during which time, she worked for some magazines. Over the illustrations.

"Can you draw illustrations?" Shen Xin was a little surprised.

Liu Ruoxing nodded repeatedly.

"Then why don't you become an illustrator?" Shen Xin asked curiously.

"Because of instability." Liu Ruoxing scratched his head, a little embarrassed. "Illustration... It's okay when you have an order. If you don't have an order, you still have the last meal and not the end. You can ask your parents for money when you go to school, but you can just graduate immediately. Money is embarrassing."

This is also the knot of many students.

I graduated, but I haven't found the job I want, and I am embarrassed to ask money from home... This kind of entanglement, many people should have had it.

"Any work?"

"Yes." Liu Ruoxing immediately handed the envelope to Shen Xin with both hands.

Shen Xin pulled out the sketches inside. There were about six or seven pages, which were basically character illustrations.

"Character movements are stiff...The perspective looks OK, but I always feel a little unskilled..." Shen Xin whispered while flipping through the sketches, and he understood why Liu Ruoxing stopped working as an illustrator, and his basic skills were a bit weak. Really will starve to death.

When Liu Ruoxing heard Shen Xin's comment, his cheeks were slightly red, and he felt a little embarrassed.

"However, the color is pretty good." Shen Xin's conversation changed, giving Liu Ruoxing a glimmer of hope.

Color pages are not commonly used, but they cannot be without.

Shen Xin's coloring is not bad. Both markers and watercolors can be used. However, in the past two years, he has used software for coloring.

Of course, if someone can help with coloring, he should also be more relaxed.

"Will you use CS?"

"Yes!" Liu Ruoxing nodded quickly.

"Well. First handle the school matters, and then come over and let Liu Rui take you to practice the basic skills. Work is no more than at school, the task is very heavy, and no one can do it for you."

"Yes... Teacher, I passed?" Liu Ruoxing said with joy.

"No, a two-month trial period. I will make an evaluation based on your progress rate."

Liu Ruoxing is different from Zhang Ziyue. Zhang Ziyue belongs to an already experienced assistant, and her painting skills are also good, which can relieve his pressure to a great extent. As for Liu Ruoxing, it is not too much to say that she is a rookie. Therefore, there must be a certain period of inspection.

In addition, young people are easy to float, and there is an internship period, which can also let her calm down and focus on basic skills.

"Yeah." Liu Ruoxing put away his smile and nodded seriously.

Seeing Liu Rui taking Liu Ruoxing away, Shen Xin also thought about the usefulness of several people.

In the drawing of comics, the background is the most complicated and time-consuming. Now with Zhang Ziyue and Gao Hang, the progress should be doubled. Liu Rui and Hang Jian are more responsible for drawing effect lines, putting paper on the Internet, and blacking out. As for Liu Ruoxing, it is a bit complicated.

Her coloring is very good, but her basic skills are not solid. Look at how far she can progress in these two months.

"How did you find Liu Ruoxing?" Shen Xin looked at Wang Wenhong in confusion.

"I didn't look for it deliberately, just saw an email accidentally. She said that she was an illustrator. I thought it was the kind with a high level of painting skills. After reading her manuscript, she found that she was lacking in drawing, but the light and shadow processing. It’s pretty good with color matching. The studio also needs such a person. You can’t do everything by yourself. Moreover, compared with other assistants, she has another advantage. She is very proficient with computers. Ps, Sai, CS, etc. Art-related software can be used, which is better than others."

Wang Wenhong glanced at Liu Ruoxing, but saw that Liu Rui found a drawing board, handed her the drawing paper and pencil, and asked her to practice the alignment.

Liu Ruoxing didn't say anything, and took the pen and paper readily.

"Let's take a look first? Anyway, there is a two-month inspection period." Shen Xin explained.

The addition of Zhang Ziyue and Liu Ruoxing made the studio lively, especially Liu Ruoxing, who brought some relaxed atmosphere when eating or resting, which was lacking in the studio before.

But the shortcomings of the two are also obvious. Zhang Ziyue has never used a digital display, and Liu Ruoxing is weak in the basics.

If the strengths of two people can be added to one person, it would be much better, but even if there are such talents, they are not necessarily willing to come over.

Liu Ruoxing is a single girl, and Wang Wenhong can only find her a single room nearby. Zhang Ziyue's residence is not far from the studio, and Shen Xin asked Wang Wenhong to cover part of the accommodation fee.

During this period of time, Shen Xin will still pay but Liu Ruoxing will receive slightly less money due to the internship period.

For Shen Xin, all this money is a trivial mess, but he will not spend the money in vain—after the magazine resumes, no one can lose the chain.

The 40-page guarantee per week is easy to say, but those who have worked in this industry know that the workload is huge.

Fortunately, there is still time to run in. These people spend more than 12 hours holding a paintbrush every day. Although the serialization has not yet started, the workload of each person is not less.

Liu Ruoxing's basic skills are not good, but fortunately, people are more diligent. After leaving school and officially joining the studio, she has more daily workloads than others, which has also changed Shen Xin's impression of her.

Every time Xi Muhan passed the first floor, he couldn't help but look at him. In her words, the workload of these people was greater than that of Lu Ning and the others.

"The requirements are different... Orochi is still urging the drawings?" Shen Xin explained.

Xi Muhan nodded. She also understood Shen Xin's difficulties. She was certain that after the reissue of "Steel Refining", he would be busier than before.

"You must pay attention to your body, are you still sick now?" Xi Muhan said uneasy.

"Well...that's why Brother Wang found two more people." Shen Xin explained.

"How is the effect?"

"So far, the effect looks pretty good. I am also waiting for news from "ComicFuture"." Shen Xin stretched out.

After being discharged from the hospital last time, Shen Xin did not go to the hospital for a short while. After three weeks of recuperation, his left arm was no longer a serious problem, but he couldn't get enough energy. On the one hand, his arm had not fully recovered. There are some shadows from the arm injury. It is estimated that it will take a while to recover to the same as before.

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