My Cartoonist Guide

Chapter 674: Come to an end

"Steelmaking 03" and "Steelmaking FA" should be said to be the pinnacle of BONES.

"03" is the best-selling animation of BONES, and "FA" is the comic with the highest evaluation. Especially in the West, "FA" ranks among the top three in the ratings of many 11-zone animations.

Since the early stage and the "03" plot are the same, the progress of "FA" in the early stage is very fast, and the rhythm of "Fa" only stabilized after the death of Luster.

The excellent music, coupled with the high-quality storyboard, made the entire animation known as "the masterpiece" by many viewers and readers.

In "FA", the combination of the ending theme and the plot is often very clever. One of them is when Edward opened the "door of truth" and yelled "I must come back to pick you up" at Alphonse's body. , "Letitout" sounded.

In addition, there is an interlude where the gods enter, that is, the background music "rain" sounded when Hoinheim died.

When meeting Shoji Uno, Shen Xin wanted to tell Shoji how to make this plot. But then I thought that Chuang Si Uno was a professional, so I thought that he could also handle the plot well.

Therefore, Shen Xin is looking forward to how Chuang Si Uno will produce this plot.

When the TV was turned on, the animation of "Steel Refining" had already begun, and it was rare for the entire studio to gather around the TV to watch this episode of animation.

"Father" was defeated, and Edward brought Alphons back at the expense of his own door of truth.

The others were hospitalized for recuperation. Only Hoinheim returned to his wife’s grave and sat cross-legged.

Wen Li's grandmother came to Hoinheim, but found him smiling and leaving the world.

The next moment the picture switched, a white dove flew above Koselkses.

"I feel in my heart that meeting you and the child is the greatest happiness of my life, allowing me to spend a very fulfilling life, but I still don't want to die..."

The vigorous music sounded, and the melodious singing came from the TV.

This song is in English, and it sounds very sad. It makes Shen Xin, who has watched "Steel Refined FA", a fresh feeling.

"This ed hasn't appeared before?" Gao Hang heard this song, surprised.

"There are also pictures on TV, it seems to be a review of Hoinheim's life?" Liu Ruoxing explained.

Shen Xin nodded and matched this tune. The screen showed Hoinheim’s life journey, from slave number 23 to meeting the villain in a bottle, to the destruction of Xerxes, the journey to a new country, and The wife met, witnessed the birth of the Elric brothers, together with the sons, fought against the "sir father"...

Scenes after scenes appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Steelmaking FA" has a similar plot in this plot, but it is less in length and its level of detail cannot be compared with this version.

Hearing the soothing and melodious music, and watching Hoinheim's life review, Shen Xin was in touch for a long time.

At this moment, a small hand was placed gently on the back of his hand.

Shen Xin turned his head, but saw Xi Muhan's eyes watching TV with moist eyes. Although there were no tears, his eyes were already flushed.

Ed is over, but the animation is not over.

Between the big tree and the house burned by the fire, a woman looked into the distance.

Hoinheim stepped on the grass and came to his wife, "Hi..."

"Huh? Why are you here?" The wife was a little surprised when she saw Hoinheim. "I clearly said that I will die with the children and fail to keep promises."

"It's you who didn't keep the promise first." Hohenheim looked at his wife, full of doting.


"By the way, Edward called me'daddy', but just added the word'jerk' in front. They used a method that even I didn't expect to recover, and they made a lot of friends and wept for them. People... our mission is over."

Hoinheim and his wife looked at each other, looking at each other affectionately, holding their hands tightly together...

This plot is part of the "Steel Refining" comic. After Shen Xin drew it, it was handed over to the production team. They did not expect that they would put this plot at the end of the episode.

Shen Xin was very satisfied with the handling of this episode. Orochi's production level and Shoji Uno's ability are reflected in this episode.

Before Shen Xin could express emotion, Xi Muhan hugged him tightly, buried his head in his arms, and his body trembled slightly. Shen Xin patted her back, hoping that her mood would calm down.

Liu Rui and Liu Ruoxing, who were sitting on the side, were also tearful eyes. After the TV ended, they still could not get out of the TV.

"Well, "Steel Refining"... is over..." Shen Xin said softly.

"It's over..."

Gao Hang was taken aback, watching Shen Xin, tears streaming down instantly.

It took him nearly 5 years to draw "Steel Refining". He didn't feel much at first, but after seeing this episode, thinking of the past few years and the difference from "Steel Refining", he felt very heartfelt. Sad, tears flowed down.

"Okay, in the future, we will create more good works. "Y’s" is also very exciting, and "DN" is also very exciting. So, everyone work hard together." Shen Xin comforted.

Gao Hang nodded repeatedly, took out a piece of paper, and wiped his tears.

There are not a few viewers like Gao Hang who have watched this episode in tears.

Many people have read comics, but when they saw Hoinheim’s past and heard sad music, tears flowed out of disobedience, as if a familiar person had left the world.

After this episode of animation was over, the forum initiated a large-scale discussion, especially the forum, which almost took the server out of the huge amount of posts and views.

Various posts appeared on the forums of

Some readers post to express their feelings, others post to commemorate "Gang Lian", others write long posts commenting "Gang Lian" comics, and others have compiled a timetable for the story of "Gang Lian".

At the same time, there is a post asking another question, what is the name of the ED in this episode, because it has never appeared in "Steel Making".

Since there are no subtitles at the end of the film, no one knows.

Orochi is a company in District 11. For related news, you can only leave a message on orochi's official Twitter.

In response to the readers' inquiries, Orochi kept silent, but Wan Xia released a video. Only then did everyone realize that this song was actually the op of "Gang Lian Wu Shuang".

"Gang Lian Wu Shuang" is still in production and is expected to be released next year. This is also an interaction between the two works.

After this episode was broadcast, "Steel Refining" has become more popular in China and 11 districts. Omi’s score has also increased, with an average score approaching 9.5 points. It temporarily ranked first in China and 11 districts animation .

Two-dimensional forums on the Internet, whether domestic or overseas, once again maxed out "Steel Refining", as if to commemorate the end of this "sacred work".

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