My Cartoonist Guide

~: "Steelmaking" serial

As the largest comic book store in Hongchuan, Jiman cooperates very closely with "icfuture".

Before the release of the 27th issue of "icfuture", there were advertisements for "Steel Refining" at the gates and in the bookstores, plus the screen above the listing sign, and the publicity on forums, letting many readers know that, The new series of "Steel Making" will be published soon.

"Icfuture" had just been sold, and Shen Xin's book fans couldn't wait to rush into Jiman, and bought this issue of the magazine as soon as possible.

"The "Fullmetal Alchemist" is here!" A reader took a photo of the cover page of "Steel Refining" on the Internet and posted it to the forum.

"What are you talking about? Is it interesting?"

"Damn it! If it weren't for class, I would have bought it too. Now I have to wait until school to buy it again."

"Upstairs, you don't have to go. When school is over, it's probably gone."

"Impossible. I bought all of this year's "icfuture". The most difficult thing to grab was the magazine of the year before. "Hire of Goss", "Dragon King" and "Hunting Abyss" were all in the climax plot and couldn't be bought at all."

"Do you think there is any difference between this issue and the previous one? "Steel Refining", "The Legend of the Dragon King" and "Hunting Abyss" were serialized at the same time, and "Steel Refining" is still the first episode. You don't need to think about it. Nothing."

"I remember, this is the first episode of "Steel Refining". No, my stomach hurts. I have to ask the teacher for leave."


Taking Jiman Bookstore as an example, the sales volume of "icfuture" has improved a lot, but it is still not as popular as the previous year.

The staff of the bookstore knows this well, the paper comics are already in a bottleneck period, and it is difficult to make a big breakthrough.

Even if "icfuture" has smashed a lot of advertising costs, it may not be able to rise to 60 million copies.

On the second day, the number of readers who bought "icfuture" did not decrease significantly, and sales throughout the day were almost the same as the first day. This was a surprise to many people in the industry.

Those who have really read this issue of the magazine know that "Steel Making" plays a very important role in it.

This is not to say that "Steel Refining" has the ability to turn the tide, but because some readers will buy the booklets of comics. If "icfuture" has only a few comics that are good, it may be enough for a few people to write one.

If there are more comics available in the magazine, readers who "make do" may buy the magazine.

"Steel Refining" just made this group of people make up their minds to buy "icfuture".

Shen Xin's exquisite painting style, other comics in "icfuture", and the story of "Steel Refining" need not be said too much, it is very beautiful in itself. Although it is the style of the Western world, these are not problems in the face of the wonderful plot.

Chinese movies are also usually introduced in European and American blockbusters, many of which are big sellers, but readers have a certain understanding of the West. Therefore, even though there are cultural differences, readers can understand the settings in "Steel Making".

"I thought it was so profound? It doesn't seem to matter."

"The laws of'equivalent exchange' appearing in it are somewhat like the'law of conservation of mass'."

"'Equivalent exchange' emphasizes exchange more, right?"

"But isn't human body refining also equivalent exchange?"

"When you think about it, you can understand that it is impossible for the human body to be successful in training. Everyone is in different conditions and the body composition is different. Even if the height and weight are the same, the fat and muscle content are not consistent. According to the equivalent exchange rule, it is very possible to practice. Make other creatures, not humans."

"Some are refining into formations. It is impossible to refine other creatures under the effect of refining into formations."

"No. Taking chemistry as an example, the instruments, experimental environment, and energy that are replaced by arrays, the same experiment, multiple verifications, the results may still be biased. Relying on arrays alone should not be able to make complex creatures."

"A few upstairs, don't bring the real world into the comics. If everything is linked to reality, the author can't create it."

"You are right, haha, just seeing experiments and scientists will inevitably be connected with reality."

The online discussion of "Steel Refining" goes beyond the plot of the story.

The concepts in the first chapter also aroused the curiosity of readers.

Since there are indeed content such as alchemy and the tree of life in reality, some readers have begun to try to sort out the background of "Steel Refining" after reading it.

People who are curious about "Steel Refining" are far more than ordinary readers.

After the 27th issue of "icfuture" was sold, Ye Hexu got the magazine as soon as possible.

He read the sample magazine when it first came out, and now he saw the officially sold version, and he was even more excited. He even picked up a pen and drew a few sketches several times and compared it with Edward Shen's drawing. , And then helplessly shook his head.

"Ms. Shen's beginning is good. It doesn't seem to be the first story at all, but it's like a certain sentence in a comic... The comics are also very good. What's more clever is that he throws many settings away through an event. Come out. I also like the narrative style of the comics. Hee hee... Teacher Shen really didn't make me look forward to it in vain."

Ye Hexu touched his chin, his face was red.

"Teacher, the start of this comic looks pretty good... Can Teacher Shen hit the list?" an assistant asked.

"It will definitely hit the list. First of all, the 4o page length of a story is a great advantage for "icfuture". What's more, this is the work of Teacher Shen. The word'Shen Zheng' will give you a good "Steeling" this work has a bonus. In addition, this style of comics is also very pleasing.

"Although the topic you are talking about is very heavy, haven't you seen it? In the first chapter, a lot of humorous techniques are used, using the character's stick figure to mediate the depressive atmosphere of the comics, and readers will not feel too dull when reading. ."

"But, why... If the theme of the first chapter is'life', it should be done to make some preparations to lower the atmosphere of the story. I always feel that only a touching plot can create a classic." The assistant said his own. understanding.

"You're right." Ye Hexu nodded. "Now, what do you think of that comic when you look back at "Hire of Chess"?"

""The Soul of Chess"?"

Isn't that Shen Xin's upper work?

"Classic...yes, it's a classic."

"What is the most classic plot?"

"Uh... it should be Zuwei's departure." the assistant thought back.

"Do you know how many people abandon "Hire of Go" because of Zuowei's departure?"

The assistant was dumb.

"If you want to become a classic, you must have a classic plot. Tragedy is undoubtedly the best way. But it also suffers from the loss of readers. To apply the content of "Steel Refining", this is the'law of equivalence'. Some works, ordinary People know that they are classics because they have been verified by time, but these people still don't want to read them. Why? Because they don't want to read certain plots in the book.

"After all, comics are commercial comics, and the purpose is to get more readers to pay. Therefore, even if there are heavy content, we must take care of the readers’ feelings as much as possible and process them in some way. Or, cut it quickly. Chaos, use the shortest space to describe this matter, or add'flavoring' to make the'taste' of the comics not so'bitter'." Ye Hexu explained.


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