My Cell Prison

v10 Chapter 2050: 1st prisoner

Remember [] for a second,!

Containment complete

Connector. Carmistin's connection to the real world is largely severed.

The 'flesh' that stepped under Sally's feet was also completely disintegrated, turning into a large amount of unowned mucus, filling the mucus pool in the depths of the devil's cave.

These mucus are important research materials for Han Dong.

With the rotating source vortex emerging from the palm,

Directly **** up all the mucus here and store it in the big vat that the doctor has already prepared.

After finishing everything, Han Dong stretched his arms, a rare excitement overflowing his body.

" prison is finally open.

The first prisoner is also a perfect fit, both for testing the stability of the prison and as the perfect experimental tool to squeeze a certain amount of adhesive every day.

It is hoped that her connection with the Queen can be cut off through 'cleaning methods'.

Even if it can't be completely cut off, at least she needs to cut off her loyalty and ensure that she will serve in the prison wholeheartedly.

If it really doesn't work, it can only be thrown into the septic tank (source liquid) for root cleaning.

I have to say, my luck is really good... This woman was restrained by me everywhere, and she was contained before she could show her due strength. .

That way, I have extra time and energy to do other things. "

Although Han Dong had great confidence before the war,

But I didn't expect it to be so smooth, and it can even be said to "easy" to win this middle-level battle,

The root cause is.

The queen's adjutant, the linker-Kamistin, was completely restrained by Han Dong in almost every aspect, whether it was attributes, abilities or body form.

Her unique 'connecting slime', which spreads out through the field, can greatly limit the enemy's actions, and even cause it.


The mucus that Han Dong has ever been in contact with is far above this.

Whether it is Mr. M's modeling fluid, or the source fluid that the entire s-01 is afraid of,

Han Dong, who had traveled to the Demon Outer Domain and received a full baptism of the source fluid and integrated its characteristics, was completely unaffected when the adhesive of Carmistin was removed, just like a body lotion.

As for the spiritual level,

Han Dong has been specializing in spirituality since the very beginning.

The attribute of mad laughter is even more recognized by the master of chaos, and no second similar attribute can be found in the abyss of chaos... On the spiritual level, Han Dong is not afraid of any individual of the same rank.


Even Han Dong himself didn't think of it,

The mental level displayed by the crazy laughter can actually directly crush the median existence... directly break the opponent's will to fight and flee.

"It was amazing..."

Han Dong looked leisurely, sitting beside the slime pool, occasionally making grotesque laughter.

Sally followed,

Sitting on the edge of the pond, rocking her long black silk legs up and down,

"Don't we need to go out and support humanity?"

Han Dong reached out and poked his brain,

"No hurry... It's better to take a break.

I still have some things that need to be verified and dealt with. Miss Carmistin, who was imprisoned, is a "derivative product" and needs to be properly adjusted before she can cut off her contact with the original owner.


As long as the head of the Holy City is there, the out-of-control group can't make much noise. "


Because of Carmistin's containment,

【Connecting Devil's Nest】is no longer restrictive,

The restraint and adhesion that occurred on Abel and Mia were all removed, and they regained their mobility and immediately rushed down to check the situation.

When they came to the bottom of the cave,

What caught my eye was a docile black goat girl, sitting obediently beside Han Dong.

There was no tension at the end of the fierce battle at all, on the contrary, it seemed a little warm.

Although Mia failed to fully recognize Han Dong's true identity,

But when I saw this scene, I felt an indescribable sense of loss.

【Prison World】

Carmistin came here through containment procedures,

When the gray tentacles covered her head, she was already training her consciousness, infusing it with the identity of a prisoner.

Since the grade is median,

Directly sent to the inner layer of the ring prison, her face was hooked by multiple world chains, and she was imprisoned in the secret room.


According to the original records of b.b.c, the designer is building the most suitable cell for Carmistin.

At the same time, the main body consciousness of the warden Han Dong came in person.

The uninterrupted laughter traveled directly to her brain along the chains of the world, while also quietly conveying the words of training.

half an hour passed

Han Dong walked out of the cell,

Dr. Swollen has been waiting at the door for a long time. From his constantly wriggling brain, it can be seen that the Doctor can't wait to get this median-level experimental body.

"Lord, the source pool is ready... If necessary, root cleaning can be carried out."

"No need, I've already trained almost.

Although her reverence for the queen still exists, and she even retains some connections, her heart has surrendered to me.

I myself have no idea about the true origin of these skull girls,

The highest level of containment between b.b.c, the danger exists between committees, [Queen of Innocence] is very interested,

Keep some contact with the queen, which should be useful in the future... I have a hunch that maybe I can sit down and have a good talk with the queen. "

"This! Lord... You have already provoked two high-ranking people on the out-of-control side. If this is not negotiated, there will be three high-ranking people staring at you at the same time.

Would it be too risky? "

"It depends on the situation~ I will naturally grasp it.

Doctor, come in with me to see this cranial girl, and if you can, let her go to the lab to help. "

"Ah~ okay."

Dr. Swollen is still quite guilty,

If there is no Han Dong, he would not dare to control the median existence.

【In the cell】

The doctor carefully followed Han Dong into the cell for a moment.


Hearing the sound of chains tightening up, the doctor quickly took a step back.

However, nothing was approaching in front of him.

The chain is straightened,

It was because Carmiestin felt the arrival of Han Dong, UU reading www. instinctively shrank to the deepest part of the cell.

There was endless fear in her pupils, and her absolute obedience to Han Dong, the warden, did not dare to have any heretical thoughts at all.

"Carmistin, you have been permanently detained and deprived of all rights of liberty for the felony of invading the Holy City.

At the same time, they will also be subject to different levels of torture and criminal law.

However, I will give you a chance to 'makeover'.

During the next captivity, as long as you seriously obey the management of Dr. Swollen and provide a sufficient amount of adhesive, you can consider reducing your punishment.

It will even give you some freedom. "

"I am willing... I am willing to cooperate!"

"Well, let's sign the contract.

Dr. Swelling is your new master. "

A soul contract woven by pale yellow tentacles was made by Han Dong and thrown to the head.

The other party didn't think about it at all, and branded it with his tongue.