My Chaos City

Chapter 185: Force me to grab the boss

Some robbery.

In the end, Li Hanqiang grabbed a lot of gold coins, as well as a [Binding Token] and [Gem Canyon Summoning Gem Two].

[Binding Token] is a protection item. Li Hanqiang has drawn it in the rewards of defending the city. After use, he can bind a defense tower or building so that it will not be destroyed by system punishment.

Li Hanqiang at that time protected [Yaoshan Cave House], and now he has got another piece, and immediately used it. Naturally, he protected [Bibo Lake].

As for [Gem Canyon Canyon Summoning Gems No. 2], there is no difference between the attribute information of [Gem Canyon Canyon Summoning Gems One], and the two are only slightly different in color.

"It's a bit poor!"

Li Hanqiang shook his head, but he also knew that compared to other players, his gains were already good.

In fact, at this time in the second canyon, there were the most complaints. More than 90% of the players were spectators throughout the process, but some players dug up the ore in this canyon.

The nPc in Canyon No. 2 was also severely injured. [Black Shark] After the real body fled, some nPc with treatment methods began to exert their means and began to heal their companions.

Mu Tianxing, Wei Pingsheng and other senior nPc gathered in a group and held a meeting with heavy security.

Li Hanqiang fought to be a "relationship household" and approached a few. I wanted to hear what these nPc leaders said, but this time it was not possible. A guard with a golden sword did not allow him to approach.

At this time Li Hanqiang noticed that in this group of advanced nPc, there was actually a [vanguard commander Wan Changlong] whose level was 120 and his military rank was young.

This Wan Changlong is undoubtedly the supreme commander of the Xuanlong Empire camp in this gem valley.

Soon, these high-level nPCs seemed to negotiate the results and led their teams to disperse.

A regional announcement soon sounded: "The commander of the Xuanlong Empire Pioneer will lead the team to support the Gem Society's No. 7 Canyon and No. 8 Canyon. All players of the Xuanlong Empire camp can join the team!"

Li Hanqiang also wanted to join the team, but was very depressed and found it impossible!

Mu Tianxing was repatriated to the rear to be a defending general, while Zuo Shanglong was transferred to the guarding of No. 1 Canyon, and Wei Pingsheng was responsible for guarding No. 2 Canyon.

Without the protection of these three generals, other nPc did not recognize him at all. Although he would not actively attack him, he would not protect him.

There are still six bosses in the Gem Canyon, and Li Hanqiang doesn't want to give up. He thinks a little bit about it, and can only do it alone.

Seeing that the vanguard commander set off with a large number of nPc soldiers and players, Li Hanqiang shook his head and sighed, but took out the topographic map and checked it by himself.

In the topographic map, the eight canyons in the Gem Canyon are eight veins, like the eight feet of a crab, connecting a large valley in the center. Canyons 3 and 4 are in the range of the Dragon Empire, Canyons 5 and 6 are in the range of Star Dragon, and Canyons 7 and 8 are close to the position of the Gem Society.

The valley originally belonged to the "residence of the Corps of Destruction", but now it has changed and was divided by the Xuanlong Empire.

In order to lead the large troops to support Canyon No. 7, the pioneer commander had to travel through the valley, and the journey was not short. From the topographic map, the closest to Canyon No. 2, except Canyon No. 1, is Canyon No. 3.

"The strength of the three empires should be about the same. Now, Canyon No.1 and No.2 have been broken by the Xuanlong Empire. If you want to come to No.3, No.4, No.5, and No.6, it will not last long. luck?"

With a little thought, Li Hanqiang made up his mind. He drove the throne of Canjing through Canyon No. 2 and flew directly to Canyon No. 3.

Li Hanqiang chatted with Master Ling, and flew for more than ten minutes after leaving No. 2 Canyon. I didn't see many players, but saw a lot of monsters.

The monsters in this gem canyon are also unique. They all exist alone, as if they are gem statues, glittering, and they are more gorgeous in appearance, never get together, and they are all elite monsters.

Li Hanqiang was alone, and there was no way to take these elite blame, but to let it go.

At this time, Li Hanqiang suddenly saw a group of players from the Demon Empire Empire. They were besieging a level 40 Boss monster. It was an emerald rhino, which was twice as large as an ordinary rhino, just like a green gem. The body is shining with light, and it looks very thick. Today, about one tenth of the life is left.

"What's going on with these players? Instead of killing Super Boss in the Canyon, but come to this Valley to kill Little Boss!"

Li Hanqiang was curious and stopped to hurry, watching from a distance.

The emerald rhino is just an ordinary wild boss, far from the power of the super boss. That team of twelve players, seemingly all masters, long-range, melee, meat shield, output, auxiliary, nurse, all have! It is fully equipped, and it seems that there is no problem in winning the emerald rhino.

"This is a guild team." Li Hanqiang said silently, trying to get around, but saw that an archer and a mage were separated from the team, they said nothing, just went straight Attacked Li Hanqiang.

"Go away if you don't want to die!"

"Want to grab Boss? Seek death!"

The two still shouted coldly at Li Hanqiang.

Li Hanqiang's eyebrows frowned. He had never thought of grabbing a boss before. He didn't want to take such a small boss.

But after being hit by a small fireball and a long arrow, Li Hanqiang was a little upset, and took out a swig and yelled, "Know who I am?"

The archer and mage continued to attack Li Hanqiang, and the mage shouted again, "regard who you are! Hurry up!"

"So arrogant!" Li Hanqiang squinted his eyes and suddenly controlled the throne of Canjing to hang in midair, gesturing behind the two men and yelling, "Look, airplane!"


"What plane?"

The two players turned their heads and looked empty, and immediately realized that Li Hanqiang had been coaxed by him, but they turned around and turned into a "bright arrow" in one person!

"Abominable, such a low-level trick!" The mage player was furious, and immediately threw [Icethorn] to Li Hanqiang.

The archer player also shot [Lianzhu Arrow] at Li Hanqiang.

Li Hanqiang quickly fled, his face chuckled, and said, "People don't commit me, I still have to be a prisoner, and attack me once I get up, but I can't blame me for it, this is forcing me to grab the boss!"

Relying on the energy protection outside him, he drove the throne of Canjing and rushed directly to the group of players. With a pinch of his sword, he had already begun [Liuli Sword Formation].

Uh ...

Forty-nine mouthfuls of colorful glazed swords quickly emerged from the sheath, circling around Li Hanqiang, and then formed a bright stream of swords, breaking directly into the battle between those players and the emerald rhino.

Li Hanqiang didn't want to grab the monster, but just breathed out. He didn't expect that the timing was just right. Although 49 colorful glass swords failed to kill the player ~ ~, he took away the emerald rhino.

With a flash of gold on his body, Li Hanqiang upgraded, and he was promoted to level 9!

At the same time, there is another binding item that automatically enters his storage space, which is actually a [Skill Enhancement Gem]!

Li Hanqiang quickly recalled the colorful glass sword, closed the sword array, and ran straight.

"Damn, who are you? Do you know who we are? How dare we rob us!"

"Wait a minute, this seven cǎibǎo seat ..."

"Isn't this guy Tu Longhan Li Hanqiang! There is a screenshot of him on lùntán, and he was notified on the full service!"

"Tully Li Hanqiang!"

"How come he came here!"

The players were so angry that they yelled at Li Hanqiang's back and chased after him. Li Hanqiang did not turn back at all. 7