My Clone is Really Strong Enough To Explode

Chapter 28: Actual combat talk & action!

"Not yet."

   "Have you ever thought about actual combat?"

   "Actual combat?" Zhao Hua grasped the hilt of the knife under his consciousness.


   Xin Zhengping's tone was a little solemn: "It is impossible to grow into a strong man without experiencing a real life-and-death battle!"

   pointed at the virtual building: "Virtual reality is fake even if it looks real!"

   then pointed to Zhao Huazhi's heart: "Your heart will always tell yourself that this is not true!"

   "Have you discovered that in a virtual space, you can remain calm even in the face of great danger?"

   Recalling the experience of the Budo Tower, Zhao Huazhi nodded slowly.

"Because you know that all this is virtual! Not real! In the subconscious, you will treat it as a game! The Budo Tower can test a person's normal ability, but it can't test your limit! The moment of life and death, you No one knows how much power can burst out!"

"For example, last year, a friend of my armed police went to the mountains to arrest a fugitive. He was on the sixth floor of the qi state, and the fugitive was on the second floor of the qi state. Everyone thought that the fugitive was not my friend’s opponent. He came forward and arrested him alone."

   Zhao Huazhi raised his ears.

"The battle went smoothly at first, but after ten rounds, the fugitive was seriously injured and was about to lose combat effectiveness. My friend was about to admit him. Unexpectedly, the fugitive suddenly exploded with great power, knocking my friend into a coma and breaking ten times. A few bones, they recovered after lying down for a month!"

"The reversal was too fast at the time, and the other people hadn't reacted before it happened. Although the fugitive was arrested and brought to justice, and his cultivation level was abolished, I still taught my friend a lesson. The actual combat must not be underestimated. Opponent, even if it seems there is no threat to you!"

"Later, my friend told me about this, and I was surprised for a long time, because whether it was from the realm, combat experience or martial arts mastery, my friend was much better than the fugitive, and as a result, something like this would happen, which is unexpected! "

  Zhao Huazhi was a little confused: "How big is the gap between the second and sixth levels of the Naqi Realm? Actually everyone thinks that they will win?"

   Xin Zhengping stretched out a finger and gestured: "The second floor of the Na Qi state is still in the entrainment period, and the energy that can be used in the body is no more than the thickness of the index finger!"

   The other hand showed his wrist, and the fingers of the wrist were close together: "The sixth floor is already in the Qi gathering stage, and it is the late stage! There are nine cyclones composed of the energy of the wrist!"

Put your hands down: "Back then, I read a paper published in the Shanghai Academic Forum. The topic was a study on the gap between the air-entraining period and the air-gathering period. It came to a conclusion: the most ordinary person, air-entraining. The energy in the dantian between the third level of the stage and the first level of the qi gathering stage is nearly a hundred times different in terms of quantity!"

   "From this, it can be inferred that the difference between my friend and the fugitive is nearly a thousand times as far as the energy in the body is concerned! Moreover, the cyclone can also increase the speed and intensity of martial arts..."

   "So it's really hard to imagine that the fugitive can win!" Zhao Huazhi thoughtfully.

   Xin Zhengping continued: "Later, I thought about it, but I had to explain the outbreak at birth and death!"

   "What is the purpose of my talking about this? The purpose is to tell you that only by experiencing real actual combat and experiencing the wandering between life and death, can you fully stimulate your potential!"

   patted Zhao Huazhi's arm: "You are very talented, I don't think you should be buried, I hope you can become stronger! It's not a simple realm, a strong martial arts, but a strong heart!"

   "If you want to be the pinnacle, you must be strong without dead ends, so strong that no one is far inferior to you in any respect! Don't leave any flaws!"


   Zhao Huazhi was silent for a while, then raised his head and looked directly at Xin Zhengping’s eyes, categorically: "Then, Teacher Xin! I want to become stronger inside! What advice do you have?"

   Xin Zhengping smiled, as if seeing a hot sunrise on Zhao Huazhi!

   "Because you only have the holiday period, you have two choices! You can be a non-staff member of the armed police force and fight with fugitives in your realm! Or take the mission of the martial arts center to go to the mountains and fight the beasts!"

   Zhao Huazhi lifted his chin: "One is with people and the other is with beasts! What are the advantages and disadvantages?"

"I have a friend in the Armed Police Force, and you will have some guarantee for your life and death! The martial arts center accepts the task, and you have to rely on yourself. On the way to do the task, the danger you encounter is not only from the beast, but also from the human!" Xin Zhengping's voice was a little low.

   Zhao Huazhi was a little surprised: "People? I always thought that the security of our country is very good!"

   Xin Zhengping shook his head: "That's in the city! In the wilderness, everything can happen in the inaccessible places!"

   "Besides..." Xin Zhengping didn't say the following words, but shook his head again.

   Zhao Huazhi suddenly said: "It seems to be similar to the previous life! Darkness remains under the light. In a peaceful age, someone is always carrying the burden for us..."

   Thinking of this, Zhao Huazhi became a little firm: "Teacher! I have decided!"


   "In the early stage, I went to the armed police force first! When I have experienced actual combat and have experience, I want to try to take the mission of the martial arts center! This is the best plan I thought of!"

Xin Zhengping was a little surprised: "Yes! Not bad! I didn't act recklessly with a passion! I didn't indulge in a safe zone and set limits for myself! I have a head and a brain! Now I am more and more sure that you can break through to one person. Unimaginable realm!"

   "Go! I will take you to my friend now!"


   "Have you decided?" asked a man dressed like a butler.

   "I have decided!" Wang Yuanliang nodded heavily.

   "Even if there is no one to **** you?"

   "If I die there, it means that my equipment is not enough!" Wang Yuanliang stood up, "It is not worthy of family training!"

   "If I can come back alive, I must be qualified to get what I want!" Putting on the backpack and grabbing the knife, Wang Yuanliang turned his back to the man.

   opened the door of the apartment and walked out.

   Looking at Wang Yuanliang's back, the man said softly: "If you can come back alive, you will be there in the sequence!"


   The third grade, nine-layer body quenching, Wang Yuan.

   looked back at the quaint gate of the school, with a hearty smile: "When I come back, I will win the championship on behalf of you!"


  Dakong clan, family land.

   Liu Yifan pushed open the gate of the basement.

   looked at the shining sun behind him, and slowly walked into the darkness.

   The day when I return, it will be the rise of the Liu family!


   Bo Guzhou.

   deep in the dense forest.

   Wu Qi grabbed a skewer of barbecue to bite, and the corpses of various beasts were scattered around.

   After eating, he raised his hand and glanced at the communicator.

   There are still two months!

   Geniuses from other states are waiting for me!


   Fulong Daofu.

   Budo Education Center.

   "The next Interstate Budo Contest is about to arrive in two months, I wonder if there are any good seedlings!" A young man looked forward to it.

"I didn't say it! Compared to our Taoist government, the energy of the state below is too low, it is difficult to have any genius! Even if there is, even if he is allowed to practice here until June, it will be difficult to meet the requirements of the national competition!" The other young woman shook her head.

   "There will always be something! If not, it will be hard for us this year!" The young man still holds hope.

   "If you have time to think about this, it's better to instruct your students! At that time, if there are insufficient staff, we can still top it!" A strong man walked in.

   The two closed their mouths and began to pack their things.


   Set the new city armed police brigade.

   Xin Zhengping opened the door and walked in with Zhao Huazhi.

   came to an office.

   "Old Zhou!" Xin Zhengping shouted at a man at the desk.

   Zhao Huazhi glanced at the sign on the table: Zhou Tong, captain of the first detachment of the Armed Police Brigade.

   "Old Xin! What brings you here?" Zhou Tong raised his head and saw that Xin Zhengping laughed.