My Clone is Really Strong Enough To Explode

Chapter 60: I will call you Xin Chaoxuan from now on

   "Do you know what this is?"

   Zhao Huazhi raised his hand and exposed the communicator.

   "Heh! The bracelet is nothing! Although the material is special and the shape is peculiar, no matter how it changes, it is just a kind of bracelet! In my age, only women would wear this thing!" Skeleton said with disdain.

   The corners of Zhao Huazhi's mouth rose.

   "This is called a communicator! Do you know what it can do?"

   "哧! Communicator? Is it possible to contact others? Oh, changing the name will not change the fact that it is a bracelet! Sissy!" Skeleton sneered.

   Zhao Huazhi did not argue with him either.

   Light up the communicator silently, find the contact, choose Xin Zhengping, and call it!

   "Beep-beep-" the line sounded.

"...You want to conceal Cong Saiming, you want evil to accumulate misfortunes, you are acting alone! We are not worthy, we are in love with the scene, we say nothing! Waku thunder..."

   The passionate rap sounded.

   "What is this? The bracelet can make a sound! There are pictures! Is this a new song form?" Skeleton was surprised and inexplicably asked.

   Before Zhao Huazhi could answer, Xin Zhengping connected.

   "Zhao Huazhi? Why did your kid think of calling me? I heard that you have already started the second step of the experience?"

  As soon as they were connected, Xin Zhengping's words came from the communicator.

   "Teacher! I encountered a strange thing, I want your help, let's connect to the video!" Zhao Huazhi's tone was serious, he clicked on the video option, and waited for Xin Zhengping's approval.

   "Okay!" Hearing Zhao Huazhi's serious voice, Xin Zhengping did not dare to start video communication.

   Zhao Huazhi flipped the communicator and aimed it at the inside of the small temple.

"Boy! Can you really contact people outside?" Skeleton panicked, and then seemed to comfort himself, "Huh! Impossible! I have set a ban for a hundred miles here, even after so many years. There is also a range of a hundred feet, no matter what kind of sound transmission will not succeed!"

   "Oh! Zhao Huazhi, you found an ancient skeleton! It's still an ancient skeleton trapped by a treasure! This thing is really rare!" Xin Zhengping was surprised when he saw the situation in the small temple from the video.

   "Teacher, what is an ancient skeleton?" Zhao Huazhi asked.

   "As the name suggests, it is the bones of ancient times. The ancient times here refer to two hundred years ago."

   Xin Zhengping began to explain slowly.

"Thousands of years ago, in the Zongmen era, there was a method called Soul Bone Sheng II. This method can leave the soul of a strong man whose life is exhausted in his bones. If no one is disturbed after hundreds of years The nurturing of the gods will have the opportunity to wake up and transform into bones and live a second life! Now for some reasons, this method is listed as a forbidden method, and it is forbidden to practice in the whole mainland!"

"This is what you are in front of now. Look at the shape of the temple, the forging form of this treasure, probably in the style of a small country in the east of our region a thousand years ago! I'll check what is the name of this small country..." Speaking of this, the sound of typing on the keyboard came from the communicator.

   Zhao Huazhi noticed that the bones had been dumbfounded since Xin Zhengping spoke, and stood there stiffly.

   "I found it!" Xin Zhengping's voice raised slightly, "This small country is called Jishao Country. This country is very small, and its scope is about half of Fuyuan Road. Part of our current Fuyuan Road is the original site of that small country!"

   "Crack!" The bones opened and closed their jaws when they heard Ji Shao Guoshi.

   "Is it right?" Zhao Huazhi was a little confused, took out the scroll, and pointed the communicator at the scroll text.

   "Teacher, this is the scroll I took in the temple. It is about the life of the bone. Look here!" Zhao Huazhi pointed at one of the texts.

   "It says that this person came to Shangluo at the last stop...but we have only been in Shangluo for two hundred years, and the time is not right!"

"Haha! Zhao Huazhi, you should learn more about history! We are in the upper reaches of Luoshui River in Shangluo, so we are called Shangluo. You must know that there is a country called Xialuo nearby!" Xin Zhengping smiled and explained to him by the way. Criticized.

   "So in history, as long as it is in the upper reaches of Luoshui River, it is collectively called Shangluo! The scroll is no problem!"

   "Let me talk to him!" Xin Zhengping demanded.

   "Okay!" Zhao Huazhi pointed the communicator at the skeleton again.

   "Zhu Wenyan?" Xin Zhengping shouted the name of the skeleton.

   "Hmm!" The bones vibrated the air and made a dull sound.

   "When you were here, what was the reign of Shao Guo?"

   "Eight years of Cheng Yuan! Lord Ai Liangji!"

   There was a crackling keyboard sound.

   "In the eighth year of Shao Guocheng Yuan, the lord Ai Liangji... found it!"

Xin Zhengping read out the information found: "Weiyang calendar 27661, and Shao Kingdom Lord Ai Liangji ascended the throne, changed the year name to Chengyuan! In this way, you came in Weiyang calendar 27669, and now it is Weiyang calendar 28733. It has been more than a thousand years! Ji Shao country has also been destroyed for more than 800 years!"

   The skeleton was silent, leaning against the cage quietly, the tall figure a little bleak.

   a long while.

   asked in a muffled voice: "Why did Ji Shao country perish?"

   "It is recorded in the data that a grandson of the lord Ai Liangji provokes a dynasty prince, and that prince sent someone to kill all the people in the line of the lord, and the kingdom of Shao died..."

   "What state is that person now?" The skeleton interrupted.

   "The prince later died in the battle of the dynasty's national destiny." Xin Zhengping added.

   "Boom!" The bones hit the cage with a punch.

   "What are your plans now?" Xin Zhengping asked him.

   "I, I don't know." The skeleton was silent for a while before spitting out a few words.

   Zhao Huazhi reminded: "Teacher, he has been trying to seduce me to touch the cage before, is there any problem with UU reading"

"This involves the taboo of this method! Soul Bone Birth II can indeed enable the strong to live out the second life, but there is a huge shortcoming! If you want to truly resurrect and grow **** flesh, you must absorb one. Living people! If you want to fully restore your original strength, you must continue to absorb and devour the living people!"

   Xin Zhengping's voice appeared in Zhao Huazhi's ears!

   Zhao Huayi was shocked and turned his head to look.

   I saw Xin Zhengping, Zhou Tong, the captain of the first detachment of the Armed Police Brigade, and several men dressed similar to Zhou Tong, all there!

   "Teacher! Captain Zhou! There are other captains, why are you all here?" Zhao Huazhi asked.

   "This is the ancient skeleton! Or the strong who reached the Gang Yuan realm during his lifetime! We must come!" Zhou Tong pulled Zhao Huazhi back.

   Xin Zhengping patted Zhao Huazhi on the shoulder: "I contacted the armed police brigade after seeing the skeletal remains. Fortunately, the skeletal didn't understand the video and didn't find me on the way here!"

   smiled at other people and said, "How about, can I deal with it well?"

   "Haha! I will ask you to deal with it afterwards!" Everyone laughed.

   "Leave the rest to us!" After laughing, the other captains stepped forward, blocking Zhao Huazhi and Xin Zhengping behind them.

   "Old Xin, you take Zhao Huazhi away first, he is the seed of our city this year! Protect him!" Zhou Tong did not turn back.

   "Hmm! I understand! Be careful! I won't hold you back!" Xin Zhengping nodded solemnly, and walked away from the small temple with Zhao Huazhi.

   After walking about one kilometer, the two stopped and looked towards the small temple.

   Zhou Tong walked in with several captains.


   After a while, there was a huge roar!