My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 777: Practitioners Association


Ye Fan’s headquarters has not been visited.

Because I haven't dealt with before, so even if I always know the location, I haven't seen it in the past.

Speaking of it, the past is not easy, because first of all, a seaside port in Indonesia, and the people of the abilities association, and then through their ships, sailing for a long time, can reach a small island called "illusion".

The island is just like its name, "illusion" and "illusion". The abilities like to call it "Fantasy Island" because the island is not found on the map.

Originally a powerful abilities, that is, the first generation of the association's president, gathered the seabed sand with the power, formed the island, and after years of transformation, built it.

Then, in order to ensure that the abilities are not disturbed by ordinary people here, the maps of the world will not be marked.

When Ye Fan and Feng Xiaohui came to the port, there was already a dark-skinned Asian man wearing a flower shirt, holding a sign with the name of Feng Xiaohui, waiting there.

"Hello, you are waiting for us," Ye Fan took the lead.

The man smiled enthusiastically and reached out to Ye Fan. "You are Feng Xiaohui?"

"No, I am his brother-in-law, he is," Ye Fan introduced.

The man understood the nod. "My name is Haote. I am the crew responsible for the transfer. Are you two on board, or is Feng Xiaohui alone going to Neverland?"

Ye Fan asked: "Can I follow the past?"

"Family can just have a escort, just follow the rules of the island, and do not take photography and video," Haote said with a smile.

Ye Fan said that he immediately went with Feng Xiaohui and took a white boat.

Not long after going up, Ye Fan discovered a problem. The engine of this ship seems to be a bit special.

"What fuel are you using for this boat?" asked Ye Fan.

Haut seems to have been accustomed to this problem, not much explanation, sitting on the side of the engine, reaching for a black metal grip.

Gradually, there was a heat wave that came out from him!

The propeller slammed, and soon the ship started!

"Thermal power generation?" Ye Fan suddenly understood, this Hao is also a versatile person, his hand can transmit a strong heat, prompting the transformation of the engine to start.

Feng Xiaohui on the side is also very fresh, and I look forward to the upcoming Association of Powers.

"I can only let my body dissipate heat, how far can I release the heat, so my ability can only be a boatman, or fry an egg or something, haha..." Haute laughed spontaneously.

"That can't be said, if you are willing, I am afraid that some anti-theft metal doors will be melted by you, you want to be a Jiangyang thief," Ye Fandao.

Haote shook his head. "Don't think so. It was because I robbed a bank and sat for several years. I don't want to do that now."

Ye Fan and Feng Xiaohui were speechless. Did the buddy really have been a thief?

The boat drove for almost an hour, and there was a small island in front. Looking far away, under the blue sky and blue sky, the island is like a pearl on the sea, beautiful and moving.

A tall giant sculpture stands on the island's small port, with two huge legs just caught in the harbour. It seems that there has been a long time, and the costumes are also the characters of the ancient times in the West.

"That is the first president. He made a sculpture for himself. Every time he enters and exits the harbor, he will pass under his arm." Haut is quite helpless. He is obviously the most frequent one.

After the three men boarded the island, Haote took the road to a small hill in the middle of the island, which was built with a taupe building, the tallest round tower, 40 to 50 meters high, and nothing in the whole body. The gaps, all in one, are obviously built by the abilities, not built in the usual way.

Ye Fan and Feng Xiaohui are the base camps of the first-time abilities. When they walked in, they encountered some abilities who worked here.

A gardener dressed in abilities, two arms and two legs can be freely stretched, he is like a giant, where he pruned a tree five meters high, without a ladder.

There was a woman who looked like a book manager, carrying a book, but she didn't have a hand. She had hundreds of books on her head and followed her all the way.

A white-haired old lady who was cleaning up was blowing her mouth. She blew a sigh of relief, just like a gust of wind, blowing the dust and leaves on those trails, even the broom was not needed.

These abilities workers saw Ye Fan, both of whom would say hello amicably, and apparently used to have interviewers or new members to review.

"Sister, I am not dreaming, how is this like in the movie?" Feng Xiaohui murmured.

Ye Fan, "Don't say you, I can't see it..."

Because the Abilities Association advocates neutrality and breaks away from any interest disputes, equivalent to a permanent neutral organization in the underground world.

Therefore, when the holy war was hit in the world, Ye Fan did not encounter several abilities.

Even if there are entrants participating in the war, they are all separated from the association and are not protected by the association.

Ye Fan knows that the ability of the abilities is so diverse. If the existence of these people is known to the world, it will definitely set off a strong wave, because for the masses, these people only exist in film and television works and various kinds of In fantasy novels.

"This is the member center, we review the new members, it is here."

Haut took two people into a single-story elliptical building. When they walked in, there was a long counter with one old and one small.

The old man looked at the age of seventy or eighty, and his hair fell apart from the bald head. He held a bottle of vodka in his hands during the day, and his nose was red, and he had fallen asleep on the counter.

He wore a gray vest with a dirty body, a thin body, wrinkled face, and a sly look. From his sleep, he still used Russian to swear, knowing where it came from.

The woman's front desk is like a Fusang. Looking at the age of thirty or forty, the appearance is very general, but it cares about the image. Looking at the small mirror makeup, the carmine on the face is very thick, the foundation is already very thick, but still in the make up.

"Hanako, don't make up the makeup, come to the newcomer, register with Mr. Feng Xiaohui, start the ability review," Hao Tedao said.

The hibiscus woman named Hanako casually threw out a registration form, "fill in whatever language."

After that, she continued to brush up her eyelashes, and she didn’t have any service attitude at all, and she didn’t even look at Ye Fan’s eyes.