My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 844: garlic


Open the door of the study, you will smell a rich mutton, and pass it from inside.

Ye Longteng only smelled a bit and felt hungry.

In a quaint study, there is actually the taste of lamb, and Ye Longteng is not surprised.

Because this book is very unusual.

Looking at the past, there are not a few books on the bookshelves on both sides of the study. Instead, they are all kinds of spices and bottles of various flavors.

Aniseed, pepper, dried mushrooms, alfalfa, garlic, dried kelp far from the sea, seaweed, cooking ingredients.

In the corner of the study, there are also some pottery pots. These pots are not planted with flowers, but some side dishes such as chives and chives.

Said to be a study, said that this is a kitchen, in fact, more appropriate.

On the big desk of the sandalwood, the brass hot pot cooked by the charcoal fire, Ye Longteng smiled.


Ye Longteng bowed his head to the man in the desk.

"The second child, I haven't seen it for some years, come and sit down."

Standing behind the desk, the man who was holding a sharp kitchen knife and cutting the mutton slices, greeted him casually.

His mind was placed on the mutton, tied with an apron, and his expression was quite focused.

"This mutton is the one I slaughtered when I went down the mountain today. It was very fresh, and I was just eating it. The rest left Ahqun back to the mountain."

I have left some, I will cook it later, I will hold it all at once, and I will be holding garlic and pepper and salt, and you will taste it...

You have been away from home for a long time, there is no mutton in the capital." The man said that he was doing the mutton, and he felt that his mouth was full of meat and it was very enjoyable.

He cuts a piece of fresh mutton, which is usually cut into thin slices. It is convenient after refrigerating, and most of them are cut by machine.

However, the man's hand is falling, the knife is like a spell, and there is no obstacle in the meat. Every piece of cut lamb is like a translucent red yarn, which is as fine as a work of art.

Looking at his father's mutton, Ye Longteng's eyes are quite nostalgic. I remember when my mother was still alive, my father often showed his knife in front of them, cutting it, and showing off his mother.

Perhaps, the world can't think of it, the epic powerhouse who has lived for hundreds of years, the generation of Valkyrie, the weapon that gets the most, is not a rare **** soldier, nor a strange door, but a small kitchen knife.

"My father's knife worker is still so fascinating. I am afraid that I will not be able to practice my father in this life." Ye Longteng shook his head with emotion.

"Stupid boy, you and your brother, do not like to be a cook, talk about knife work." The man laughed and said: "Why, this kitchen knife is not used to practice, it is used."

After that, the man took a slice of the sliced ​​lamb and handed it to Ye Longteng.

"Come, try it."

"Thank father."

Ye Longteng picked up the long chopsticks, grabbed the lamb and put it in the hot pot.

"Father, I am coming back this time. Something is going to matter, I want to ask your opinion."

"What is it," the man asked casually, and at the same time went to a bookcase next to him and took the garlic hanging from the string.

Ye Longteng took a piece of information hidden from his body and took it out of his coat pocket and laid it on the desk.

Very simple, it is two pieces of paper, one identity information, one test report.

"Father, let's take a look, what do you think... this child's business, how to deal with it?" Ye Longteng asked cautiously.

The man opened a garlic and began to peel the garlic. After looking at the two sheets of paper, he said, "This, have you asked your older brother?"

"I feel that this matter involves the foundation of our Ye family, the future rise and fall, or to ask your father to decide..." Ye Longteng is the color.


The man suddenly shouted.

Ye Longteng was shocked and got up and said: "What happened to the father!?"

"You are against this!! Why didn't you pick up the lamb!? It's all old!!"

The man quickly put down the garlic, took the chopsticks and picked up the lamb in the hot pot, full of distressed colors.

"How good is the lamb, you are getting old, what are you doing in the second child?"

Ye Longteng's look suddenly stiffened, and he sighed helplessly. In the end, in his father's eyes, this matter is not as important as the lamb in the pot.

"Father, I am wrong, I came to eat it." Ye Longteng did not dare to say anything, and ate the old lamb.

After waiting for it to eat, he did not dare to continue to let go, or ask questions first.

"Father, do you think... How do you say this to your older brother?" Ye Longteng asked.

The man's tone is plain and plain: "This is your big brother's business. Don't ask me, you are not too young. When you have been a dragon king for so many years, I will teach you how to use it...

Oops... This garlic is a bit smashed, not so fresh, I will change it with a bit of garlic..."

The man stunned, and went to pick up the garlic, as if this thing has passed.

Ye Longteng nodded. "Father, I understand. I will go to the big brother to explain this after a while...

Just right, there are many things in the days of the selection of hidden dragons. You have to talk to your older brother."

"Understood... I understand a fart, your kid, you can't even have a meat, you can understand what... When you come back, it will make me angry. Go out! Let Aqun get some garlic, and the garlic here is not."

At this moment, the old servant Ye Qun pushed open the door and smiled and took a plate of burnt hand to catch the mutton.

"Master, a small one, I will give you some fresh garlic," Ye Qun said.

The man smiled and said: "You old ears, it’s really good or bad. Hey, these two scorpions, garlic, time is long, you take it out."

Ye Qun took over the garlic and asked, "Is it lost?"

"If you lose everything, since you have sprouted yourself, find a piece of soil, plant it," the man smiled.

"Hey, hey, this is a small place to find a place to bury," Ye Qun said with a smile.

Ye Longteng squatted down, looked at the garlic on the table, and looked at the two scorpions of garlic that Ye Qun took out, thoughtfully.


On Purgatory Island, a plane landed slowly.

It was Su Huixue and other women and Xie Linyuan who walked down the plane.

All the girls are attracted by the scenery here, and Xie Linyuan is full of nostalgia.

"Light snow! Ning sister! Are you coming?"

Not far from the airport runway, Ai Er smiled and walked over, along with Sally Ye and Bellier.

Su Xiaoxue smiled a little at Ai Er, nodded, and was quickly attracted to Sally by the past.

A silvery white hairy frosty moon, Sally, obviously knows every woman, but only cares about Su Xuexue.