My Corpse is Bohemian

Chapter 140: prophecy post

When Anbu stepped onto the boundary of Longteng City, she immediately realized that the disaster was more serious than she expected.

The entire Longteng City is shrouded in a dead atmosphere. People come and go on the streets. It seems to be lively and prosperous, but in An Bu's eyes, it is like a black and white movie, gloomy and depressing. The concentration of death energy is so strong that even anger can't compete. When this happens, there is only one possibility, and that is too many deaths at the same time.

The urban area of ​​Longteng is not the center of the disaster. The most deadly place is in Qianzi County, which is north of Longteng City, and it is also the area where the latest tourist attractions are located. Although it is not the peak tourist season now, the opening of new attractions will inevitably attract a large number of tourists. When the population gathers, once an earthquake occurs, the casualties will expand infinitely.

However, earthquakes are a natural phenomenon that is difficult to predict. Disasters are often caused within tens of seconds or minutes. If you only predict how many earthquakes will occur in a certain place within a year, it will be meaningless to reduce casualties. . Although Anbu knew the time of the earthquake, she did not have any appeal or credibility, and posting news online would only be regarded as a rumor. So, she had to collect some evidence first.

Getting on the bus to Qianzi County, Anbu took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the abnormal phenomena he saw along the way.

The air was filled with a damp and cold breath, the trees on both sides of the road rustled in the dull wind, a flock of birds swept overhead, making a noisy chirping, some water sources became turbid, fish floated up, poultry was restless, and mice migrated... …These signs are scattered and widely distributed. It took An Bu and Jian Ningxuan two days to travel throughout Qianzi County to collect a little evidence. Although it is not enough to prove that an earthquake is about to happen, it can add a certain degree of credibility. .

In the evening, the two returned to the B&B where they stayed, preparing to issue an earthquake warning.

Earthquake prediction is a worldwide problem, and the government will not come forward to predict an uncertain disaster, so this kind of prediction is generally handed over to scientific research experts or groups. This also provides Anbu with operability, that is, to analyze and predict the earthquake from a professional perspective. The anomalies she photographed may not convince experts, but they can win the trust of ordinary people to the greatest extent.

A tourism forum in Longteng Scenic Spot——

【Red Alert! A major earthquake of magnitude 8 or higher may occur in Longteng City within ten days! 】

An eye-catching post suddenly appeared in the forum. The poster made a preliminary analysis of the possible earthquake, giving people a quite professional feeling, but after seeing it, all netizens scoffed.

[Landlord, I have little knowledge, don't lie to me, earthquakes can also be predicted? 】

[I believe that earthquakes can be predicted, but there is absolutely no way to accurately predict them. Like the landlord, who predicts that an earthquake of magnitude 8 will occur within ten days, it is false at first sight. 】

[The rumors are cool for a while, go out 20 yards. 】

[Administrator, this kind of rumor post is still not deleted, are you keeping it for the New Year? 】

[(Admin) This post is discordant, delete it for processing. 】

【Administrator V5! 】


1 minute later, the post is still there.

3 minutes later, the post is still there.

5 minutes later, the post is still there and pinned to the top.

【administrator! ! ! How are you? ! Don't you want to delete the post? What do you mean by top? ? ? 】

【Does the administrator draw his hand? 】

[How far does it take to get a post to be deleted to the top? 】

10 minutes later, the post is still strong on the home page.

30 minutes later, the forum issued an announcement: [This forum is about to undergo system maintenance, and the service will be suspended during the maintenance period. Please forgive me. 】

All netizens: I always feel that something is wrong...

Tianx Community——

【Red Alert! On March 6, 2178, a large earthquake of magnitude 8 or above will occur in Longteng City! 】

A few hours later, a similar post was posted on the country's largest community forum. This earthquake forecast is not only accurate to a certain day, but also adds a lot of pictures of abnormal phenomena.

[I'm going, is it true or false? 】

[These photos have no trace of PS, and the shooting date is also the last two days, which looks like real. 】

[There have been earthquakes in Longteng City before, the most serious one I remember was a magnitude 6, which occurred in a sparsely populated mountainous area and did not cause too many casualties. 】

[The prediction time is so accurate that even the World Earthquake Monitoring Center cannot do it. 】

[Whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it anyway. 】

[Landlord, if the prediction is not accurate, should you live stream and eat shit? 】

[Sit and wait for the landlord to eat shit! 】

【Wait 1】

【Wait 2】

[Am I the only one who thinks the landlord is on fire...]

[(Administrator) This post affects social stability and should be deleted. 】

5 minutes later……

【Is my web page delayed? Why is this post still there? 】

[It is still there. 】

[The administrator may have gone to pee, and it will be deleted when the pee comes back. 】

After 10 minutes, the post was pinned to the top.

【? ? ? 】

[Does the administrator not wash his hands after peeing? Acting so arrogantly? 】

After 30 minutes, the forum system maintenance...

Earthquake Research Website——

【Red Alert! On March 6, 2178, a large earthquake of magnitude 8 or above will occur in Longteng City! The epicenter was in Qianzi County! 】

If the previous two posts are just a test of water, then this post is a real warning. It not only announced the exact time and location of the earthquake, but also attached nearly a hundred photos. Flashes, animal restlessness... A large number of abnormal phenomena, all of which appeared in Qianzi County.

The post predicts that the earthquake will affect hundreds of thousands of square kilometers centered on Qianzi County, causing great damage. We appeal to the general public in Longteng City, whether they believe it or not, please leave Longteng City temporarily before March 6 to prevent in the future.

[Fuck, I live in Qianzi County, and I have indeed seen a lot of abnormal phenomena recently. 】

[A magnitude 8 earthquake? Spread to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers? 】

[Can the official come out and explain? Is this thing true? 】

[Whether it is true or not, I have decided to go to live abroad for a few days tomorrow. 】

【Upstairs 1】

After several fermentations, this post finally attracted the attention of some netizens, and was then forwarded to Weibo, which was spread at an extremely fast speed, causing a lot of shock.

Naturally, the relevant departments will not ignore such panic-making "rumors". In particular, the official agency of Longteng City publicly spread rumors and quickly cleaned up relevant posts.

However, like a virus, these posts have been cleaned up one after another, sweeping through various forums and websites with a raging fire.

Anbu couldn't convince everyone, so he could only use the stupidest way to warn him. With the technical support of Jian Ningxuan, spread the news as much as possible. However, under the official refutation of the rumors, most people doubted the authenticity of the forecast, and even lashed out, and those who were planning to leave also began to waver.

In order to save more people, Anbu pretended to be an earthquake expert and went from house to house, informing everyone in Qianzi County that they should leave Longteng City before the 6th and go to other places for a few days.

A large number of residents in Qianzi County were transferred, and the business of scenic spots was also greatly affected. This incident quickly attracted the attention of the local police. While tracking down the people who spread "rumors" and demagogic people, they reassured residents and tourists that they should not listen to the rumors. , stay at home with peace of mind. Many people were persuaded by them to give up their plans to leave.

An Bu had no choice but to continue running around at the risk of being arrested. In the face of suspicion, rebuke, indifference, and ridicule from others, her heart did not fluctuate. She did everything she could. Whether these people could seize the opportunity depends only on their luck.

It was pouring rain outside the house, and Jian Ningxuan was about to go out to find someone when he saw An Bu appearing at the door soaking wet.

"Mr. Jane, I'm back." She wiped the water droplets on her face and smiled, "I'll take a bath first, and you can help me make something to eat."

"Yeah." Jian Ningxuan watched her walk into the bathroom with bare feet, and then her eyes fell on the pair of muddy shoes at the door.

After a moment of silence, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Dad." Jian Ningxuan, who had never asked Jian's father before, took the initiative to speak to him for the first time, "I want to ask you for help..."

Half an hour later, An Bu came out of the bathroom refreshed.

Jian Ningxuan prepared vegetable salad and juice for her, and gave her a hug full of energy.

Anbu leaned contentedly into his arms, sucking her **** beautifully.

Jian Ningxuan gently hugged her, her eyes full of tenderness.

"Don't go out tomorrow, have a good rest for a day, and go home the day after tomorrow."

"It's only 3 days until the earthquake, I have to hurry up." An Bu sat on his lap and drank the juice slowly.

"If there is no accident, there should be a turnaround tomorrow."

"Huh?" An Bu looked at him puzzled.

Jian Ningxuan didn't explain, but the next day, the turning point really appeared.

First of all, the speed of the official post cleanup has dropped significantly. Then, some experts appeared one after another, released the seismic data of the last month, and analyzed the causes of the earthquake and various evacuation measures. Although it did not directly support Anbu's prediction, it did not deny the possibility of an earthquake.

At the same time, the police in Qianzi County stopped persuading others to stay, leaving them to decide whether to stay or stay.

An Bu felt very strange and couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

"I asked my father to contact a few experts." Jian Ningxuan replied lightly. He knew in his heart that his father had taken a lot of political risk for him this time. Although he did not publicly support the earthquake forecast, from his standpoint, he should have suppressed "rumors" and maintained social stability, rather than doing the opposite. If this forecast is false, the incident is likely to be an excuse for political opponents to attack him.

On March 5, almost everyone knew about the earthquake forecast posts, some believed, some doubted, some dismissed, some ignored, and the reactions were different. But it is undeniable that because of the appearance of this post, at least 400,000 to 500,000 people in Longteng City chose to go out for shelter, but some of these people just had the mentality of preferring to have it, and did not really realize the horror of this disaster.

For this unknown earthquake, there has also been a lot of controversy within the relevant departments, and even some foreign experts have participated in the discussion.

In today's world, no country has accurately predicted the time and location of earthquakes. The so-called "accurate" means accurate to a certain day and a certain place. For example, "March 6, Qianzi County, Longteng City" announced in the post is a very accurate prediction.

Many experts have expressed their opinions on the Internet. They believe that earthquakes are indeed possible, but they do not agree that anyone can predict the precise time and place. Between the words, he mocked and reprimanded the poster. In particular, some foreign experts claim that their technology is more advanced than that of country Z. How can countries that are behind them predict what they cannot predict?

Country M: [Earthquake prediction is a very serious matter, not a game for grandstanding. 】

Country E: [It's hard to imagine that Country Z would take a netizen's post as a fact, it's ridiculous. 】

Country J: [If this earthquake prediction is really realized, our country is willing to spend a lot of money to recruit this poster. 】

Country Y: [Hundreds of thousands of people in Longteng City took refuge because of a rumor post, half of the factories were on holiday, scenic spots were closed, and the streets were deserted. This is probably the biggest farce in Country Z this year, enough to be included in the world’s wonders. 】

Amid the sarcasm, March 6, which was predicted by the post, finally arrived.

No one expected that a "rumor post" that even the official government could not clear up would attract such widespread attention, not only domestic but also many foreign netizens also became very interested in this matter.

There are more than 10 million people in Longteng City, and in the end, about 800,000 people chose to leave. In other words, Anbu silently transferred 800,000 people with just one post, not including those who were planning to travel. Although the remaining people did not leave Longteng City, they also stayed as far away as possible from Qianzi County, which was at the epicenter. Qianzi County has a population of nearly 500,000, only a quarter of which has not moved. Others have either gone to other places or evacuated hundreds of miles away.

At 9:51 on March 6th, the air was oppressive and dull. The bustling Longteng City in the past could only see a few sparse pedestrians at this time. Many shops on both sides of the street were closed, making it extremely deserted.

The outside world is paying attention to Longteng City, and several helicopters with media logos fly over the city from time to time.

A live broadcast was also launched on the Internet, and many people sat and watched how the farce ended with the psychology of watching the play.

A little bit of time passed, nothing happened, and everyone gradually started to make a noise, and they turned on the mocking mode one after another.

[I now admire the great **** who posted the post, not only was he not reconciled by the government, but he also made hundreds of thousands of people believe it. 】

[The great **** is a highly skilled hacker, and his posts forced several forums to enter the system maintenance. 】

[Hahaha, I am not satisfied with the soil and water, so I will accept this bully. 】

[What's so funny, spreading rumors and creating chaos, this kind of person should be arrested and his throat cut for three minutes! 】

【Serious second opinion! Everyone who spreads rumors should die! 】

[The poor Longteng people, scared and scared, left their hometown, and in the end they didn't know who to settle the account with. 】

[If the earthquake does not happen, I am willing to sacrifice three puddles of boy urine to comfort the injured hearts of the people of Longteng...]


A muffled sound suddenly came from the ground, and through the photographic equipment, it entered the ears of all those who were paying attention to Longteng City.

At 15:25:0.7, the bull turned over and disaster struck.

With Qianzi County as the center, it radiated hundreds of thousands of square kilometers in the surrounding area, affecting half of the Z country, and the earthquake was felt in dozens of nearby provinces and cities.

In an instant, the land collapsed, screaming and roaring, like the end of the day.