My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 136: The end of Qingping (4.


I don't know what Lin Fan experienced that night, anyway, when Duan Cheng Fangxin saw them again, it was already seven days later.

Song Yuhang was full of joy: "We first fly to Canada to register for marriage, and then hold the wedding in Saipan and spend our honeymoon by the way. You should also hurry up to apply for a visa, and then we will travel to the island together."

Lin Fan yawned weakly just like the eggplant that Shuang had beaten, and raised his eyelids lazily.

"Remember to come."

It is said that later when Xiao Song Yan and Lin Xi were naughty when they were four or five years old, they found a lot of mysterious toys from the depths of a drawer in the closet, including handcuffs, eye masks, leather whips, blowballs, badminton sticks, etc. I also took it to the kindergarten to play house-to-house games with the children, and was caught back home by the two rushed Song Lin. It was a good wife-wife mixed doubles.

The intensity of the battle that night was evident.

However, that's a story.

The top priority is still the life event of getting married.