My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 26: Human heart

Song Yuhang ran downstairs, passed the crowd watching the lively, looking around, still finding nothing, and soon surrounded by reporters.

"Police officer, officer, just say a few words."

"Team Song, what are you looking for?" Duan Cheng poked a head out of the car window to see her.

Song Yuhang returned to his senses and shook his head, put his fingers on the door and jumped into the car, shutting the annoying reporters outside the door.

"Let's go, back to the city bureau."

Jiangcheng City is separated by a river between the east and the west. The Dongcheng District has high-rise buildings rising from the ground. The road is wide and the landscape facilities are complete. Even the green plants on the street are exactly the same. The government, public security bureau, procuratorate and other functional institutions are also a paradise for the rich to entertain.

Most of the Xicheng District are the aborigines of Jiangcheng. It is next to the riverside, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has an excellent geographical location. It happened to catch up with the wave of reform and opening up. Housing prices have risen again and again, and a group of aborigines are unwilling to move. , The other batch wants to sell it at a good price and squeeze the government's wool. The Jiangcheng city government took the lead in leading several bidding projects, and the developers who came were persuaded by the sky-high prices paid by the nail households. Therefore, today with the rapid economic development, it is like a mouse **** embedded in the pearl of Jiangcheng. It's still the kind that can't be deducted.

The alley is low and narrow, and the sky above is divided into pieces by wires like spider webs.

The ground was bumpy, people squatted in the drains on both sides of the road to wash clothes, and the uncle riding a bicycle rang the bells.

In such a road condition, the car of the Interpol is no different from the snail crawling.

Lin Fan leaned back in the chair, his face pale: "Can you drive faster?"

"This is already the fastest, just go out of the alley in front." Duan Cheng said as he gently stepped on the brake, avoiding an oncoming electric car.

Song Yuhang glanced back at her, Lin Fan half of his face was hidden in the shadows, and she couldn't see clearly. There were too many people in the car to ask directly, so she bit her lip and gave up.

When I swayed all the way back to the city bureau, the car door opened, Lin Fan was the first to rush down and retaliate against the wall. The only thing I vomited out in the morning was acid water.

A few good female colleagues smashed their mouths behind them: "Isn't this pregnant? What kind of unlucky ghost in such a mess of private life..."

"Hush, keep your voice down, don't let anyone hear you."

Song Yuhang frowned slightly, and when he was about to walk over and hand her a tissue, the man straightened up with a touch of his lips and his eyes were like electricity. Although he didn't wear high heels, he was still alive at every step. He walked up to the person who spoke and raised his hand simply. She slapped her neatly, and her beautiful face was full of arrogance and domineering.

"Yes, your father, call mom soon."

The little policewoman stomped her feet and ran away crying.

Lin Fan threw the uniform jacket over his shoulders and walked in with one hand in his pocket. Song Yuhang was standing on her only way. When the two shoulders collided, she grabbed her.

"Why bother?"

Lin Nian glanced at the hand that fell on his arm, and said in a daunting tone: "I think Team Song is not a police officer in Jiangcheng but a police officer in the Pacific Ocean. No matter what, everyone should take care of it."

"She was wrong first, but there are people coming and going at the gate of the city bureau, so you don't have will you be a person in the future?"

In addition to saying that she was impulsive, there was also a hint of showcasing that person. Lin Fan only felt an unnamed fire hit his heart and threw her hand away.

"You say to be human, everyone is the first time to be human, why should I bear it?" She turned her head and spit out fiercely: "I'm pooh! It's good for my old lady to not tear her mouth. Shut you Song Yuhang What's the matter, jump out of this five-person six-person hypocritical manner, hypocrisy!"

After she finished speaking, she stepped on the flat shoes and walked out of the 1.8-meter high heels and plunged into the city bureau, leaving Song Yuhang alone in a daze.


Fang Xin glanced at her sympathetically and left.

Duan Cheng patted her on the shoulder and left.

Zheng Chengrui pushed his glasses: "A woman's heart, a needle on the seabed."

Song Yuhang nodded in agreement and followed everyone's footsteps: "A woman's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea."


According to strict procedures, even if it is a homicide case, the family members of the deceased should be found before the autopsy, but now the corpse has become like this, and there is nothing around the crime scene that can prove the identity of the deceased. There is only one. The ink on the paper was completely fainted. It takes time for further technical restoration.

So Lin Wei decided to dissect it first. The characteristics of the corpse's surface will change with time and temperature, and every minute of delay will be a step further away from the truth.

She turned on the faucet and slapped the water on her face to let the temperature of the whole person dissipate a little, and the dizzy head also recovered a little clarity. Then she washed her hands, disinfected, dressed in protective clothing and masked, and walked into the autopsy room fully armed.

Even if it was an unnamed corpse, she still maintained enough respect, placed the scalpel vertically in front of her chest, and bowed her head slightly in silence for a minute.

Duan Cheng turned on the camera.

"On June 1, 2008, at 13:45 pm, the deceased was unnamed. The first autopsy will begin now."


Training room.

A whiteboard with photos of the scene posted on it, and clues that are currently known are written with a black pen.

"By visiting the witnesses at the scene, we learned that the suspect Li Li drove into the construction site at about 4:55 a.m. last night. He was preparing to unload the cargo and crushed it back and forth more than ten times. The site foreman Liu Zhi got up at about 5:30. Shanggong found the victim."

"The victim was dead when he was found. The body was completely damaged from the neck down to the wheel. The blood pool area was about 1.0×1.2 meters, and it was distributed in the shape of depth in the middle and shallow in the surroundings. We learned from the on-site autopsy of the forensic doctor that the deceased For young women under the age of 18."

"It has a comminuted skull fracture and obvious life reaction to the wound, which is in line with the characteristics of high fall injuries."

"Wait—" Zhang Jinhai interrupted the investigator: "That is to say, the deceased fell to his death instead of being run over by a truck?"

"Yes." Song Yuhang stood up and handed over the dried paper in the evidence bag: "This was found on the rooftop of the scene."

The paper has dried up, but the ink can't go back. Everyone looked at it for a long time with their eyes open, only to read the suicide note.

Zhang Jinhai took off his glasses: "I found a suicide note with a high probability."

"Not necessarily. Although there are no traces of fighting on the rooftop, nor the fingerprints and footprints of the second person, but there is still doubt. Why do you commit suicide if you are less than eighteen years old?"

No one didn't want to have murder cases in his own jurisdiction one after another. Zhang Jinhai frowned when he asked. He suppressed his unhappiness and turned his head to tell others.

"The most urgent thing is to confirm the source of the corpse first. Recently, the major areas of the jurisdiction have sent all the missing cases that have not been reported, especially the minors?"

An investigator turned on the computer and looked at it, then stood up and said, "There are reports of missing persons, one in the East District and two in the West District, but they are all elderly people, so they are not the right age."

"What about the surveillance of the crime scene?" Song Yuhang turned his attention to Zheng Chengrui.

Zheng Chengrui tapped the keyboard with his fingertips and typed in a string of codes to bring up the floor plan of the entire block. Looking back, his face looked a little ugly.

"The camera closest to the scene of the crime is also more than a hundred meters away."

Green Building is one of the Xicheng District renovation projects contracted by Jianxin Company with municipal subsidies. The original intention of the project was to build a comprehensive large shopping mall to attract major businesses to settle in, but the scale and area of ​​this six-story building can be seen It’s not easy to get out of the project.

The parking lot is also marked out in a large area of ​​the palm of the hand. Of course, it is now the place where stones and construction waste are piled. The place of the accident is in front of the building. The camera is on the parking lot, which is one hundred and eighty meters apart, and even a ghost is there. Can't shoot.

DNA comparisons, bloodstain examinations, fingerprint comparisons and even autopsy all took time, and the case fell into a deadlock for a while.

Song Yuhang was holding her chin, always feeling that something was wrong. How could she not think that this was just a simple suicide case, but it was a matter of minors, so she had to be cautious about verifying it. Even if it was a suicide, there should be a suicide. The reason is right.

Her gaze fell on the piece of paper in front of her. This was the only clue at the moment. She stretched out her arm and took it over to examine it carefully.

The paper is ordinary workbook paper, and it has no characteristics.

exercise book?

An inspiration flashed in her mind, turned the palm-sized piece of paper over, took out the flashlight from her pocket and studied the light carefully.

Ink is easy to faint, but what about the printed lead font.

Every elementary and middle school in Jiangcheng will give out workbooks to students when the school starts. In order to distinguish them from other schools, they usually print their own school names and logos.

Finally, Huang Tian paid his attention, and Song Yuhang read the line of small characters: "Education... what?"

The ones behind can no longer be seen clearly.

"Immediately contact the elementary and middle schools in Jiangcheng, including high schools, that begin with the word "Yu", and ask if there are any students who have not gone to school today."

"Okay." A detective hurried out to call.

As the discussion here is in full swing, the dissection work has also entered a fever pitch.

The corpse was so badly damaged that many critical autopsies could not be done. They spent a lot of time piecing together the approximate bone shapes and placing them on the anatomy table according to the classification of skull, scapula, clavicle, tibia, and femur.

Lin Wei wears a glove and mask and took a soft ruler to measure the data. Duan Cheng is responsible for recording and writing them on the whiteboard one by one.

He was still calculating: "Uh...approximate height is..."

Lin Wei has calculated it mentally through the regression equation: "2.30×the maximum femur length 40cm 64.38±3.48 (cm) is equal to 159.86cm, but due to severe damage to the femur, the limit deviation is about 3cm."

"Papa--" Duan Cheng's pen fell to the ground, looking at her in astonishment.

Lin Yan said, "What am I doing?! Continue to calculate the tibia, fibula, humerus, ulna and radius, and get an average value for me!"

After the basic bones are cleaned, the internal organs are inspected. Even the hardest bones of the human body are crushed into that way, not to mention the tissues and organs, which basically means catching the blind.

But Lin Nang insisted on searching for useful clues in a pile of **** minced meat. The temperature in the dissection room was low, but the equipment was heavy. After standing for more than two hours, she was gradually bent over and her forehead oozes. With big beads of sweat, his eyes gradually trembled.

The pale lights turned into stripes in front of her eyes, flying around her, other staff in white protective suits were walking around, and she gradually couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Until someone behind her called her name over and over again: "Forensic Doctor Lin, Forensic Doctor Lin..."

She shook her head, threw the dizziness away, stood firmly on the dissection table, and turned her head back: "What's the matter?"

"I figured it out. The height is about 160, the error is 3cm..." Duan Cheng said excitedly, but saw that the sweat on her forehead had wetted her hat, and her exposed face was scary white, and she was a little worried. Looked at her.

"Are you... okay?"

"It's okay." Lin Nian turned around, clenched his lower lip, took a deep breath of tweezers, and when he opened his eyes, his expression regained his clarity.

The tissues and organs that can be seen by the naked eye have been sorted and labeled and put aside for freezing. Lin Yan buried his head in a pile of minced meat and picked them out. Suddenly, the tweezers found a piece of fingernail the size of which was compared to other pieces of meat. Shallow organization.

She raised it up and looked at Guang, frowning her brows tightly: "Bring the slide."

The transparent glass slide was handed to her eyes, she took the tweezers and carefully picked it up and put it on, and then said something that shocked everyone.

"Do an embryo test."

Duan Cheng disgustedly said, "Damn, this is too mad!"


After coming out of the autopsy room, she squatted on the ground slowly looking at no one in the corridor. When someone came, Lin Li quickly stood up again and moved back to the office one step at a time.

I opened the drawer to find the gum, but it was empty when I poured it.

Damn, it's done.

Lin Fan threw it on the table when someone happened to come in to put something.

"Hey, why is the forensic doctor here? Don't you go to the meeting?"

Lin Nian supported the table and stood up: "Now go."


As soon as she walked into the training room, she felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and everyone's gazes were cast over, staring directly at her face.

She was shocked, shit, forgot to wear a mask.

The bruise on her face that was beaten by Song Yuhang was still there, and she couldn't go back and get it under the eyes of everyone, so she had to bite the bullet and move to her place one step at a time.

It's so hard to die, the only vacant seat is next to Song Yuhang, who the **** arranged it! ! !

Lin Nian slashed people countless times in his heart.

Song Yuhang also touched his nose uncomfortably with his hand, and coughed lightly: "Everyone is here, go ahead, forensic doctor Lin talks about the results of the anatomy."

It's okay for her not to speak, as Zhang Jinhai's eyes turned around and patted their faces back and forth.

There is a blood mark on Song Yuhang’s face which was obviously the result of a woman’s nail gouging out, and Lin Fei’s face was not lightly injured. His very good looks can only be scored seven or eight points today. No wonder the brothers at the scene said that they would keep going. Wear sunglasses.

The scars that appeared at the same time on the same day are so subtle.

I think of someone saying that Song Yuhang’s blind date is Lin Wei’s cousin. The gossip of the people is burning, and they can’t wait to poke a hole in them.

Lin Fan couldn't stand the stare, and he slammed the file in his hand on the table: "What do you look at? Look at the file, why do you look at me?!"

Everyone bowed their heads, drinking water.

"Get up, I'm talking about you, change your position with me!" After that, regardless of what others thought, he stabbed the person next to him on the shoulder, motioned him to get up, and stood up. At that moment, maybe I got up too eagerly, the eyes went dark, and the whole person lost his balance and leaned back.

"Lin Wei!" Hearing the sound of a sharp chair in a daze, people have been beaten up and hugged, and her anxious eyebrows were before the world fell into darkness.

Song Yuhang walked in a hurry, without turning his head back: "I will take her to the hospital, and you will continue."