My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 469: Holy City Rebellion (2 in 1

The farther back the mural, the more dazzling the color.

The war is escalating.

From the starry sky, the dimension of time and space, the different dimensions ... The war has spread all the way to the planets of life.

The planet of ordinary life cannot bear the battle of the Holy Order level at all. Tang Yu saw the ground cracking hundreds of kilometers, the tsunami hundreds of meters high, destroying countless buildings, the space cracked, and it could not be closed for a long time.


The origin star has retreated.

The "Devil" has countless alien minions, far more powerful than the major planets under the rule of origin, and they plundered countless life-gene genes, and the researched "weapon" of war weapons has an endless number.

This "different species", Tang Yu stunned, is the most common demonized beast outside!

It looks a little different. This is just the difference between the versions, but the characteristics of being brave, not killing, etc. are the same.

The ordinary demonized beast is just the awakening order, and the advanced version, such as the catastrophic demonized beast, is comparable to the pseudo-transcendent.

Demonized beasts have no wisdom, can't cultivate, belong to deformed beings, can't really break through the extraordinary ... But there isn't no more scary demonized beasts.

In the mural, Tang Yu saw a super-enchanted beast that was huge and almost covered the sun.

The so-called disaster level is just a younger brother in front of that demonized beast.

The super-enchanted beast's body shape, with a slight raise of hands and a lame foot, can cause devastating damage to a city. The true strength is even more inestimable.

It seems that even saints are difficult to kill.

As the front shrank, the planets of life occupied by the "Devil's Clan" gradually became silent, unable to conceive any life, and exhausted its power.

There are rare text descriptions on the murals.


The Devil Race is devouring the origins of the planet.

This is the true role of Red Mist and Demonized Beasts!

However, every life planet has world barriers. The planet itself is also resisting against external enemies such as the "Devil's Clan" and the Demon Beast.

The devil and its minions are powerful enough to easily kill the indigenous people of the planet of life, but the matter of devouring the planet's origins can only be done step by step.

Tang Yu will understand why the aliens do n’t seem to be so enthusiastic about destroying human beings. Even if the large-scale shelters are occasionally destroyed, many survivors often escape.

Just like pigs.

You cannot slaughter all at once, but raise a batch and slaughter a batch.

The air transport of the native life form is connected to the origin of the planet of life. Capturing some of the planet's native humans can keep the speed of devouring the origin at a high level, but it cannot exceed the highest limit.

Once the S-qualified sons of the world can be killed, they can break such limits and rebuild the origin of the planet.

——This is the result of the saints' analysis of other life planets.

"No wonder, the Ghost-Hands and the Bone-Tribes were so extraordinary that they didn't look right at me."

"Very large shelters, aliens may not care, but as well-known as Luyin, hey, it looks like the brightest star in the night sky!"

Tang Yu was helpless.

He knew that he played a scum with an initial talent of only E. Even Nancy had nothing to do with Origin Star.

However, the others certainly did not think so, he could not say yet.

"However, aliens are not monolithic, and may even be distinct."

He was thinking, "For example, the area of ​​Tiannan Province was originally the scope of the ghost-handed tribe, while the East China Sea was the scope of the White-bone tribe ... The aliens who attacked Beiting were only the evil dragons and bloodwings ... It seems that the aliens are distinct, and there may not be information exchange. "

After the ghosts and bones were destroyed, the territory was not harassed by aliens for a long time.

"On the other hand, the world barriers of the origin star are far stronger than the ordinary life planet, and aliens cannot enter in a big way, and their power is limited, which should be one of the reasons that the current situation can be maintained."

The murals were discontinued until the origin star was finally discovered by the Devil tribe.

The time span is long.

However, what is the territory of the Devil clan? Don't know!

Whether the sage is unknown or not recorded, Tang Yu is not sure, but from the mural, he saw the gap between the two sides, not as "Zhen" said. At first, they were evenly matched and could compete.

Where did the last person in the holy city go?

Sacrificed? Still fled? Tang Yu is not clear.

Those who lived in the Holy City at that time had a high probability of having a large capacity of space equipment. It is very easy to pack things ... Is there any trace of packing and evacuation here over time? trace.


The central part of the Sky Tower.

Half-damaged area.

There are more than twenty senior and extraordinary members who join the battle for the Holy Crusade. Behind each of them, there are two or three, or even three or five, or seven or eight ordinary extraordinary.


Some people have put forward new suggestions to observe and comprehend Dao Yun together. If anyone dares to take the opportunity to absorb, others will shoot together and kill the unruly people.

The proposal was quickly endorsed.

No one is overpowering others, taking away the grasp of the Holy Ghost.

Even if he had two veteran helpers, and his superpower "Sell II" Gullit, he had to slowly nod.

The celestial beings guarded one another and slowly approached the Holy Body.

Within a few hundred meters, their complexions changed slightly, and the internal source of power was sluggish, but no one flinched and continued to approach slowly.

His eyes were fixed on the sacred body.

The power of the magical unspeakable rules manifests itself and surrounds the body.

Some people are suddenly immersed in mysterious perception.

Some narrowed their eyes, and Dao Yun seemed to turn into a circle that kept spinning, making their heads faint.

Some people are more than two hundred meters away from the Holy Body.

The outside is ordinary and extraordinary.

Someone intends to take the opportunity to step forward, but seeing that even the senior and the weaker can't do anything, and the mind is suddenly extinguished.

boom! !! !!

There was a blast from a distance, and the senior transcendental who had not entered the state of perception for a long time suddenly awakened.

Looking up,

The smoke was permeating.

Some senior awakeners burst out of the smoke and dust, and were frightened, but stepped on the building and ran out of hundreds of meters, their bodies froze, their upper and lower bodies separated, and blood flowed like pillars.

Daodao's intangible air blade will kill as many awakened evaders as possible.

"It's extraordinary! Who's killing the ring ?!"

Someone was furious.

It is not uncommon for awakened people in the Holy City to strike because of conflicts of interest or to meet enemies.

However, many people arrogantly slaughter the awakened people who are weaker than themselves.

It is clearer that outsiders, human beings still have great enemies, and most people can exercise restraint.

"Wait, that breath ... is an alien!" There is a transcendent person who is good at perception, and frowns, and finds that things are not simple. "Can aliens enter the sanctuary? It is not possible to demonize beasts!"

"An alien ... shouldn't be able to enter either. I was chased by an awakened and fulfilled alien before, and when there was no way to go, the beam of light appeared, and I rushed in directly, and that alien, when it touched the beam of light, annihilated and turned into ashes . "





In several areas of the holy city, the pillars of light that rose like ink suddenly faintly gave people an ominous feeling.

Within a black beam of light closest to the central area, dozens of silhouettes flew out.

There are huge eyeballs floating in the air, with dark pupils in the middle, bloodshot eyes all over the pupils, and after the eyeballs, there are dense blood vessels that float like ribbons.

Evil Eye Clan!

They have compound eyes, and their arms are as sharp as insect arthropods.

There are also whole body illusions, like a ghost wearing a cape, and a tail-like jellyfish, constantly undulating.


Seen, never seen, countless aliens appear.

The breath released without reservation stirred the clouds to change.

"Okay, terrifying, all extraordinary!"

"What are those things?"

"It's an alien! The man behind the demonized beast! Their breath is obviously different from us!"

Those who are qualified to enter the sanctuary are the elites of the elite. However, many talents know that the demonized beast is only a horse pawn, and the alien is the real behind-the-scenes man.

How so strong!


From the first black beam of light, it was the six major races.

Among them, the evil eye tribe is the most extraordinary, with twenty-three, and it is the extraordinary sum of the other tribe, two, and even three.

Evil eye clan,

Among the various deities of the Devil clan, they can only be ranked in the middle reaches.

There is no ability to transport more than twenty extraordinary, advent origin stars.

More than half of them are promoted in the origin of Origin Star, so this opportunity makes every family jealous.

I heard that because of their outstanding performance, the evil eye family was rewarded by the master.

Although it is only a little bit, it also makes countless alien masters crazy.

At this time, the most powerful combat power of human beings, hundreds of extraordinary breaths, gathered around the distant Tongtian Tower.

Every alien was jealous.

"Here is where almost all of the top fighting power of human beings are gathered. As long as these people are killed, Origin Star will have no resistance."


Human beings are still confronting each other and guarding each other.

There was no time to react, and the nearest alien was extraordinary and had flew forward.

"Do it! While there are few aliens, we still have a chance!"

An extraordinary person remembered the children buried in the hands of the aliens, his eyes became red, his internal body surged, his hands held up, and he condensed into a huge ball of energy, banging on the aliens.

嗖 ——

The purple light and shadow flickered.

A huge ball of energy burst out in the sky.

He looked ashamed, raised his hand and trembled and covered his pierced chest ... no blood, his chest had disappeared, his vitality had flown quickly, his body was shaking, and his head fell from the air.

At this time, other talents saw that the giant eyeball in the front of the interracial coalition flashed away at the pupil.

After all, one shot killed the extraordinary spike!

Panic filled the mood.

A lot of people who have been killed are known, even if they are not strong in the extraordinary, but after all, they are extraordinary, superior and extraordinary! Even if you are a senior, you can't do anything in one shot.

Awakened people do not hesitate to turn around and fled-those who have the heart to resist the enemy, also clearly stayed.

Extraordinary order, some complexions changed and quickly flew away, and more, for a moment.

This moment,

The alien extraordinary is approaching.


boom! !!

boom! !! !!

Aftermaths spread, storms sweep, and big earthquakes tremble.

The flying energy, the fumes of the sky, and the scattered stone fragments blocked the original color of the holy city.

Defensive runes appeared on the Sky Tower, flashing.

Not all aliens are as strong as big evil eyes, and many are just new and extraordinary.

However, the interracial coalition was prepared.

And human beings have been fighting each other not long ago, and they are not in the state of prosperity at all. They are more like scattered sand in the same plate.

Just as the human superhuman reaction came over and began to cooperate, several other dark columns of light emerged from the alien race, and suddenly flew towards the area of ​​Tongtian Tower.

When someone sees this, they have their own thoughts.

You can't beat it, but can't you escape?

Just fly out of the holy city and activate the lines on the back of your hand to leave the sanctuary!

霎时 ,

One third of the human warfare did not hesitate to escape.

Others who were entangled, or were planning to fight to death, were immediately pitted.

In less than ten seconds, several human races were extraordinary, and fell under the extraordinary siege of aliens.

Blood spilled through the sky.

The roar, the wailing, rang for ten miles.


In the Sky Tower, at the moment when the aliens appeared extraordinary, Tang Yu received contract information from Kong, Hongyue and others.

No need to explore the Tongtian Tower and return immediately to the original road.

Within a few seconds, the entire tower began to vibrate, but the ban was still intact, and the walls of the Tongtian Tower were also very hard. Tang Yu could not break through the tower directly.


It's completely messed up.

The awakening order, even if it is a great consummation, is like a maggot. Even if it is not hunted down, it is just a matter of time and it may be killed.

Kong, Hongyue, Gret, and the gray blades who have gained something in the holy city, have just broken through and are coming here.

Yan Dingtian was rather unlucky. He was only on the periphery of the holy city, but was still eyed by three extraordinary aliens and kept running away.

Others can't help, they can only stay behind.

Before Tang Yu's response, Kong and Grett had decisively ordered the others to return to the city immediately ... except for the two unlucky eggs that had just been affected and died, the others had safely returned to the territory.

The internal environment of the Tongtian Tower is complicated, and Tang Yu, Yi Lian, and Nancy cannot rush on at full speed.

It took two or thirty seconds for several people to rush to the entrance to the side door of the Tongtian Tower.

He saw that the defensive restraint of the side door had been dismantled, and it seemed that the people in the Mage Alliance had left.

Neither the Beiting nor the "Dongdongbao" met, nor did they know whether they had left or were still hurrying in the tower.

The sky has been chaotic.

Human beings are at large ~ ~ The aliens are chasing after each other, and they have scattered everywhere.

The three Tang Yu rushed out from the side door and merged with the rushed empty and gray blades. After a while, Hongyue and Grett arrived in succession.

He hesitated, was it going, staying?

The most perceptive Nancy and Yilian turned around, guarding the distance.

Tang Yu also responded-they were found, a large wave of aliens were coming, swiftly approaching from a distance.

The breath of one of them was quite strange.

Both human and alien, fluctuating between two different breaths, gradually approaching like an alien breath.

Interracial extraordinary approaching,

Mr. Nishimura, holding a pair of knives, his eyes were red, his breath was frantic, and his body was surrounded by a string of red mist.

He seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked at the figure holding the double sword and the Douyao head, the breath fluctuation was more severe, "Lee! Empty!"