My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 528: Infiltrate Marquis Office

According to the Great Sage, those ancient aristocrats who have inherited countless years have many branches of the world in their hands.

Some are completely idle in the treasure house.

If they can come up with high-value bait and have the strength to guarantee it, they will have the opportunity to exchange with these ancient nobles and obtain the branches of the world tree.

The Great Sage believes that Tang Yu, who has encountered countless opportunities and established the Green Shadow Entertainment City, has some good things on his hands.

Although he has no long objects, the knowledge in his mind still has high value and can be used to trade with ancient nobles.

As for the commandments of the royal family and the great sage, some core knowledge must not be passed on to outsiders and the like, and the great sage cannot take care of it.

The world is about to be destroyed. Even if the ancestor had a spirit, he should not blame him.


Tang Yu decisively rejected the great sage's proposal.

Not digging

With the virtues of those aristocrats, even if the proposal of the great sage is feasible, how many branches of the world tree can be obtained from the transaction alone?

How much time does it take?

This thing is not online shopping, it is ok at all.

At least, the two sides have to test each other, constantly using the items of considerable value to peel the skin, and do not rule out the possibility of black eating and black-for the big aristocracy, the rule that the king cannot use force is the same as nothing.

Let Tang Yu describe it as two words, trouble.

"It's just a matter of recklessness, to make tedious plans for Mao ??? (??????` ??) ┏. "


Reckless is reckless, but Tang Yu does not underestimate those ancient nobles.

The matrix method with the branches of the world tree as the core can greatly enhance his strength, and he has already seen it in Geer City.

The city of Hugel has collected only two or three hundred years of 'popularity'.

The ancient aristocracy of Wangdu has a more extensive territory, and its heritage has accumulated over hundreds of years and thousands of years. The formation method is also more high-end. In addition to blessing the formation of 'popularity', he believes that there are various ways to Restrict the enemy's large array-Ainuo land, the technology tree is almost on the array method.

To be on the safe side, he took another trip to Earl's Mansion, and asked the Earl to try to open up the matrix, giving a senior and extraordinary increase in comparison to 'popularity'.

Gradually have a base.

"There is still something to prepare."

He guessed,

Unless it can be directly crushed, the fluctuations of the extraordinary battles can be easily detected.

The secret of the royal family has been known, but at this stage, the vigilance of black hands behind the scenes should still be avoided, which is why the great sage proposed to start from the side.

Tang Yu did not trust unconditionally to the wise man, the old man who seemed to pose no threat.

Find a reason, let the great sage go to the green shade entertainment city.

Relying on the ability of the territory to identify the enemy, I soon saw that the green light above the head of the Sage was particularly dazzling ... he was relieved.


After two days,

On the surface, Wangdu was calm and calm, but secretly, there was some undercurrent.

In less than ten days, it is the ritual ceremony, no matter whether it is the inner city or the outer city people, they are busy.

"Thank you for your generosity."

"Sacrifice ceremony, just a few more times."

"Yes, as long as you participate in the sacrifice, everyone can share a lot of food, and this day will be much easier."

Civilians rushed through the streets.

Even the free mercenaries wearing leather and chain mail are busy with the ceremony-the mercenary union has corresponding tasks, and the rewards are all provided by the wealthy royal family.

Tang Yu wore a black cape and strolled down the street.

The personal realm is open, squinting, and it seems faint that the civilians walking through the streets have an invisible air floating on them, slowly drifting into the sky.

This is not a real force, but it can be used as a nutrient for the world tree.

Nowadays, the royal ritual ceremony does not collect money from the civilians, but instead distributes food, which makes many poor people thank Dade.

The soil that nourishes the world tree can, in turn, be used to invade the world tree.

After a few glances, Tang Yu stepped forward and continued.

This is the inner city. After turning a few streets, you can see the buildings in front of each other, the tall courtyard walls, and the grand palace gates.

This is a Marquis House.

Cover an area of ​​at least 10,000 square meters.

One glance looked at the end.

"The Marquis of Bolton, the strength of the Marquis of the capital, is lower than the middle."

Tang Yu took the information of Marquis Mansion and glanced line by line. "The Marquis Mansion has five famous and extraordinary, among them Marquis Bolton, soon after entering the senior extraordinary, the strength is similar to that of Earl Frost, but one is said to have lived seven or eight A century-old veteran with outstanding strength.

The five extraordinary, most of the time, practiced in retreat in the mansion, that is to say, once the people of the Marquis House are disturbed, you will most likely face the five extraordinary, plus the type of BUFF. "

Looking towards the side, two figures, also wearing black capes.

One face was wearing a skull mask, the other was wearing large sunglasses, and a cigarette was still in his mouth, swallowing clouds and mist.

The two are Grey Blade and Shay.

As the lord, Tang Yuke had no idea of ​​doing it himself, but was the first to rob. He was not very skilled, so he came to the Marquis' House and tested it carefully.

After the explanation, Gray Blade and Shay pulled their hoods and flickered, disappearing.


Inside Marquis Burton House.

There are many guards, who are wearing a good rune armor, wearing a long knife and a small shield, patrolling back and forth inside the mansion.

A squad of five and a squadron of fifty.

Squadrons are often responsible for patrolling a certain area, and the squadron captain also has the highest level of awakening power.

This is the heritage of the great aristocracy.

Free noblemen's houses sneak in from time to time to small noble houses, but similar to large nobles like Marquis Bolton, free mercenaries do not have the ability to sneak in. As soon as they step into Marquis House, they will be discovered by the patrolling guards in minutes. Being killed directly is light.

Today, however,

The two figures swayed away, and a team of guards passed by not far from them, without notice.

"You are good at" shadow stealth ". You can make shadow stealth yourself in the sun. "

Xie Yi felt his senses and bowed his head. At this moment, there was a dark shadow under the feet of the two. Not only did they completely converge the figure and breath of the two, but even the voice of speaking would not be transmitted.

Sure enough, it is stealth magic.

Shay had no envy, he only admired the art of explosion.

"It should be the treasure trove of Marquis Bolton. I don't know if there are branches of the world tree in it."

"Go in and see." Gray Blade said lightly.

As they approached the Treasury, more guards were patrolling, almost three steps, one post, and five steps and one whistle. Unlike the guards outside who were laughing and laughing, the guards around the Treasury had a simple complexion and had the breath of the Nine Peaks.

But it doesn't work for eggs.

Even if it was the Great Awakening Order, she couldn't notice the gray blade of Shay passing by.

The two approached the treasure house.

The door, made of extraordinary metal, closed tightly.

The rune flickers faintly.

Gray Blade raised his head. "There is some trouble. Although I have some skills to penetrate walls, I cannot penetrate the door. The surrounding walls are also the same. The runes with a high level are engraved on them."

"That ..." Shey thought for a half second, "Force it through, it's nothing to expose anyway, wouldn't you want to complete the task directly by diving in?"

Grey Blade nodded slightly, directly lifting the shadow sneaking on the two men.

Feel the breath of life,

The closest guard turned his head sharply and opened his mouth, shouting.


The shadow behind the guard, as if alive, stretched violently, like a black snake wrapped around the guard's neck, twisted.



Whether near or far, the more than two hundred awakened awakeners stationed in the treasure trove stayed together and fell to the ground with the same action the next moment.

Grey Blade shrugged. "Whoever says to sneak in, you can't break it forcibly."

He directly picked up a set of green alarm anti-alarm devices and attached them to the four corners of the metal door of the treasure house. The anti-alarm devices started to run. Does not trigger internal alarms.


Gray Blade pulled out the dagger, and the faint halo of the power diffused, and he reached out a wave.

The silent, high-alloy alloy door cracked a huge gap, enough to accommodate two people.

ten minutes later,

The treasure house was ransacked, and the space ring could not fit, but was returned to the secret base in the suburbs of Wangdu by Ashblade and Shay.

"Unfortunately, without the branches of the world tree, go and hurry and go to the next treasure house ~ ~ The Marquis House is very large, and the treasures accumulated over many years are hard to count.

There are more than one treasure house in the mansion.

The Grey Blades learned the location of some treasure trove through intelligence of prior investigation and news of sneaking into the house.


Third place,

Although we still haven't found the branches of the world tree, we still have a lot of gains. Even if we don't count the equipment, only the precious minerals and medicinal materials have a value of more than 10 million yuan. Many of them are not on the earth!

The shocked Tang Yu did not stay outside the Marquis House, and returned directly to the base to check the harvest.

And at this moment,

Greyblade and Shay also came to the fourth treasure house of Marquis House.

This treasure house is located deep underground, and its security is even stricter.

The two gradually approached the treasure house, and all the runes lighted up suddenly around the passage. Gray Blade was forced out before the "shadow stealth" had been lifted.

There was a loud noise outside.

The guards who had previously been infiltrated by Gray Blade Wusuo, the body was finally found, which alarmed the entire Marquis House.

The sirens are loud.

In the distance, one, two, three ... the extraordinary breath rises and approaches quickly.

The two were fully exposed.

The gray blade that has always advocated sneaking in, touched his nose, and looked at Shay, "You won, it seems that you can only solve it through violence."

She ignored the guards who guarded the underground treasure trove, and didn't bother to take action on these people. The firearms turned into pistols and blasted out a large hole.

The two rose into the air.

Several were extraordinary, flying from a distance, the airlock locked them.

Shay smoked a cigarette. "It wouldn't be so bad early in the morning. I just took these people to try out the explosive art I recently created."

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