My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 608: The name was eaten by the author

"The first group is about to reach its destination."

"Everything is normal in the second group."

"Three groups are all right."

Xiang Jinghong held the walkie-talkie, and bursts of sound came out.

He has a healthy pace and walks through the mountains and forests with complex terrain, which is the first group of troops entering the mountain.

Ten kilometers of mountain forests are overgrown with bushes. It takes at least two or three minutes to complete a trip, which is not an easy task.

at this time,

The appraisers gradually opened up the distance. Those with poor physiques and walking slowly had just passed half the distance. If there were no road signs and assistance teams, they might have been lost in the mountains.

The first group of more than thirty people, including the assistance team, has already reached its destination.

Xiang Jinghong touched the sweat on his forehead and was slightly relieved when he saw the sign.

As the team leader, what he said, he must also arrive at Xianmen as soon as possible, in order to prepare for the next few links.


Xianmen didn't allow their team to go in advance. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to fight like this ... after all, he is old, and he is not as good as a young man.

Fortunately, when he arrived at Xianmen, he didn't have to fight. For the rest of the assessment, he just had to sit down and direct.

Looking to the front of Jing Hongchao, those in the first group were young men and women in their 20s and 30s, all men. He was not surprised. Of the more than 500 people, women occupied only a small part. By then, there would be fewer people who could walk more than ten kilometers to reach the gate of Xianmen.


Xiang Jinghong glanced not far away. The bells on the palace, walking in the idle courts, are the only girls in the first group, and they are also the people in Xianmen who are in charge of contacting them.

Xiang Jinghong knows the identity of Shang Gongling, who is rich and has a golden key.

It stands to reason that people with the identity of Shang Gongling should be more spoiled, let alone join the martial arts to practice martial arts, even if it is a bit heavy physical work, can't you stand it?


Seeing that the face of Shanggong Bell did not change color, he was walking steadily, and a wild rabbit was carried in his hand. The two short legs of the rabbit kept stepping in the air ...

Xiang Jinghong served.

"How long have you studied martial arts?" He could not help asking.

"One ... one year."

Uemiya Suzumoto wanted to talk about it for a week, but fortunately, she remembered her person in time. She was a martial art (awakening) year, and she was a cute girl with triple strength of awakening.

Only one year?

After all, Xiang Jinghong walked north and south and had seen many people and things. He could see that the easiest among the first group of people was probably the palace bell—others took the shortest path, and she was eastward. West channeling, never stopped, looks very happy.

Uemiya Bell is certainly happy!

Her dream is to martial arts, punishing the wicked is a happy thing, and killing the black seam beast that harms society is double happiness.

And that ’s why, in the future, Xianmen accepts the disciples, and in the future, they will bring a ticket to beasts to kill the strange beasts, which is three times, four times, and five times as much happiness!

If it weren't for the others, she would have jumped into the tree.

This scene, in the sight of Xiang Jinghong, was a bit shocked.

——The security personnel of their team are physically inferior to Gong Ling.

Is it so strong in one year?

Xiang Jinghong can only be attributed to the fact that Shanggong Ling had a good physical foundation before becoming a disciple of Xianmen.

He asked about the business, "How many pairs are you planning to recruit at Xianmen this time?"

Uemiya bell tilted his head for a while and thought, "Not too much for a hundred, not too few for a dozen."

Suck to Jinghong mouth.

In the first stage, one-third of the people may be wiped out. There are still several assessment links left. One of them is "testing sincerity." He doesn't know what test to use.

Would n’t it be to do something that is as shameful as to measure everyone ’s sincerity as a teacher?

Xiang Jinghong dare to say that if there is such an assessment, there may not be one disciple left in the end.

But he couldn't refute Jin's face, so he asked with a smile, "Recruit more than a hundred people, so you have a small resident station in Xianmen and a lot of staff."

"The site is not small." Uemiya Bell thought of the flattened mountainside. "Even a thousand people can live, but the members ..."

emmmm ...

Not long ago only she and the master, but fortunately ...

Uemiya Suzumiya serious, "We are immortal in Xianmen and not much. If we are lucky enough to enter my Xianmen, most of the time we study by ourselves, but if we can be valued by an elder and disciple, It's different. "


"For example, Elder Grate, who is good at swordsmanship, Elder Zhong Ping, who is good at marksmanship, and fantasy ... well, elder Xiao Li, who is in counseling, etc."

Xiang Jinghong was aggressive.

He understands psychological counseling, but does the martial art keep up with the times?


Xianmen, inside the luxurious palace.

Tang Yu transformed into a water curtain, which reflected the figures of many appraisers.

Some people moved forward with difficulty, while others did not enter the forest for a long time, but because the assessment was "too difficult", they gave up directly and scolded them back to the bus.

"The students in this session don't look good!"

The bamboo rat chestnut muttered.

Beside him, besides a bamboo rat, there were four followers of Gret, Zhong Ping, Fannie and Enze.

Enze was recruited by Tang Yu not long ago, and has a high level of seniority. Among all the followers, he is well deserved. The oldest person is already 600 years old.

But it was on a primordial life planet that practiced to the present state.

Very not easy,

Tang Yu recruited him.

On the other hand, it is also a shortcoming that supplements the top-level mage of the territory. He has never noticed that among the dozens of followers in the territory, the real mage is only Yilian.

The bamboo rat chestnut is an illusionist. The best one is the "scent" illusion of the bamboo rat family. Other people can't learn it (weak and weakened version). Red Moon can be called a "blood mage". The blood power of Xingling Xingyue ... The astrologer belongs to the branch profession of the mage, but he can't beat the regular mage by eight.

Enze is a very traditional mage-headshot mage.

His strength is not very strong, but the foundation is very strong, this time he was sent to the New World to fill the vacancies of the senior level of the legal system.

Enze brushed the white beards often found in old mage ~ ~:

"After all, ordinary people do n’t know the existence of the awakened people. In their eyes, Xianmen is just an ordinary martial art sect, and the time is shorter. Only a week, if it is longer, you can make some unique videos. Let the reputation of Xianmen be fully fermented. "

"This time there can be more than 500 people. I'm afraid it's because of the recent turmoil. Ordinary people don't know about strange beasts, black seams, and awakened people, but some keen people are afraid that they will find that the world is gradually becoming chaotic. "

"But these 500 people, it is good to leave 30 people in the end, still under the premise of lowering qualification requirements."

Tang Yu did not ask too much.

The first batch of disciples in Xianmen was mainly to fill the territorial power in the bottom of the new world. It was lowered to be called "Miscellaneous Service" and higher to be called "Officer." In the future, if there were any secular issues that needed to be addressed, throw them to these disciples. That's it.

You can't hire a team like Xianghong whenever something happens, right?

A few of them are even harder to come forward in person-even if you don't need to force the frame, you have to shape the fictitious fairy gate to force the frame!

The birth of Xianmen in the future and its influence throughout Anxia and even the blue star will be the time to truly select the best talents and screen them.


As time passed, the first group had reached the foot of Xianmen.

Xiang Jinghong stepped out of the forest, and Wen Sun's sunlight fell on his body, stretching the shadow.

"Finally arrived! Let me see how big Xianmen is ..."

He looked forward,

A crystal white jade staircase winds directly from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside, surrounded by clouds and mists. Several gorgeous palaces are looming in the fog, like a fairyland.

"(° Д °)"

(Ah, ah, the code word is weak ~~~)

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