My Empire War Game

Chapter 675: Elemental Furnace (2)

In addition to their amazing power, the reason why the gods are so powerful is that their kingdom of God can provide them with a steady stream of divine power.

Although the divine power possessed by the gods themselves is huge, it is also limited, but the gods can continuously obtain divine power supplements through the source of the kingdom of the gods. As long as the divine power in the kingdom of gods is not exhausted, his divine power will not be exhausted.

After possessing the man-made magic net, the great arcanists also possess the power similar to the gods. As long as they are within the range of the man-made magic net, the great arcanists will be able to receive a steady stream of divine power supplements.

In addition to the artificial magic net, there is an important core of the element melting pot.

The development of the Elemental Furnace is very difficult. After all, magic energy is a very violent energy. A little careless chance can cause serious consequences. The several Arcane Empire floating city energy leakage incidents in history have caused serious consequences, the most serious It even directly led to the abandonment of a floating city.

This kind of energy pollution is also very serious for the natural world. At the beginning, the great arcanists of the Arcane Empire spent a lot of time and methods but failed to solve these pollution perfectly. This also led to conflicts between arcanists and druids.

As druids, I am very dissatisfied with the great arcanists wantonly destroying the natural environment and causing pollution. If the Arcane Empire were not too strong, the druids would have been at war with them.

However, after the arcanists caused a serious leak, they finally realized the problem, so they formulated a very strict safety code.

It also stipulates that it is forbidden to conduct excessively polluted tests on the material plane. Experiments like the Elemental Furnace felt that they could not be carried out on the material plane.

Later, after the destruction of the Arcane Empire, some other races wanted to gain the mighty power of the Arcane Empire era, so they secretly organized manpower to conduct research, but this hardly ended.

The most famous are the dwarves. These greedy guys are very enthusiastic after seeing the almost endless energy of the Arcane Forge, and then want to master this power, and at the same time they have made some changes based on the Elemental Forge.

These dwarves secretly established a huge golem puppet in Furnace Hearth. The whole golem puppet is more than ten meters high and possesses amazing power. If these dwarves succeed, they will definitely become the overlord of one party, and it is not impossible to even rule the mainland. .

However, the dwarf's experiment completely failed. It is said that the elemental furnace had a big explosion, and the entire Furnace fort was bombed beyond recognition. The entire city was destroyed in this loud noise. At the same time, the explosion also caused serious pollution.

Those refugees who survived the explosion fell ill and died in this terrible pollution. The hearth of the dwarf city in the mouth of the mouth, where more than 100,000 people lived, was completely destroyed.

At the same time, the consequences were not over yet. After the destruction of Furnace Hearth, the explosion of the Elemental Furnace directly penetrated the surface of Furnace Hearth, and then awakened the terrifying Balrog that was sleeping in the depths of the earth in the last epoch.

The awakened Balrog began to attack the surviving dwarves. In this case, Furnace Heart City was directly destroyed. The mighty kingdom of dwarves fell apart in this disaster.

From this day on, the original dwarven kingdom was divided into seven. Because of various contradictions and interests, these dwarves also began to go further and further.

Several dwarves even became enemies.

In addition to the explosion of dwarf research, there are many people on the continent who want to obtain Arcane Empire crafts. Among them, the wizards inherited most of the magic power, but this dangerous elemental furnace did not succeed.

There were many schools of wizards who wanted to make this kind of elemental furnace and conducted experiments. In order to prevent it from happening, these people also deliberately chose to experiment in the deserted desert, and the result was naturally a failure.

The consequence of this is that the Elemental Furnace is abandoned.

The elemental furnace continues to operate, and huge elemental energy is constantly gushing out of the elemental furnace, and the energy in the entire demiplane becomes more and more abundant.

"The Elemental Furnace is operating normally!"

"The energy channel is operating normally!"

"The energy channel has not been overloaded!"

"The energy binding force field is operating normally!"

"The elemental fusion furnace has a load of 73%, and the elemental furnace is operating normally!"

With the sound of Taring One, the indicators of the Elemental Furnace appeared in front of you, and these numbers continued to operate as the Elemental Furnace continued to operate.

"The temperature of the element fusion furnace is rising. The current temperature is 52 million degrees..."

"The energy binding force field is operating normally!"

"The energy output of the Elemental Furnace has begun to increase!"

"The energy channel is operating normally!"

"The current load is 82%..."

"The burning of elemental fuel accelerates..."

As time goes by, more and more elemental energy is transported by energy channels to other parts of the demiplane. Compared with the beginning, this demiplane has expanded many times. UU reading www.udukanshu. com

Originally, the diameter of this demiplane was only three kilometers, but with the powerful energy of the elemental furnace, the diameter of the demiplane has reached an astonishing ten kilometers. And the time spent is only two or three hours.

The growth rate of this demiplane is extremely astonishing, with sufficient energy forcibly pushing the demiplane to expand.


"The current load of the Elemental Furnace has reached eighty-five percent."

"Everything is normal in the current Elemental Furnace!"

"The energy binding force field fluctuates!"

"Strengthening the energy binding force field!"

At this moment, a prompt sounded, and Sulun and Hathaway Alex looked at the furnace of elements nervously.

After reaching 85 percent of the energy load, the Elemental Furnace finally showed some minor problems, but it was quickly improved.

"Now continue to increase the load!" Su Lun glanced at the element fusion furnace and said.

"Success or failure again!"

"Okay!" Hathaway nodded vigorously.

"The Elemental Furnace continues to increase its load!" With Hathaway's order, the originally operating Elemental Furnace began to increase its efficiency.

On the elemental furnace model, the original green and blue have completely disappeared, replaced by yellow and red, and they are still being improved.

The load of the Elemental Furnace also began to rise little by little, and soon reached ninety-five.

Seeing this, Hathaway took a deep breath, and then ordered to continue to ascend.

At this moment, a large area of ​​red suddenly appeared on the Elemental Furnace model, and at the same time, Taring Galaxy also began to alarm continuously.

"Warning, warning, the Elemental Furnace is crashing!"

"It is recommended to stop the test immediately..."
