My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 389: Gray hair into the twilight years

Chapter 389

"The Doomsday, Medicine King, are all his own brothers, you don't need to be polite." Tang Wuhen smiled and walked up and said: "You are here just right, just to solve the problem of indispensable."

"Oh, brother Wuque is really serious about love and justice." Tang Mo Ri straightened up, and his figure came to Tang Wuque's face, looking at Tang Wuque with a trace of drama in his eyes.

"Humph!" Tang Wuque snorted coldly, his body continued to flow out, his aura plummeted steadily.

"Patriarch, I still have one more thing, that is, Tang Wuque privately sold the Buddha's Fury Golden Lotus test product, the flower of the lunar month, and the pear flower needle of the rainstorm!" At this moment, the king of Tang Yao said with a cold face.

Tang Wuque's face changed drastically as soon as he said this.

"Tang Yaowang, you are spitting blood, this is your personal consent!" Tang Wuque shouted sharply, "Now you actually bite me!"

"Joke? When did I agree to this matter? I didn't say anything, but you misunderstood. I didn't agree to this matter at all. How can my Tang family's hidden weapons be sold to those hillbillies?" Tang Yao Wang sneered: "Wow, you are mistaken!"

"Puff!" Tang Wuque spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard his words, his face was pale as paper, and his eyes stared at the king of Tang Yao: "I gave it to you!"

"What about this?" Tang Yaowang said with a sneer, "Even so, you can't change your private sale of hidden weapons. This also violates our Tang family's house rules!"

"Humph!" Tang Wuque looked at Tang Yaowang coldly, "Mengluo can also testify!"

"Mengluo just agreed to this matter, but any final business of the Tang family needs my signature. Have I signed it for you?" Tang Yaowang sneered.

Tang Wuque's face was green when he heard the words. In fact, like them, the mainstay of the Tang family, they only need to say hello to anything. It doesn't matter whether they sign or not, because they themselves are the rulers of the Tang family.

However, such a small negligence, coupled with the fact that the king of Tang Yao was biting hard, saying that he had sold the hidden weapon privately, he just wanted to argue that it was impossible. He knew that it was impossible to find evidence. This is the king of Tang Yao. My heart is about to deal with him.

"Wuqian, is this true?" Tang Wuhen frowned upon hearing this.

"Patriarch, I did sell hidden weapons to the Qinglong Chamber of Commerce, and I also gave him some." Tang Wuque said solemnly: "I did say hello to Tang Yaowang. Okay, I will recognize how to deal with it."

Tang Wuque didn't expect that when he fell again, Tang Yao Wang also stepped on him.

"Tang Yaowang, what do you say?" Tang Wuhen suddenly looked at Tang Yaowang with cold eyes, a terrifying aura rose from his body, and this aura enveloped the entire hall.

Let the Tang Dynasty and Tang Yaowang two mainstays of the Tang family lose their color.

"He didn't say hello to me at all. My silence at the beginning may have caused him to make some wrong judgments." Tang Yaowang met Tang Wuhen's eyes carefully.

"Since it’s a misunderstanding, let’s forget about this matter. They are all my own brothers. Some errors will inevitably occur when doing things. Doomsday, let’s do this. The supply of medicinal materials in this vein is completely deducted. I will not enjoy any family in ten years Resources." Tang Wuhen said, looking at Tang Doom.

"This, the owner of the family, who sold hidden family weapons privately, has violated the family rules and is more likely to leak family secrets. In addition, he has lent a magic weapon, which has already become more sinful. I think he can be expelled from the family!" Dao, there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes.

Tang Wuque's face changed slightly when he heard this. This was ten times more severe than the punishment for depriving the family resources. After leaving the family, their line was basically ruined, and they fell into a small bronze power.

Tang Wuhen showed a smile on his face when he heard the words, and then said: "Strictly according to the family rules, you, the person in charge of punishment, will also be expelled from the family. Your son Tang Jiao humiliated a woman in the capital. This woman I have committed suicide by jumping off the building. This has violated the family taboo. You as a father can't get rid of the relationship!"

When he said this, the aura on Tang Wuhen's body skyrocketed again, his expression was majestic, his tone was serious, the smile on his face disappeared, and his aura rolled forward.

It was like a huge wave blasted out.

The bodies of Tang Do-day and Tang Yaowang couldn't help taking two steps back.

"Patriarch... this matter..." Tang Mo Ri wanted to explain it, because it was nothing but a mere fact.

"Oh, do you doubt my news? Believe it or not, I will let you receive this news within half an hour." Tang Wuhen said faintly with his hands on his back, and he directly took out a mobile phone while speaking.

"Patriarch, I should teach Tang Jiao a good lesson, Brother Wuwei will be punished according to the Patriarch's orders!" Tang Mori nodded, he knew that even if things were fictitious, the Patriarch could do such things right away.

"That's good." Tang Wuhen nodded.

"Patriarch, I want to take back the magic weapon!" Tang Mori said again: "So as not to cause catastrophe!"

"No, you are at the Tang family well. I have handed this matter to Mengluo. I believe she can accomplish this task brilliantly!" Tang Wuhen said indifferently, "Give young people more opportunities! "

"Yes, Patriarch!" Tang Mo Ri lowered his head, but his eyes showed a cold light.

"Go down!" Tang Wuhen said lightly.

"Yes!" Tang Yaowang and Tang Mori said respectfully, and they turned and walked out of the hall of the king of hidden weapons.

"Thank you Patriarch!" Tang Wuhen said respectfully.

"There are house rules in the family, and there is human affection. I can neither break the rules of the family nor expel the people who have made real contributions to the Tang family from the family." Tang Wuhen said with his hands on his back: "Wuqi, you can do it yourself, young people don't actually take the test. Family resources can also go out, and sometimes go further. I heard that this is not the case with Lin Feng?"

"Wuwei understands the good intentions of the Patriarch!" Tang Wuwei said.

"Just understand, I don't want you to interfere with anything outside." Tang Wuhen said: "Go back and cultivate well!" Tang Wuhen turned and left before speaking.

Tang Wuque continued to kneel in the hall, the aura on his body getting weaker and weaker. After half an hour, there was not a trace of aura on his body. He seemed to be much older and his hair was completely white, like a 70 or 80 year old man. The same as the old man.

Martial arts were abolished and life passed.

After a long time, Tang Wuque stood up tremblingly, and he turned and walked out of the Hall of the King of Hidden Weapons.

"Father!" A figure walked over. This person was no one else. It was when Tang Xichuan saw his father's figure that he was so sad that he couldn't help crying, and he hurriedly helped Tang Wuque.

"Stupid boy, I have to be sympathetic in this life, I don't have any regrets!" Tang Wuque educates his son earnestly with a smile: "Learn from Xiaofeng!"

"I know my father!" Tang Xichuan said with red eyes.

"Let’s go, help me go back, am I fine now? Go back to drink, read, practice calligraphy, no matter what, there is one more thing, Xichuan, immediately Qinglong Chamber of Commerce elder Cheng Tianlong and those little ones Brother is going to be buried. Go and burn the paper for me. Tell a few elders that I can't walk anymore." Tang Wuque was full of white hair, he panted a little while talking, his eyes were dull.