My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 492: Corpse

Chapter 492

"You can raise zombies at twelve tonight." Lin Feng muttered to himself as he looked at the sky. The family who raised corpses the best was the heaviest time of the day.

The final time of Yin Qi is midnight.

Immediately Lin Feng continued to drink a few bowls of blood springs, the blood flow in his body accelerated, and blood came out of Lin Feng's wrist again and flowed into the water tank.

The blood in the water tank and the soul-raising wood continued to merge, emitting a strange red light.

As time passed by, the blood in the tank grew more and more.

In the middle of the night, the blood in the water tank was gradually full, Lin Feng's face was pale, with sweat on his face, he stood up, sweaty.

"Damn, the blood spring is not omnipotent, the less blood will be born later." Lin Feng looked at this tank of blood, which was all flowing down from his body.

The box containing the soul wood was also half empty, and there was no doubt that the soul wood was also consumed a lot.

In short, Lin Feng understands that raising a corpse is not a simple matter. A person who is carelessly consumed alive, and the power gap with the zombie is too large, and it is easy to be shot to death.

"Hope not to let me down." Lin Feng took out a cigarette and lit it, and then spit out the smoke ring. He picked up the phone and checked the time. It was already past 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Then Lin Feng's figure walked out, and he looked down at the night sky, where a bright moon hung in the sky.

"Xiao Feng, haven't rested yet?" At this moment, a figure walked over in the small courtyard, and it was President Tiannan.

"Uncle Liu, you want to raise the corpse at night, why haven't you rested?" Lin Feng walked up and took out a cigarette and handed it to Chairman Tiannan.

"It's my turn to take care of the pill furnace tonight." Chairman Tiannan took the flue and said, "These blood?" His eyes fell on the blood in the big water tank.

"Soak the soul-raising wood with blood." Lin Feng explained: "Raise at midnight."

"The corpse raising is extremely dangerous." Chairman Tiannan frowned: "Be careful yourself."

"I'm fine, by the way, where did Auntie Qing go these days?" Lin Feng asked.

"She is actually in Zhongzhou. You are not at home these days, so of course you won't see her anymore." Chairman Tiannan smiled and said, "When will Pian Pian come back?"

"Come on, I let Aunt Qian design the underground palace, and get a cold jade bed from the Tang family, and Xuanbing from the South Pole to seal Pianpian's body." Lin Feng explained: "Don't worry, I will wake her up. There are not one or two methods in this world."

"Just do my best. I want to understand these days. Pian Pian sacrificed to save you. If you do stupid things again, her sacrifice will be wasted." Chairman Tiannan sighed.

"She didn't sacrifice, don't worry." Lin Feng said quietly: "In my judgment, she should respond to the outside world. After returning, she will be placed in the underground palace. I will take good care of her."

"That's all right, all right, I'm going to watch the pill furnace." Chairman Tiannan turned and left.

Lin Feng nodded slightly when he heard the words, and immediately sat in a chair and watched the time. Time gradually passed. When it was approaching twelve o'clock, a figure wearing a black windbreaker came to the small courtyard. It was a zombie.

The zombie had an aura of shock. When he saw the pot of blood, the zombie's eyes were scarlet, and his mouth roared like a beast.

"Drink." Lin Feng smiled and lay on the chair.

The silhouette of the zombie came directly to the side of the big water tank, stretched his head, and drank the blood directly. The gurgling sound sounded, and the blood gradually reduced.

After drinking 2L, the zombie's body glowed with scared blood, as if a demon had revived. The aura on his body was strong, and his body was steaming like mist.

The **** red light became more and more shining, very strange.

"Sure enough, it's stronger than before." Lin Feng muttered to himself as he looked at the zombie.


The zombie lowered his head again and drank blood water violently. The red light became more and more vigorous. The moonlight in the sky spread on the zombie like a waterfall. The breath of the zombie became more and more terrifying.

The water vapor on his body became more and more vigorous, and the whole small courtyard was filled with steam.

When one third of the water in the big tank was drunk, the breath of the zombie rose to a terrifying state, just like a volcanic eruption, the powerful breath of fright burst, and the terrifying breath rose steadily, rising to one and a half. Step into the realm of the sky.

No, the power on this zombie body is a bit stronger than the normal half-step sky realm.

At this moment, Lin Feng had a lot of things in his mind, as if he had experienced it personally. This experience is from the very beginning of cultivation, controlling Qi, qi, half-step martial arts, martial arts, Half-step magical powers, magical powers, half-step heavenly realm.

Stop here.

Lin Feng closed his eyes, this memory was deeper than the memories passed down in the past, as if it was originally his own memory, but now it has recovered.

"not good!"

Lin Feng's face changed slightly. If this feeling becomes stronger and stronger, his mind will be occupied by this memory, and his soul will even change. This is one of the crises in the process of raising the corpse.

"The Great Sun Heart Sutra!"

"Da Lei Yin Sword Technique!"

At this moment, Lin Feng was running the two great powers, and the subtle meaning of the two great powers quickly flowed into Lin Feng’s mind, and this memory was immediately diluted a lot, his mind gradually stabilized, and then he began to carefully sort out those. memory.

Then Lin Feng sat cross-legged in a chair to concentrate on comprehending this memory.

The night is getting darker.

A ray of sunlight shone on Lin Feng’s face in the early morning. Lin Feng’s eyes opened, and a smile appeared on his face. These memories are certainly dangerous, but after sorting out, Lin Feng’s knowledge of martial arts has become more profound. After a while, he will understand. Completely stabilize the realm of half-step magical powers.

Even hitting the realm of supernatural powers is not impossible.

Lin Feng stood up and came to the water tank. The blood in the water tank had been completely absorbed. He looked at the zombie, which was lying on the ground.

"Get up!" Lin Feng said, looking at the zombie.


The silhouette of the zombie burst out, standing in front of Lin Feng, the aura on his body exploded, a breath that was a little stronger than the average half-step strong in the sky, and the same zombie's body was flowing with powerful blood. , Just like a living person.

"It seems that the time is too short. Once every seven days, the growth rate was the fastest when the first feeding, and the subsequent rate plummeted." Lin Feng recalled the content of the commentary on the minister and muttered to himself: "No matter what, before the Bronze Conference The maximum strength increase, strive to raise it to the fighting power of the sky."

"I don't know if zombies can use magic weapons?" Lin Feng immediately took out the magic sword from his body and handed it directly to the zombies.