My Fabulous Star Wife

Chapter 75: Qingshijie

Chapter 75 Bluestone Street

"Asshole!" The woman yelled, and she evaded in a hurry.

But it was too late, because the distance between the two of them was too close, and she never dreamed that Lin Feng would suddenly attack, and that attack power was almost Lin Feng's attack power at his peak.


There was a muffled sound, Lin Feng only felt his hand bombarding the soft spot, but the power of this palm was still pouring in.

"Ah!" A woman's scream sounded, and the figure of the woman wearing black clothes flew out and fell heavily to the ground.


Lin Feng's figure bounced up, and his figure rushed towards the woman in black clothes.

The figure of the woman in the black trench coat flashed, but Lin Feng was still thrown on the slender thighs of the woman in the black trench coat.


The woman yelled, she kicked fiercely, and put her foot on Lin Feng's shoulder.

"Ah!" Lin Feng screamed, but Lin Feng still didn't let go. His big hand stretched out like lightning and grabbed the woman's thigh fiercely.


The sound of tearing sounded, and the woman's black stockings were directly torn by Lin Feng, revealing white and smooth white thighs like beautiful jade.

The fragrance of the heart and spleen of the **** and man filled the air.


The black-clothed woman's delicate voice sounded, and her white bare hands waved, and a ray of light hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodges in a hurry, but when he first dodges, the light suddenly exploded, and a dazzling light appeared in the void.

There was a terrifying power in the dazzling light, and this impact hit Lin Feng's body fiercely, and Lin Feng directly flew out.

"Wow!" Lin Feng spit out blood.

But the woman in black clothes flew out from the window like lightning.

"Where to go!" Lin Feng's figure bounced up and flew out. His figure fell directly on the ground from the window.

But the woman in black had already run more than ten meters, running fast along the woods behind the hotel, and Lin Feng's figure was running fast.

After the two of them, Lin Feng couldn't catch up with the woman in the black windbreaker. After a few minutes of chasing, he came to an old street. Except for the bright lights on the street, all other areas were completely dark.

"Not good!" Lin Feng's face changed wildly.

If this woman escaped into the dark area, he would not be able to hunt down.

Even if he had perspective eyes, it wouldn't do much, because the distance between the two was too long.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng expected.

The figure of the woman in the black windbreaker flew out directly, disappeared into the night, and Lin Feng's figure almost arrived at lightning. She peeped around, but there was still the figure of the woman in black.

"Wipe!" Lin Feng couldn't help cursing, he looked at the black stockings in his hand.

The black silk stockings carried the scent of the heart and soul of the gods. Lin Feng looked at the black stockings. For some reason, there was a feeling of ambition. He couldn't help picking it up and sniffed it fiercely.

But soon Lin Feng took away.

"Damn, how can this lady be a thief!" Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed. He wanted to throw away the stockings, but Lin Feng hesitated and put the stockings in his pocket.

In the darkness, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Lin Feng with a chill, her face was flushed, and she bit her silver teeth slightly and said: "Rogue, you rogue, this lady will kill you sooner or later."

Then the black figure drifted away.

Lin Feng didn't know all of this at all, his eyes suddenly became cold, he looked at the dark night, this assassination came so fast.

"Raptors, Dongxing!" Lin Feng said to himself: "No matter which one it is, I will make you pay the price tomorrow." Lin Feng has never been a loser.

His figure walked down the street while looking at his ribs. There was no hidden weapon at the ribs. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The hidden weapon should have flown out of his body.

Then Lin Feng secretly circulated the Da Sun Heart Sutra Zhen Qi to heal his wounds, and suddenly a cold feeling hit, and the pain all over his body disappeared.

"The Great Sun Heart Sutra Zhenqi should be able to detoxify." Lin Feng came to a conclusion. After all, the woman used a poisonous needle. According to the woman's intention, she should lose combat effectiveness or become unconscious after being poisoned.

But when it was really stabbed on Lin Feng, Lin Feng only felt a pain, except for these, there was no other effect.

This is also the reason why the black-clothed woman lost her vigilance and was bombarded with a palm of her own.

"I don't know how many kinds of poisons can be eliminated." Lin Feng wanted to say, if it can eliminate all kinds of poisons, he will be developed, and he will be able to instigate those poisonous masters in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt excited, and he walked down the street.

I suddenly saw that there were many antique shops on both sides of the street. In addition to the antique shops, there were some stone gambling shops. These stone gambling shops and antique shops were gradually moving around.

Many people are talking about today's rampant public market situation.

"Qingshi Street?" Lin Feng suddenly thought of the Qingshi Street mentioned by Beihai. This should be Qingshi Street, and he looked down at the ground.

Sure enough, many rough stones were piled on the ground.

Lin Feng is not interested in looking at these rough stones. If he was a little interested in the past, but now he is gone. His figure is walking down Qingshi Street. The lights are getting less and less, and he can barely see the surrounding scenes. Many trees are planted to form small forests.

Suddenly Lin Feng's figure stopped at the edge of a small forest.

He heard an indifferent voice in the distance.

"Black and white hand, you **** it."

"Black and white hands!" Lin Feng looked at the source of the sound, and suddenly saw two figures, among them a man in a black trench coat with black and white hair.

This person is the black and white hand.

One of the three great stone gambling players in Southeast Asia.

It's just that there is a dagger stuck in the chest of the black and white hand, this dagger pierced the mouth of the heart, the blood on the mouth of the black and white hand cannot stop flowing, shocking.

In front of the black and white hands stood a white-clothed man. The white-clothed man had a long and slender figure, a dark face, a small head, and sunglasses. Between his feet, he held a powerful and decisive air.

"I'm not reconciled!" Black and white hands stared at the white man and said: "Dragon!"

"Don't worry, if the so-called God of Gamblers defeated you, I will kill him personally, which is considered worthy of you." The white-clothed man had his hands on his back, his eyes sharp, and his hand suddenly took out a bottle.

The bottle was crushed.

A piece of white powder was scattered in the void and fell on the body of the black and white hand.

"Human corpse powder!"

Black and white hands stared at the white powder.

"Yes, black and white hands? Black and white hands have disappeared from this world, haha!" The white-clothed man laughed loudly. With a big wave of his hand, the white powder fell on the black and white hands.

Black and white hands screamed again and again.

Once he dies, his flesh and blood will melt and turn into pus. This is the horror of corpse powder, leaving you with no bones and no place to bury your body.

Even if you are not dead and contaminated with this corpse powder, your corpse will gradually become stiff and become like a mummy.

" are poisonous!" Black and white said with hate.

"No one can save you, so you can die slowly. I'm pretty sure. Your blood will flow out slowly. Of course, whoever wants to save you by pulling out the dagger will kill you immediately." The man in white Gloomy said: "Even if you don't die if you pull out the dagger, you will become a mummy."

"You..." Black and White's face was desperate, and his figure fell to the ground in a sudden, and the blood on his body kept flowing.

As the white-clothed man said, the blood on the black and white hands will slowly flow away.

"Haha..." The white-clothed man laughed, his figure wandered away, and his breath disappeared into the night.

Soon after the white-clothed man disappeared, a figure appeared in front of the black and white hands. The owner of this figure was Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stared at the white man with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Very well, I actually want to deal with me!" Lin Feng muttered to himself as he watched the disappearing man in white. It seemed that those people hired more than just a group of people.

Lin Feng squatted down and looked at the black and white hands. At the moment, the black and white hands were already very weak, his eyes were almost lost, and he hung up at any time.

"It's your luck to meet me, otherwise, even if the real martial arts powerhouse comes here, you will not be saved." Lin Feng muttered to himself.

He directly grabbed the black-and-white hand's wrist, and a stream of great Sun Heart Sutra flowed out into the body of the black-and-white hand.

Then poured into the area where the dagger had penetrated.

Carrying the vast breath of life, it nourishes the heart of black and white hands.

The black and white hand's face gradually turned ruddy. He opened his eyes and saw Lin Feng. His eyes were round and wide. He didn't expect Lin Feng to come here. The black and white hands naturally struggled, but they were directly held by Lin Feng.

"If you want to survive, don't struggle!" Lin Feng stared coldly at the black and white hand.

"Thanks...Thanks!" Black and white looked at Lin Feng weakly, he knew that Lin Feng was consuming his true energy to save his life.

Lin Feng did not speak. He directly pulled out the dagger from the black and white hand. The blood on the black and white hand's chest was like a column of water. At this moment, a dazzling qi poured into the wound, filled with the breath of life, and constantly nourished it. Piece of wound.

After more than a dozen breaths, the blood on the wound stopped flowing out.

Black and white hands are even paler.

Lin Feng continued to input the Da Ri Heart Sutra infuriating energy. After half an hour, the black and white hands barely improved, but the muscles on his face seemed to stiffen a lot.

Lin Feng's face was sweaty.

Only then did he stop, because half of his true energy had already been consumed.

"As I go back to Rampage International Hotel, my true energy has consumed too much, are you okay when you stand up now?" Lin Feng looked at the black and white hand.

"It should be okay." Black and white hands barely turned up, and he knelt on one knee.

"Get up." Lin Feng looked at the black and white hand.

"Lin Feng, thank you very much. If I survive the life of the black and white hand, I will follow you from now on to behave like a dog and horse." Black and white hand suddenly said.