My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v1 Chapter 10: Juzhenge

Decadent Dan, as the name suggests, is the elixir of refining waste.

Elder Liu didn't know that yesterday ’s two step elixir was Jiang Yi injected two strands of black power, and thought that other potions were accidentally added to change the original Dan Fang. medicine.

研究 Researched last night, he didn't find out what the inexplicable ingredients of the elixir were, so I tried to add various remedies today, hoping to make a step elixir like yesterday.

Refining Dan is very rigorous. There must be more and more medicaments in Danfang. Each medicament must be accurate to one dollar. The smelting time, the method of converting dandan, and the furnace must be accurate, otherwise it is easy to become a waste dan.

The elixir refined by Elder Liu today is the formula of Lingshen yesterday, but every time he added a potion, it goes without saying that—all the Dans are naturally abolished, and it is not the spirits used in high-grade cultivation. It is even less likely to be a step elixir.

The master alchemist often values ​​his own work, so despite the strong potency of this abolitionist, he absolutely does not allow him to stay and ruin his reputation.

The efficacy of decadent Dan medicine is unknown. If something goes wrong, it will be the stain of an alchemist's life.

Hao Jiangyi did not understand this. He could not learn alchemy in a short period of time. He did not dare to move the elixir in the Dan's room, so he had to pay attention to the waste Dan.

He groaned for a while, and finally determined to make a fool, mortgaged the token in Fengyuelou, like a sharp sword hovering over his head, so that he could not breathe ...

He could n’t even eat lunch. First, he collected more than a dozen waste dandans. Since it was an experiment in the morning, Elder Liu did not waste too much herbs.

He pretended to clean the alchemy room, and after waiting for a while to see Elder Liu did not return, Lima started. Take out three pills and throw them into a small Dan furnace to learn to warm up with black stone, wait for a while before slowly injecting blue Yuanli, and sense the situation in the Dan furnace through Yuanli.

"Well, almost, try!"

Hao Jiangyi just watched it all morning, and didn't understand it very much. When the inside of the Dan furnace was heated, the two waste Dans were absorbing the blue elemental power, and immediately ran a ray of black elemental power into the Dan furnace.


The whole Dan furnace trembled, Jiang Yi was pushed to the ground by a force of counter-shock, and his eyes were full of joy. Did n’t he just explode the Dan yesterday to train two elixir?

He hurriedly got up, opened the furnace cover and swept away, but he kept laughing, and the two waste dan inside ... exploded!

"How do you do that?"

Qiujiang Yi was confused. He had heard that elixir could be rebuilt, but he didn't know how to do it. If he could see the refining of alchemy in the morning, he would be the genius of alchemy ...

After pondering for a while, he threw in three elixir again, and continued to inject blue elemental power with blackstone heating. As a result, he did not fry the elixir this time, but when he opened the furnace lid, he found that the elixir was no different from the original one. .

"Will you just add some powder?"

Min Jiangyi sat on the ground, thinking for a long time, and finally decided to try it casually. Anyway, this waste Dan is not worth the money, and you can practice it after the black elementary power is exhausted.

He randomly took some medicine powder from the medicine room and spilled it. Then he threw it into three waste dandelions. After the heating was enough, he injected the blue yuan force, and finally injected two strands of black yuan force.


丹 The entire Dan furnace was shaken violently again, and when he opened it, the whole face was dark. The three elixirs inside it plus the original two were all blown up and turned into residues. One was left ...

"Malgobi, how do you get it?"

Min Jiangyi sat on the ground and pondered, thinking for a long time, but had no idea what to do. Suddenly, his eyes lightened, and he patted his head, and walked towards the side hall.

There are a lot of books on alchemy on the bookshelf in the Bibian Hall. Maybe you can find a way to regenerate the elixir.


After looking at the five or six books, he finally found a summary of alchemy, and looked at a few pages to find a way to recuperate the elixir.

"It turned out that the recuperation of traditional Chinese medicine required blindness to rehmannia powder. Only when the traditional medicine was restored to neutrality could it be returned to the furnace for coagulation ..."

Wu Jiangyi suddenly realized that he had found the extract of the herb and rushed to the herb room to find the powder of rehmannia glutinosa. Soon he found the powder of rehmannia glutinosa in a porcelain pot and started to return to the oven again.


When he dropped three elixir and injected a ray of black force, a dull explosion came from inside the furnace, but when he opened the furnace lid, he found that the three elixir inside was again It's all blown ...

"No matter, try it for the last time. If not, go home and eat."

Minjiang Yi was annoyed. He threw all the remaining seven waste dan into it, and took some rehmannia powder, which was rebuilt for the last time, and this time he injected all the remaining three strands of black elemental power in the dantian.


Unexpectedly, Jiang Yi unexpectedly exploded the furnace, but when he opened the furnace cover without any hope, he unexpectedly found that there were three elixir that had not been fried and lay quietly in the furnace. The black light flowing above, faint and grainy, looks very beautiful.

"Hahaha, it's done?"

Jiang Yi was ecstatic. He took out three black elixirs in the furnace and smelled the light fragrance. His excited body shivered. Looking at the three elixirs in his palm was like watching three undressed beauties. Alluring.

"Like, like, it ’s very similar to yesterday ’s two distillery elixir! Oh, how much is one distillery? Maybe ... I sold these three elixir and it was worth twelve. Zijin? "

Minjiang Yi was so excited that he quickly took an empty small porcelain bottle and packed it, sorted out the alchemy room, closed the door and walked toward his own courtyard.

Uh ...

"Master, Chunya said that there is a restaurant on the South Street where someone needs to do the dishes, I want to go with her ..." Jiang Yi returned home and chopped the food. Jiang Xiaonu sat on the side and whispered Nono suddenly.

"No! Absolutely not!"

Wu Jiangyi interrupted him directly and warned calmly: "Little slave, you remember, starting today you will never leave the Jiang family compound, otherwise you will not recognize me as a young master."

Minjiang Xiaonu's eyes were anxious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "But if one month later, if the money can't be paid, the people in Fengyunlou will come to the house to ask for money.

Min Jiangyi put down his chopsticks, and touched the head of Xiaonu, and smiled, "Little slave, don't worry, I believe that Master, we will soon be rich!"

When I thought of the three elixirs in my arms, Jiang Yi grinned, and the speed of chopping rice was a little faster. After eating all the food, he explained Jiang Xiaonu's words and walked out of the yard.

This time he did not walk towards the alchemy room, but quietly turned out of the western courtyard and quickly walked towards the city. He was going to the largest business in the city, Juzhenge!

According to the property of the Ji Family, the main house of the city, Jujuzhen Pavilion has countless precious treasures. It claims to have only things you can't think of and nothing you can't buy. At the same time, Juzhenge is also recognized as the best place to sell treasures.

Hao Jiangyi dare not find a place to sell elixir casually, in case anyone becomes suspicious and greedy, it will be troublesome. The entire city of Tian Yu is from the Ji family. What treasures in Juzhenge have not been seen? Naturally, he will not come to pit him.

He walked halfway, and suddenly he stepped into a robe shop next to him. He soon came out wearing a black robe, and shrouded his head in a cloak.

He is a child of the Jiang family. In case anyone sees him in and out of Juzhen Pavilion, he will still sell elixir! It is easy to suspect that he stole the elixir in the danfang room and sold it, so he had to be careful.

After a scent of incense, he came to the city center square of Tianyu City. People in the square were busy. The traffic was crowded. Jiang Yi's whole body was covered in a black robe, which attracted some people's attention. Didn't care much.

Min Jiangyi walked quickly with his head lowered, and quickly walked to a magnificent three-story attic to the south of the square.

"Juzhen Pavilion!"

Min Jiangyi glanced up at a huge plaque in front of the door, the three big golden characters of dragon flying and phoenix dancing, pursed his lips, clenched his teeth and walked inward.

The interior of Juzhen Pavilion is very spacious, at least a few dozen feet wide at a glance. It is full of various counters. Each counter has a clerk standing there. Countless men and women in luxurious robes are roaming around. It is a small square market.

Min Jiangyi came to such a large place for the first time, and some did not know how to be good. Fortunately, he stood for a while, and a middle-aged man in a steward's robe came over and asked, "Do you have any needs for this guest?"

"Juzhenge is truly extraordinary!"

Min Jiangyi nodded secretly, and the black robes he bought outside were also bargains, which did not make him kick out. It was also so polite. Tianyu City's largest firm was truly extraordinary.

Minjiang Yi arched his hand and said in a low voice, "I want to sell some elixir. Do you collect it?"

"The premium elixir was collected."

The supervisor nodded and asked, "What is the quality of the customer's elixir? If it is the quality of the person ..."

"There should be more than inferior people, right? Not to mention the ranks, at least it should be superior people, right?" Jiang Yi secretly pondered for a while, and then said: "Not inferior people.

The supervisor nodded and said coldly, "Well, please follow me."

Hao Jiangyi followed this steward into an adjacent Accord. The steward asked Jiang Yi to sit down, and then raised his hand: "Please show me the elixir. If it is good, we will give a reasonable price."

Jiang Yi took out the small porcelain bottle in his arms and handed it over. The manager poured out one, watched it for a while, and then smelled it, finally frowning, "I have never seen the elixir, so I can't identify it. Just a moment, I'll ask our alchemist in Juzhenge to appraise. "

After talking about the affairs, he put down the elixir and went out. After a while, he walked in with a pale-haired old man wearing a full-length white robe with an impatient look on his face.

The old man walked in and saw Jiang Yi's entire body shrouded in a cloak and black robe. It was even more uncomfortable. He picked up the elixir on the table and poured out one and smelled it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com said very disdainfully: "This is the refining of Lingshen Dan, is it recycled? Is it also added some miscellaneous powder, the effect is estimated to be discounted. The value of this medicine is not high. Look at Liu Guanshi. Do it! "

"This alchemist is so good!"

Min Jiangyi was secretly frightened, but she was very disappointed and puzzled. Why didn't the black Yuanli increase the potency? It seems that this elixir is not worth much money, maybe the other party will not ask for it ...


这 Just as the alchemist was preparing to throw the elixir into a porcelain bottle, his cloudy eyes suddenly shot two radiances, his face became solemn, his eyes widened, and he carefully watched the elixir again.

"Yes, yes, this is indeed ..."

I watched for a while, the old man actually trembled slightly, and his gaze swept toward Jiang Yi, and he suddenly fisted his hands and said, "This distinguished guest, did you make this elixir?"

Min Jiangyi was frightened, and he quickly stood up and shook his head: "No, no! I just help others sell Dan ..."

Just kidding!

既然 Since the alchemy master is in Juzhenge, the grade is definitely not low. Elder Liu is a master of alchemy. In the Jiang family, all elders are elders. It can be seen that the status of alchemists is so high. How dare he bear this gift?


There was a look of disappointment on the face of the alchemist, and he took a look at the elixir again, and then turned and walked outwards. At the same time, he told the steward: "Entertain this guest well. I'll ask Miss Er first."

He froze for a moment, a bright smile on his face immediately, beckoning: "Come, have a good tea!"