My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v1 Chapter 11: Ji Tingyu

The top floor of Wujuzhen Pavilion is very spacious, but there is only a small Accord, and the remaining large area is planted with yellow unknown flowers. At the moment, under the sun's rays, it is golden and dreamlike.

This place is forbidden for the entire staff of Juzhenge. No more than five people can go to the top floor.

The second master of alchemy, master crane, is one of them.

Master Yinghe hurriedly walked in from the stairs, and at a glance locked a famous girl named Huang Shuang in the Accord sitting on the top of the building, and immediately showed a touch of doting and respect.

It was a beautiful lady. She looked only sixteen or seventeen years old. Her facial features were a little more refined than her slaves. She wore a light yellow dress and wrapped her delicate body. Sitting in the Accord surrounded by flowers quietly holding a book and watching, a cup of hot tea wafted around it, giving people a light and elegant temperament, like a king of flowers, let the flowers all Lost in color.

She has a beautiful pair of danfeng eyes, and her eyes are as bright as pearls, and she can see everything. She noticed that someone hurried up, Liu Mei slightly clustered, put down her book and looked over, and smiled lightly: "Grandpa Crane, you go It has to be so hasty, what happened? "

Master Yinghe entered the Accord without speaking, but handed a black elixir brought from Jiang Yi to the beautiful girl. The girl stretched out two white jade-like fingers and took the elixir for a while, and sniffed it on her nose, but her beautiful eyebrows were narrowed even more, and she asked in doubt: "This is just a It ’s a very ordinary elixir. It ’s still rebuilt, and it should be mixed with some miscellaneous powders. This elixir can be regarded as a top-grade Chinese product, right? ”

Master Jihe nodded Baixu, and nodded with satisfaction: "Miss is smart, you're right, but look carefully again."

The beautiful little face of the young girl Huang Huang solemnly rose up. She knew very well how strange the temperament of her own alchemist was, and she would not chat with her when she was fine. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the elixir in the sunshine.

Soon she discovered that there was nothing wrong, a little suspicion and movement appeared on her calm little face, and her pair of Danfeng eyes also lit up, and her little mouth gave a hint of astonishment: "Well? There is a weird pattern outside this elixir Isn't this legend ... "

Master Yehe nodded with certainty: "Yes, this is the legend ... Dan pattern! Miss really read the books, she is brilliant, this Dan pattern is unknown to ordinary low-level alchemists."

The beautiful lady stared at the faint lines flowing on the black elixir and looked at it again, and shook her head with a chuckle: "Grandpa Crane, I'm not an alchemist, this Dan pattern was seen in several classics. It is said that ... … The alchemist who can make the Dan pattern is amazing? Is there any special effect of this Dan pattern? "

"Danwen is useless and does not add any effect to the efficacy of danshen."

Master He took a deep breath and solemnly said with a deep face: "But in the ten-odd-year history of the star continent, 107 kings and nine saints have appeared. There is ...


Miss Huang Chang shook her body and lost her face. Her beautiful eyes suddenly became scary, and she said nervously, "Where do you grandpa come from?"

Master Yinghe reached down and said, "This is a young man selling it below."


Miss Huang Chang opened her mouth in astonishment and quickly asked, "What is the strength of that boy?"

Master He shook his head and said, "This young man is very weak, and he has made Dingjing a heavy one. This is by no means his refining. To make such an elixir, he must have at least five strengths. I came up to ask the lady How can this be decided? Or send someone to follow the boy and find the alchemist? "

"Do not!"

Ms. Huang Chang groaned down, her face quickly calmed down, and a pair of black gemstones sparkled inexplicable light, and suddenly stood up and walked down: "I'll go and see for myself."

Uh ...

There is a lot of noise on the ground floor of Pujuzhen Pavilion. Many big family sons and young ladies like to come here for shopping. This is the largest business in Tianyu City. Being able to enter and exit frequently is also a status symbol.


After walking down a young **** the upper staircase, the entire Juzhen Pavilion passed a brief whistle, then immediately quieted down, and the needle was heard. Many Jinpao sons showed a glowing light in their eyes. Just when they wanted to hurriedly walk towards the girl Huang Huang, they saw that she ignored the crowd and went directly into an Accord.

Jiang Yi's mood in Sui Accord was very embarrassing. For the first time in such a large place, she was still waiting for the other party to decide, and her heart was not nervous. Fortunately, his entire face was shrouded in a cloak, and years of repressive life also made his character calm a lot.

I ca n’t!

强 The calmness of his strong disguise disappeared soon after Miss Huang Chang walked in. He glanced at the girl and couldn't look away immediately. There are many beautiful young ladies in the Jiang family, and the youngest two young ladies are more beautiful than the flowers, but at this moment, compared with this Miss Huang Chang, they feel like flowers and green leaves.

"Cough, cough!"

Fortunately, Master He, who was behind the girl Huang Huang, walked in and awakened Jiang Yi. He quickly pretended to cough and lowered his head, not to look at it. He's here to sell medicine. The Huang Sang girl is obviously rich or expensive, so staring at someone else might offend the other person.

After the girl Huang Shuang walked in, her eyes turned, and Jiang Yi glanced without a trace, raising her hand to stop the salute of Liu Guanshi and the maid. Then she looked at Jiang Yi and said, "Little girl Ji listens to the rain, dare to ask the son What's your name? "

"Ji Tingyu? This Juzhenge is indeed the name of the Ji family, this lady who seems to be the owner of the city."

Listening to the girl's voice like Huang Ming's singing, Jiang Yi's mind wandered, but her mind turned around, and said calmly, "Miss Ji, good at Yi Yi."

He didn't dare to use his real name at this moment. He knew very well that since the elixir had shocked the lady of the Ji family, it must have been that the other party had noticed the peculiarity of the black power, and the husband was innocent.

"This place shouldn't stay long."

This Jijia girl is a stunning fairy, and the twinkling light in her beautiful danfeng eyes makes him feel able to understand everything. He is afraid to stay here for a long time, and all the secrets on him are nothing.

So he paused and said without waiting for the other side to say, "Miss Ji, do you accept or not accept the elixir? If you don't accept it, leave now!"


Master Yunhe and Liu Guanshi, as well as a handsome maid, all showed wrong expressions. They were very aware of the attractiveness of this young lady to the man. Which of her sons could not drive away like a fly? Obviously, this young man is not deep in the city, so he has such determination?

Xi Ji listened to the rain for a moment, but she smiled lightly, and said slightly: "Natural medicine is collected, Yi Gongzi, how much are you going to sell?"

"Every one of the top grades of elixir is twelve silver. I am an elixir and the alchemist's tone is not high, but the ladies are shocked. It is obvious that the elixir is unusual? How can it be more valuable? Is the high-grade elixir high? ”Jiang Yi's mind quickly turned, and he quickly gritted his teeth:“ Two, twenty-two silvers. ”

Xi Ji heard the rain and Master Crane looked at each other, and there was a flash of solitude in their eyes, and the elixir of refining the Dan pattern sold 22 pieces of silver? An alchemist who can make such elixir would care about this little money? Is this teenager stealing someone's panacea?

Ji Tingyu's status in Juzhen Pavilion was obviously very high. She groaned and others didn't dare to speak. After a while, she asked again: "Yi Gongzi, listen to Yu want to take the liberty to ask, this master of refining elixir ... know Do you come out and sell elixir? "

The panacea is made by Jiang Yi himself, and Jiang Yi naturally nodded indifferently: "Knowing, if not, wouldn't it have been stolen by me?"

"It doesn't mean to listen to the rain, it's just some rules of ours, don't blame Yigong ..."

Xi Ji no longer asked when he heard the rain, and turned to Liu Guanshi to explain: "You go to get one or two purple gold, these three elixir we collected in Juzhenge."

"One or two purple gold?"

Qiu Jiangyi was surprised, but the two purple golds were one hundred silvers. Not only did Ji Ji not lower his price, but she went up?

The supervisor quickly went out and took a small golden leaf and handed it to Jiang Yi, and Ji Tingyu smiled and said, "Yi Gongzi, if there is such an elixir in the future, you can come to our Juzhen Pavilion, we all want it!" Three, one or two Zijin acquisitions, we will still pay high prices for high grades, of course ... you must obtain the consent of the master refining this elixir. "

"This is Zijin?"

Min Jiangyi's mind was completely attracted by a purple gold leaf in his palm. He had never seen purple gold in his life. His breathing became quicker, and he didn't care about the lady's words at all, and waved his hands freely: "Okay, if there is such an elixir in the future, it must be sold to you Juzhen Pavilion, and I'll leave in the next matter ..."

After saying that Jiang Yi put away Zijin, he hurriedly hurriedly walked outside. Master He wanted to ask a few more words, but was stopped by Ji Tingyu's hand.

As soon as Jiang Jiangyi stepped out of the Accord, he found that countless light locked him, and some sons showed jealousy and hatred. He didn't know it was because of Ji Tingyu's relationship. Some scalp was numb. He lowered his head and tightened the cloak that covered his head and walked out of Juzhenge quickly. Com disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people outside ...

Uh ...

After Jiang Yi walked for a while, Master He retired Liu Guanshi and the maid, Chao Ji heard the rain and asked, "Miss, this elixir is worthless except the elixir, and its efficacy is unknown. It cannot be sold. How do you collect it all? And ... would you like someone to follow him? "

"Ha ha."

Ji listened to Yu Yingying with a smile, which was dazzling in beauty. The light waves circulated in her beautiful eyes, and she looked at Master He with a smile: "Grandpa Crane, the big city of Tianyu, no one can match you with alchemy, but when it comes to doing business ... but No one compares to me. Just because of this Danwen, if I was not afraid to scare this boy, I would buy twelve Zijin. If you use a little money, you can pay for an alchemist who may become ... Dan Wang Dansheng, This business is so cost-effective. By the way! Grandpa Crane, you must not send someone to follow, otherwise it will be worth the trouble to anger the mysterious alchemist. Rest assured, this boy will come home soon ... "

Master He suddenly realized that he whispered Baixu and sincerely praised: "Miss is quick-minded, long-term vision, old man admires. Yeah ... the huge Tianyu City has millions of people. No one can do business like Miss Otherwise, how could this Juzhenge become the largest company in Tianyu City in just two years? Right! Miss was only 14 when she took over the company? If you continue to manage the lady, it will take 10 years. Juzhenge It will be the largest firm in our country. "

Ji Tingyu shook her head with a small smile, and refused to let her go. She looked through the gap in the Accord window and looked into the distant sky. But how can you be the woman of the Empress, and keep doing this copper-smelling business man? "