My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v1 Chapter 12: Crawl back

"Zijin, one or two Zijin, I actually made one or two Zijin?"

Back in the alchemy room of the Jiangjia Nanyuan, Jiang Yi still felt like a dream. He secretly took out the purple gold leaves in his arms and looked at them, touched them a few times, and hid them in his arms. The whole person was silent in joy. In.

才 In just two days, he actually earned one or two Zijin. The most important thing is that Ji Jiyu also said, how many elixir will she receive in the future? Then he made 27 more black elixir, can't he earn 12 purple gold, and redeem the token?

When I thought of refining a large amount of elixir and selling it to Juzhenge, I could easily get a lot of money, and Jiang Yi shuddered. Even if he is a waste of cultivation, he can also become a wealthy man with this black power, and he will be able to live with his slaves comfortably forever.

Elder Tamarix will definitely continue to experiment with alchemy in the past few days. As long as he does not inject black power, he will never be able to refining the elixir of the ground, so there will be a lot of waste elixir ...

"Yes, the black Yuanli is completely exhausted, I have to hurry up to refine some and reserve it at any time. And the blue Yuanli that was burned back yesterday also consumed too much, so I have to make up for it."

Min Jiangyi suppresses her inner joy and excludes her thoughts from sitting and meditating on the ground. He is going to practice an unnamed exercise for a half hour, and then transfer to Jiangshui to restore the blue strength. When the sky is getting dark, he will take the "Herb Notes" to read it all night. Elder Liu did not dare to neglect things, otherwise Jiang Song was his end yesterday ...

He had just practiced for an hour, but Jiang Yi woke up. He was awakened by a slight footstep.

A figure probed at the door of the door was peeking inside the alchemy room. After seeing only Jiang Yi alone, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked in crazily.

"Jiang Song? What else is he doing here?"

Min Jiangyi stood up and greeted him, but Jiang Song made a hissing motion, came over with some doubts and whispered, "Jiang Yi, why are you in the pharmacy? Are the elders inside?"

Occupied the position of disciple in the alchemy room, although it was not his intention, Jiang Yi still awkwardly said: "Elder Liu is not here, um ... after you left yesterday, I was trying to leave, but was elder Liu. Stop it and let me stay here to help. "


Minjiang Song's face changed suddenly, and there was panic and anger in his eyes. Yesterday he was slapped by Elder Liu, returned home and talked to his father, but was severely beaten again, so that he immediately came over today to apologize to Elder Liu for elder Liu's forgiveness, so as to continue to stay This pharmacy works.

Minjiang Song is also a master of the next line, talented and lazy and fun, now it is the dual cast of the tripod. His father asked Elder Liu several times to arrange him in, and his original intention was to let him learn some alchemy skills to make a living in the future.

Hao Jiangsong was beaten by his father yesterday. He was reprimanded for a long time, and he regretted it. At least ... He can often get some elixir to sell money. So after thinking about it today, he decided to pay for his crimes with a cheeky face, even if he knelt down to Elder Liu.

I didn't expect to come over, but heard such a news that he was desperate. Since Elder Liu let Jiang Yi stay, he has no chance ...

I thought I would never have a chance to get elixir again, no money. I thought his father would be furious when he heard the news. He would also peel off when he died. Jiang Song shivered, and he was furious for a moment. I don't know what to do.

When Jiang Jiangyi saw Jiang Song like this, he was relieved with guilt: "Jiang Song, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it ..."

"Not intentional?"

Jiang Song glanced at Jiang Yi and yelled at Jiang Yi's nose: "You are obviously intentional, right! Yesterday I came back from the hut and you were here, you must have filed a complaint with Elder Liu, he It ’s so furious. Jiang Yi, you are so poisonous. I never thought I would see you honestly, but it was a sinister villain. "


Min Jiangyi was speechless. This Jiang Song was lazy and not subject to Elder Liu's attention. Even if this alchemy room disciple's position is not on top of Jiang Yi, there will be others on top. He is too lazy to argue with this Jiang Song, turns and walks inward, and said coldly, "Jiang Song, go back, I I don't want to argue with you. If you think it's the wicked man behind me, you can go to the court to sue me. "

"Okay! I only worked in this alchemy room for one day. Are you pretending?"

Jiang Song trembled with anger, his face muscles twisted, and a sudden flash of bruise flashed in his eyes, screaming, "Look, I beat you crippled, how does Elder Liu still use you? Hum, I will let you My father came to beg Elder Liu. This position is still mine. "

He said, Jiang Song had a fierce eye, and shouted "Red Practicing Black Sand Palm" in his mouth. The palms of his palms showed a frightening black, and he slammed **** Jiang Yi's back.

Minjiang Yi heard the wind behind her suddenly looked back, and suddenly became furious. At that time, he had an amazing understanding and was honored in the Jiang family, so he had seen a lot of Jiang family martial arts, and Jiang Song could use the martial arts he recognized at the moment.

Red Practice Black Sand Palm!

Using the red viper snake as a medicine guide, honed in the black sand. After training, the recruiters have a stagnation of heart pulse, such as the middle red, and the physical ulcers are penetrated by iron sand. It is a fast-moving human skill. law.

掌 This palm method is very poisonous. If the middle palm is not treated in time, it will become a wasteful person and cause death. Even if it is easy to crash, most of the big self-disciplined children in the big family don't bother to practice, and this Jiang Rufeng is doing his best because of a little thing. Do you want to abolish him or directly kill him?

"Black Yuanli!"

Min Jiangyi instantly mobilized a trace of black elemental power and moved towards the corner of his left eye. Against Jiang Song, a duo who casts the duality in the world, he did not bother to assemble the black elementary force to increase his attack power. Of course, he doesn't want too many people to know that his power can increase dramatically, compared to martial arts? Jiang Song is still far behind!


Min Jiangyi's left eye quickly flashed black, and the world in front of him changed again. Jiang Song's palms, which had a good speed, became slower.

"Tangle your hands!"

He turned quickly and did not retreat, his legs slid forward, but his body suddenly leaned back, his hands tangling around Jiang Song's hands like two seaweeds. With the help of this black elementary force, he can easily determine the attack trajectory and speed of the opponent, so that he can judge in advance, avoid, and fight back.


Min Jiangsong's palms have just been photographed. Jiang Yi's body is steep and then tilted up. His two palms can only be emptied. And when he was going to take a downward shot, Jiang Yi's two hands were already entangled like two seaweeds, and he easily grasped his two hands and wrapped them.


Hao Jiangsong was shocked but not panic. In his opinion, Jiang Yi only had the most important role in making a tripod, and even if he was skillful and skillful in martial arts, he would never be his opponent. His realm is higher than that of Jiang Yi. The reaction speed, attack speed, and strength are all different. How can he lose? He sneered and didn't care about his hands anymore. He was infused with Yuanli on the right leg and knees, and suddenly lifted toward Jiang Yi's crotch.

Hao Jiangsong's idea is theoretically correct, but he did not know that Jiang Yi's vision in his left eye became horrible at the moment, and all his actions were seen by Jiang Yi. He hasn't moved. Jiang Yi has already determined his attack trajectory in advance. Although there is a gap between the power and the attack speed, but ... the reaction speed is much faster than him.

"Snake Whip Leg!"

Min Jiangyi's right leg flung out early, sweeping like a poisonous snake towards the upper leg of Jiang Song.

"Pop!" "Pop!" "Pop!"

With a crisp sound, Jiang Yi's right leg was beating against Jiang Song's calf like a poisonous snake. How could Jiang Song expect Jiang Yi to respond so quickly? Before he came to his senses, his calf had been beaten on three legs, and a fierce pain came. He secretly withdrew his right leg in an uncharacteristic manner, preparing to temporarily back off to avoid its sharp edge before counterattacking.


He forgot a little. At the moment, his hands were entangled by Jiang Yi's silk entangled hands. When he stepped back, his hands were entangled again. The body's center of gravity naturally became unstable, and his body almost fell, and his mind was completely panic Already.

"Pop, pop!"

Min Jiangyi looked cold, his hands were still entangled in Jiang Song, and he was slightly unable to control his body's center of gravity. His legs continued to be pulled toward Jiang Song's right leg like electricity, and he was chasing **** the calf alone ...



When Jiang Yi kicked the sixth leg, Jiang Song's right leg and calf finally heard a sound of bone fracture. Jiang Song also screamed, and could no longer support the body's center of gravity. He fell to the ground and hugged his right. My legs hurt.

Wu Jiangyi did not hit the water dog with pain this time. He loosened Jiang Song's hands early and watched him screaming endlessly, without a trace of sympathy in his heart. If he had no black power today, it would be him who screamed on the ground at this moment, the world is so cruel, and he can only be humiliated without strength!

Jiang Song was in pain for a while, and his sweat was cold on his forehead. His face was twisted and difficult to climb, and his eyes were full of horror and confusion. It seems that he still can't believe that he has created the dual strength of the tripod. Wounded by Jiang Yi's heavy waste?

However, he is very clever, knowing that this place should not be left for long, otherwise the injury will be more serious. He walked on one leg and fled hard outside. When he went outside and saw Jiang Yi not chasing him, he filled his eyes with bitter teeth and said, "Jiang Yi, how dare you hurt me? You're dead, I will let Brother Hu fight Damn you, you have a kind of life that won't leave Jiang's compound, hiss ... "

"I haven't rolled three times, you're ready to ... crawl back with your hands!"

Min Jiangyi stayed still, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com looked at Jiang Song coldly and said something. As a result, Jiang Song's face changed. Jiang Yi hurriedly supported the wall before he started to count. He jumped quickly with his left leg and fled to the distance. It only disappeared after more than ten minutes ...

Hao Jiangyi did not go after him. How to say here is the Jiang Family Courtyard. If the Tangtang knew it, he and Jiang Song would be punished. The Jiang family secretly condoned the children's fighting, but on the surface it still had to maintain the majesty of the clan rules.

I waited for Jiang Song to disappear completely, Jiang Yi's face calmed down, but there was a flash of worry in his eyes.

Brother Jiang said that the tiger brother is naturally the boss of the second-class children in the family, Jiang Ruhu! Jiang Ruhu's father is Jiang Yunshe, the head of the Internal Affairs Hall, and an older brother, Jiang Rulong, ranks second in the young generation of the family, only under the hatred of the younger master Jiang. There are fathers and elder brothers, plus their own strength to reach the quartet of fortune, Jiang Ruhu naturally mingled with the rumors, many of the Jiang family ’s masters and second-class children, such as Jiang Baojiang Song and others are the only ones who look ahead. .

He only hit Jiang Bao two days ago, and Jiang Song was hit again at the moment. I am afraid that Jiang Ruhu will surely hate his teeth when he knows it, right?

"Jiang Ruhu ..."

Ou Jiangyi had a big head for a while. After this incident, he was even more eager to have strong strength, so that he would not be bullied and insulted.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yi sat up again and groaned secretly: "Well ... first practice Jiangshui, be careful during this time, don't be intercepted by Jiang Ruhu and others. Wait until I have enough money before I go out Buy high-quality elixir from outside and speed up cultivation! Hum, as long as I have the duality of Zhuding Realm and the black power, Jiang Ruhu, dare you come to trouble and see that I do n’t make you one by one?