My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v10 Chapter 63: Strike 1 Strike

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Jiang Yiwei was so famous that he killed five demigods in Futu Mountain, which were still the demigods of the Northern Emperor Wu family. Later, the North Emperor dispatched himself, but Jiang Yi did not have any fart. This incident spread to the snow and made countless people subconsciously believe that Jiang Yi is powerful and comparable to the seven or eight stars.

Now that Huo Yan's most powerful attack swallowed the magic of the sky, not only did he not cause any harm to Jiang Yi, but he was absorbed by him, and Huo Yan was naturally afraid. No one wants to die. A demigod is only a demigod, not a true god, so it is normal for the fire to retreat.

Of course, the flames were not really frightened. He just saw that Meng Nong came and he was going to hide behind Meng Nong. The three-ethnic alliance has been used to having the Mammoths in front, the dwarves assisting in the attack, and the fiery tribe mainly attacking. Huo Li's defense is not very strong, with Meng Nong blocking in front, he will not be at least a little dangerous.

"Jiang Yi?"

When Meng Nong heard the flames, he froze a little, but soon became angry, and the people of the Eastern Emperor came to the snow to kill? Still provoking civil strife in the snow? This made Meng Nong's anger to the limit.He was also very confident in his defense. His body flew like a hill, his fists continued to hit the air, and the turbulent waves of space spread out like ripples. Can't escape


Jiang Yi did not have any retreat. He did not kill Meng Nong. He only died. He approached Meng Nong quickly, and the soft sword in his hand had been taken in. Shenyin Tianji's influence is too weak for demigods, and demigods have spirits, and ordinary soul attacks can be almost ignored.

No soul attack

Jiang Yi's black iron sword in the other hand was also taken in. The fire dragon sword that had not been used for a long time appeared, the sword was waving, and the nine-day **** thunder roared down, and it was continuously chopped towards Meng Nong.

At the same time, the Fire Dragon Sword also lighted up, and the devouring flame that just absorbed the flames was released by him, and shot with tens of thousands of fire dragons towards Meng Nong with a rolling wave of heat.

"Howling Blade"

The vacated hand, Jiang Yi's lightning flashing, released endless squalls. Those squints flew forward while condensing quickly, and a squinting blade appeared.

Three attacks

Jiang Yi does not seek to kill Meng Nong, but only forces him to retreat and let him stop shaking the space, then he can go away.

Dreams are beautiful, but now cruel.

There was a taunt of mocking on Meng Nong's face full of flesh, and he didn't escape at all, neither did he stop shaking the space with his hands, facing three powerful attacks, he chose to resist.


Shen Lei was the first to blast, and Mengnong's Aegis trembled slightly, and the light was only dim. Ten blades of the Howling Wind whistled away, and the Aegis light shone, bright and dark, but it was not broken.

This blade of the wind once smashed the shield of the top heavenly ship, showing that Meng Nong's defense is strong, and finally swallowed the demon inflammation, and Meng Nong's skin was red as blood and Aegis was weak as paper, but in the end Still unbroken, his strength rose, and Aegis shone again ...

"call out"

The flames flew from behind him, and he was grabbed with one hand towards Devourer Devourer.The terrible devastator was sucked into his palm, and Jiang Yi's three attacks were broken.Although there was a thunder in the sky, it could not break Meng Nong Aegis already.

"It's a good attack? It's my turn now"

Meng Nong grinned. Although he was smiling, there was too much meat on his face, and it looked like a murky feeling. His right hand smashed into the front suddenly. This time, the space did not form the shock wave just as before, but a golden fist shadow appeared. The fist shadow was not large, and it didn't seem to have much power. The only thing was that it was fast.

As soon as possible

Jiang Yi had no time to evade, and the fist shadow smashed over. The stun wind shield on his body was shocked, and his body was suddenly blasted out. The swindle energy was consumed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and it was about to break.

"Demigod's attack really cannot be underestimated."

Jiang Yi was horrified at heart, this fist shadow is just a not very powerful attack on the golden system. It should be about three stars, definitely not more than five stars, but the power is just as scary. At this moment, the fist shadow had not broken the Aegis of the Wind, but the coercion and strength he had carried had injured his internal organs.


It is no longer possible to release Howling Wind to condense Howling Wind Aegis, he can only release a few thunderfires desperately and quickly consolidate the Thunder Aegis.


He flew out hundreds of feet, and the Aegis of the Wind burst, and his Thunderbolt also happened to condense successfully, but the Thunderbolt could not carry it for a long time and burst quickly.


Between the sparks of calcium carbide, he condensed the Elemental Aegis, and at the same time controlled the elemental force to be poured into the Aegis crazy.

There was no accident, and the Aegis also burst. Fortunately, the energy of this fist shadow was almost exhausted. Jiang Yi's body was smashed into a small hill, his chest was obviously recessed, and the ribs were broken by four. The blood in the corner of the mouth does not allow the rush of money.

"Jiang Yi, who is famous in the Eastern Emperor mainland, is just the same. Old fire, you are too boring, scared by him."

The flesh on Meng Nong's face shook, and he grinned, and talked, but his hands did not stop, and he continued to shake the space to prevent Jiang Yi from dying.

"Hey, I returned to prepare to release the attack."

Huoyan's old face blushed and was ashamed. His mouth refused to lose, but his eyes were furious. Just now he saw clearly. From the perspective of Jiang Yi's speed defense and reaction speed, he did not reach demigod at all. He was just bluffing and scaring him ...

"To die"

In shame and anger, he flew over Meng Nong toward Jiang Yi and waved his hands. This time, a huge fire beast condensed, like a yak full of fire, whistling towards Jiang Yi with a devastating atmosphere.


The demigod attack was too fast, Jiang Yi could not escape at all.He only gritted his teeth and released the Fengfeng Aegis again to resist.This time he was smashed into the hill dozens of feet, and the hill was also blasted by a landslide. Ground fissures, gravel flying around, water mist covering the sky.

This time, Jiang Yi was not so miserable. Although this pattern looks very mighty, the main damage of the fire system is still the flame. He was immune to flames, but was injured only by the shockwave shock generated when the yak exploded ~ ~ Despite this, his injuries were still miserable, and the demigod's attack power was too great. It turned red, and there was blood pouring out of the corners of the mouth at the moment.

"Okay, old fire, don't kill him, this person has to torture it carefully to see who sent it? Let's go back to Tian Yinzong and ask the queen to be the master. The Eastern Emperor's mainland is too bullying. You must not let it be bullied. "

When Meng Nong watched the flames and released the attack again, he quickly drank. In his opinion, Jiang Yi is just a small character who can be pinched to death. He can play as much as he wants. Naturally, he doesn't want to easily die.

"call out"

Meng Nong rushed towards the hill, and the flames quickly followed, but Meng Nong was not stupid. He kept shaking the space, making Jiang Yi unable to kill the sky at all, and only watched them approach.

One hundred feet, five hundred feet, three hundred feet, one hundred feet

Jiang Yi was buried in the gravel pile. He hadn't moved, and he looked like he was going to die. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he calculated the distance secretly. If anyone knew him, he would know that he was about to fight hard.