My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v11 Chapter 32: I do n’t read much, do n’t lie ...

The events of Xuanshen Mountain did not conceal the people in the world. It only spread to the entire continent in five days. There were always scouts of major families near Xuanshen Mountain. Any situation there would spread to the major families, and then to all of them. mainland.

Xuan Shen Temple has appeared in Xuan Shen Mountain for several years. In recent years, countless people have tried to climb the mountain, but they have been blocked by the strange restrictions on the mountain. Even the nine emperor himself sent out without success. Of course, it's not that Jiudi really couldn't climb the mountain, but the prohibition was very strong. If he forced to climb Xuanshen Mountain and Xuanshen Palace, they would be blown into pieces.

Xuanshen Mountain is a sacred mountain. There are many secret realms on it. Xuanshen Palace is the first treasure in the world.

The news spread that the major families acted immediately, but it was strange that the nine emperors and the old guys of the major families did not move, and even the demigods rarely sent out, just to let the young generation take the teleportation array towards the fastest speed towards Xuandi City rushed.

The reason for this is that when the Xuanshen Palace appeared on Xuanshen Mountain, the nine emperors and the old guys were very clear. This thing can only be inherited by the younger generation.

Because climbing at that time, the older the warrior, the harder it was to climb, anyway, the younger warrior climbed easily. Reminiscent of Xuandi's temperament, Jiudi and those old guys, such as Yindi, have no thoughts of climbing the mountain. Xuandi himself was also a young genius. When he became Xuandi, he was not over forty years old, and his things will certainly not be inherited by the old guy.

Yi Chan is out, Xie Fei is dispatched again, Ling Qijian Ling Shiya is already halfway, Jian Wuying is the fastest transmission under the leadership of an old devotee of the family. The Wu family also sent people, but Wu Ni did not show up, it is estimated that it was still locked up and not released. Countless young sons and daughters of the family moved by the wind and rushed to Xuandi City.


Jiang Yi didn't know Xuanshen Mountain's change. Even if he knew it, he would sniff and not panic. Aolu, as the guardian of the Xuanshen Palace, will never make a mistake. Even if Xuanshen Mountain moves again, these people can't go up.

He was at this moment under a huge mountain range still thousands of miles north of that day. This mountain is very large, there are many monsters, and there are several monster kings. Jiang Yi hid under the mountain a million feet, dug a huge underground cave, and then took out the imperial palace and entered the imperial palace by himself. Inside.

He killed so many people in the war, and he believes that the warrior will definitely dispatch the demigod. So if he doesn't want to kill the sky, he can only hide for half a month, because the blood soul seal can disappear after half a month.

The most dangerous places are often the safest!

It is only a few thousand miles away from the battlefield here. The route he used to travel was straight south, so the enemy would definitely search south if he wanted to track him down. The imperial palace is a peculiar space in which the astrologer cannot lock him. He believes that the demigods of the warriors can't chase him with the blood soul mark at all.

He enters the imperial palace, and every 30 hours he will release the divine magic witchcraft to explore 30 million miles. If a demigod comes after him, he will flee the next day.

"This is the Bloodsoul Seal. The bloodsouls of the warriors are really powerful. If I didn't know that this thing existed, I'd be afraid that it would never be detected."

Inside the imperial palace, Jiang Yi touched the back of his head, his face full of sighs. There was a ray of vitality behind his head, which could not be discerned without careful exploration.

"My son, take a rest!"

Sitting next to him were two beautiful beauties, Tang Xue Tang Yan. The two saw Jiang Yi open his eyes and leaned over quickly, one gently kneaded his temples, and one brought him a cup of tea to feed him personally, making Jiang Yi a respectable and grand master

"You don't have to wait for me like this, you are not my slaves." Jiang Yi laughed bitterly, and constantly released the divine thoughts, making him some mental energy, Tang Xue was a lot more comfortable to knead him.

Tang Yan put down the tea cup and smiled sweetly. She said nothing and lowered her head and rubbed Jiang Yi's legs. Tang Xue gently dropped Jiang Yi's body down and let him lean on her lap. She grinned, "Master Yi, Tang Xue Tang Yan is your slave, and our sisters will serve the master forever. "

"Master Yi ..."

Jiang Yi felt a little awkward. At this moment, he still looked like Yi San. After thinking about the flash of white light on his body, he changed back to the original look, which surprised Tang Xue and Tang Yan.

"Don't be alarmed, I used the transfiguration to change my look."

Jiang Yi smiled slightly and looked up at Tang Xue, but he just saw two towering peaks. He quickly and embarrassedly opened his eyes and said, "Sorry, I lied to you as a last resort. I am not Yi San. I Called Jiang Yi, this is what I really look like. "


The two sisters trembled again and again, because Tang Xue was too shocked and excited, and his chest was even more turbulent. The two of them looked at Jiang Yi stupidly for a moment.

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Yi couldn't take it anymore. He sat up and looked at the two of them and said, "In fact, I have seen you before. Tang Sheng was going to give you to me. At that time, I changed my name to black! At that time, I was in a hurry. , So I didn't want your sister. "


The two sisters became more confused. Tang Xueton took a long time to ask himself: "Son, are you really a famous mainland, under the Futu Mountain to kill the five lords of the Wu family?"

Jiang Yizhen first said: "If it is fake, replace it!"


The two sisters looked at each other, tears poured out, and they actually kneeled again. Tang Xue said with emotion, "The slave family has been thinking, dare to kill so many people of the Li family for our sister, the son must not be ordinary. No Thinking that the son is actually Jiang Ye, our sister was rescued by the famous legend Jiang Ye. We ... we have died in our lives without regrets. "

"I'm so famous?" Jiang Yi felt his nose, but was a little embarrassed.

"Hee hee!"

Tang Yan wiped away her tears ~ ~ grinned and said, "Jiang Jiang, you may not know, you are the most famous legend in mainland China now. If you are not from sin island, I am afraid that young people in mainland China will think of you as Idols, girls all think of you as your dream lover. Of course ... even if you come from sin island, many big family ladies are very fond of you, there are several ladies in the Tang family who admire you, and your deeds are groaned. The poet can compile the story. "

"I don't read a lot, don't lie to me!" Jiang Yichan touched his nose, and some doubtfully asked: "Many ladies really admire me?"


Tang Xueyi smiled and said, "Yes, my lord Jiang! If you just go to a large family, touch their lady's boudoir in the middle of the night, and report your name. I guess that lady will definitely not yell for help, Instead, half-push and half-push ... will I be happy with you? "

"What **** is that, Lord Jiang, am I so casual?"

Jiang Yi looked stern and said righteously. He then glanced at Tang Xue and asked, "Is there such a good thing?"


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