My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v11 Chapter 95: What about Wan Guan?

After pondering for a few days, the Fire Dragon Sword was still elusive, could not be refined and could not be driven. Jiang Yi had to throw it into the ring of the ancient god, and continued to accompany the three.

Sin Island is not far away from the East China Sea, but it is separated by a sin sea. The speed of Xuanjin Temple is much faster than that of Jiang Yihuan, so only in 7 or 8 days, Jiang Yi arrived in the sea of ​​sin.

Jiang Yi came out once inside the sin sea, and used the exploration of the gods to determine the direction and continue to die. When he reappeared three days later, the Xuanjin Temple appeared directly in the Bailong Islands of the Lu family.

"咻咻 咻"

He appeared to be a relatively large island. There were no strong cities nearby, but there were several powerful mountain bandit legions. The sudden appearance of the Xuanjin Temple immediately alarmed the following mountain bandit legions.

"Xuan Jingu?"

Two large Mountain Bandit Legions recognized the Xuanjin Temple.The leader of the Mountain Bandit Legion showed a hint of fear, and quickly waved to let the people of the Legion retreat. Instead, the Mountain Bandit Corps rushed stupidly, thinking that the heavens were different. Scramble.

Jiang Yi swept away, and found that it was the superior Tianjun who was the strongest of the small bandit legions. His interest in hands-on was gone, and he said coldly, "Go away if you don't want to die, I'm Jiang Yi."

Many mountain bandits were furious when they heard the previous sentence, but were scared when they heard the latter sentence, their bodies shivered, and then they flew at the fastest speed.

This Lord Jiang's reputation is too great. It may not die if he provoked the Thirteen Clan in the God-given tribe, but if Jiang Yi is the only one to die, Jiang Yi's magnificent name will be killed in the blood of the dead. .

After the mountain bandits escaped, Jiang Yi went away again, this time one of them appeared directly near Shenci Island, leaving only half a day away from Shenci City. Jiang Yi's thoughts were explored for a while, but Yu Jian was not stunned, so he flew towards the city of God-given.

"If Bing, this is God's Gift Island, and you will arrive at God's Gift City in half a day. Would you like to continue playing?" Jiang Yi sat in the Xuandi Pavilion and asked Yin Ruobing softly.

Unsurprisingly, Yin Ruobing shook his head and said, "Jiang Yi, I won't go out. The sin island and the eastern emperor's mainland are opposite. Our nine emperor family decided to destroy sin island from an early age and wash away the shame. That place If I dare to go in, it is estimated that the family will immediately expel me from the house. I'll be fine at Xuan Jing Temple. I have to find a way to comprehend Xuan Emperor's heavenly paintings. "

"Well, I'll come in with you every few days." Jiang Yi nodded, but Yin Ruobing laughed: "You don't have to come in intentionally, you only have Ruobing in your heart, the others are not important. Besides, I feel the sky painting "If you come here again and again, how can people cultivate?"

"What does it mean? Is it so?"

Jiang Yihuan held Yin Ruobing's waist, and moved quietly upwards. He felt the pride and softness of this pleasant woman. A smile of evil charm appeared in the corner of his mouth, and Yin Ruobing whispered in his ear and said, "Ruobing Ah, when do you look back at what we did last time? That time in Bacheng, I really felt the charm you passed on, and I forgot what it was like ... "

"Stinking rogue"

Yin Ruobing was so shy that if he grabbed Jiang Yi's hand, he would break away from his magic hand and escape. Who knew that Jiang Yi stood up and hugged Yin Ruobing, then threw her heavily on the big bed.


As soon as Yin Ruobing had a pain in his buttocks, he hurried up and ran away, but Jiang Yi was too fast. He flashed over and pressed Yin Ruobing under his body. He opened his mouth wildly and pinched Yin Ruobing's mouth. Tearing Yin Ruobing's dress was extremely rude.

"Brother, you lightly, it hurts me ..."

Yin Ruobing was suffocated by the kiss, but his skin became bright red, his mouth opened slightly, exhaling like blue, his hands were pushing Jiang Yi away, but his wild attack completely lost his helmet and armor, but slowly The beginning of the initiative to cater to anti-kiss Jiang Yi.

"Hey, the little hoof really is a personal noble lady, a **** on the bed. It seems that I can adjust it in the future ..."

Jiang Yi grinned at Yin Ruobing's fierce response. He knew very well that such an expensive lady usually behaved well. Once she was released on the bed, it was extremely wild. This was true of Fengyu and herring.

As the robes gradually diminished, and as Yin Ruobing became more emotional, the fragrance on her body became more and more intense. The kind of sweet fragrance mixed with body fragrance made Jiang Yi completely sink.Yin Ruobing's expression of desire to resist and greet, but also faintly suppressed his lust, made Jiang Yi crazy, he forgot that everything was silent in the ocean of love .

A great battle fought for half an hour, and ended with Yin Ruobing's repeated petitions. Jiang Yi looked at Yin Ruobing who collapsed on the bed like a mud, and smiled proudly.

He didn't dare to open it twice. There are still three paddy fields in the city that have been dry for several years. Xiaobei won the wedding, not to mention that he has been here for a few years. He does not save some strength. It is estimated that he will kneel when the time comes. He begged for mercy ...

He took a bath, put on a brand new robe, and went to Moyao. Mo Yaner didn't want to go to God-given city, and she didn't dare to see them either. She chose to practice in Xuan Shen Temple.

Su Ruoxue didn't have any objections. The five elders were with her. She didn't have much fear and resistance. After this time, Jiang Yi's enlightenment, she also wanted to get back the previous memories. It is also very painful if one does not pass. thing.

The speed of the Xuanshen Palace is comparable to that of the Eight Stars. At this speed, only half a day spans half of the island of Godsend and reaches the city of Godsend.

Divinity probed the huge city suspended in the air. Jiang Yi's eyes became complicated and smirked. Of course, when he left the island of God-given, he thought he would never come back. I did not expect that he would come back right now. The scenery is back.

"call out"

Xuanshen Palace shot up and arrived at the west gate of Shenci City. Many people gathered outside the gate at this moment, and Jiang Yi's face suddenly felt stunned after the sight of it. Because the patriarchs of the thirteen families came, even Lei Banxian was standing outside the city himself, standing tens of thousands on the square outside the city.

"what's the situation?"

Jiang Yi's instinct was somewhat alert, but when he thought of Ao Lu, he was relieved, and to be honest, he was really not in the eyes of the rest of the sin island except Lei Banxian.

"Phoenix, Herring, Bell Bell, Yun Fei, Situ smiled, Huang Futaotian, Situ proud, Huangfu chess ..."

He saw a lot of familiar faces more reassured, and was slightly agitated. At the moment, he ignored everything and teleported with the elder Su Ruoxue five.

"call out"

The three men's figures flashed outside the Xuanjin Temple, and everyone's eyes lit up. Lei Banxian took a step forward and smiled and said, "Welcome our heroes home"

"Welcome Grandpa Jiang to go home ~ ~ Hundreds of thousands of people kneel on one knee and roar, their voices shaking loudly through the clouds, shaking the whole city of God-given slightly. Jiang Yi smiled slightly and was about to fly Going to say hello to the crowd, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and suddenly found that something was wrong. He looked around, and looked at Feng Yan in doubt and asked, "Where is it? "

Now that everyone knows that he is back, and all of them are out of town to welcome each other, Qian Wanguan doesn't make sense to come, can it be an accident?


Feng Yi's heavy voice sounded in Jiang Yi's mind: "You are finally back. Wan Guan went back to the star continent secretly more than half a month ago. There is a great possibility that something will happen ..."

e: Four chapters will be resumed tomorrow, more at 6 pm
