My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v12 Chapter 1: Old man


Jiang Yi's eyes cooled down. Tianxing Continent is his hometown. There are too many memories of him and too many friends. Jiang Yunhai is still on the small island next to Donghuang Continent. May also happen.


The Xuan Jing Temple quickly became smaller, Jiang Yi and Su Ruoxue fought down the Warriors and Five Elders, and Warriors and Warriors were also anxious. His father and his tribe are all on the star continent, so don't go wrong.

"Come into the city."

As soon as he waved, he took Feng Xi and others to walk towards Situ's home. Lei Banxian and others didn't follow him. After a few words with Jiang Yihan, they went back. Only Situ Ao and others followed along.

The Situ Compound is still the same, and Jiangbao has not changed much. Jiang Yi looked at the familiar courtyard and felt like he was going home. Although the star continent is the hometown, there is no home there, the East Emperor mainland is not home, and there is no home in the snow. He feels that his home is here, right in Jiangbao.

"Xian nephew, you talk first. I will host a banquet in the courtyard to clean the wind at night. Do n’t worry about things over there. Wan Guan took thousands of people. There should be no major events."

Entering Jiangbao, Situo took the people away with great interest, leaving space for a group of young people. After Jiang Yi bid farewell to Situ Ao, he took the main gaze and immediately glanced at Feng Yi: "What's the situation, specifically."

Feng Ye knew that the matter was urgent and did not dare to make nonsense, and quickly explained: "On the mainland of Star, Wan Guan has been paying attention in recent years, and he sent someone back for a secret trip, wanting to take over the money and warring people, yes There is your grandpa. But ... At that time, it seemed that the two people didn't want to leave, and I don't know the specifics, anyway, there were a few people who left, and a few urgent jade charms came back. "

"Well continue."

The Qian family and the war family are deeply entrenched in the star continent, and it is normal to have deep feelings and do not want to leave. Qian Wanguan and he did not go. It was expected that Jiang Yunhai would not follow him. He is now a little bit regretful. He knew that he would go back in secret in person.

Feng Zheng nodded and continued: "Most of the months ago, Wan Guan found that the remaining pieces of emergency jade charms were all broken. The person sent last time told the two uncles that if there was an emergency, they would be crushed immediately. Jade Rune. Five pieces of Jade Rune are all broken, that should be a big deal. And we can't contact you, so Wan Guan personally took a thousand Tianjun back in secret. It should be fierce in the **** night, They are riding on top-of-the-line heavenly vessels. "

"All five jade charms are broken?"

Jiang Yi shuddered. The two had been in the star continent for tens of thousands of years. The Qian family's tentacles extended the entire star continent. If nothing serious happened, Qian Qian and Zhan Yiming would definitely not ask for help.

"Jiang Yi, what should I do?"

Zhan Wushuang was anxious, Peng Teng stood up and stared at Jiang Yi. Yun Fei was also worried. She was the princess of Tian Xuan Kingdom. His father, emperor, brother, and clan were all on the star continent.

"go back"

Jiang Yi waved decisively: "After the night, he set off, sent someone to contact Wan Guan, and asked him to wait for us in the fierce night of the blood, determine the position, and we can catch up with them in three days."

There is also a Jiang family lurking in the starry continent. Although the Jiang family Jiang Yi has not always liked it, Jiang Farewell, he must take care of the Jiang family. He is also the dean of Lingshoushan College, and there are two of Youlan and Qianzhan, and Jiang Yunhai. Too many can't let go. Don't go back and see him sleepless all day.

"Three days?"

Situ smiled with a smile on his face, but didn't ask too much, and immediately arranged. Qian Wanguan has top-level messaging jade charms, which can be contacted even though they are far away. After Jiang Yi determined the matter, he turned to Su Ruoxue, who was next to Yun Fei: "If Xue, we may not have time to find Aolu. We need to return to our hometown immediately."

Su Ruoxue didn't say anything, nodded slightly, Yun Fei glanced at Su Ruoxue, she didn't bother to talk to her just now, she said with some doubts: "Jiang Yi, what happened to Ruoxue?"

"She has amnesia. Please talk to her."

A word from Jiang Yi, he turned to Nangong Qiling and smiled bitterly: "Sister Bell, you have to go again just now, or ... you go with us?"


Nangong Qiling hasn't said a word. At the moment, she saw Jiang Yi come over, a touch of emotion appeared on her face, and she nodded.

"Okay, you talk first. I'll meet Uncle Situ."

Jiang Yi left in a hurry, Feng Ye's information would certainly not be too detailed. As Situ Ao ’s owner, Situ Ao ’s information would be more detailed, and some things would not be told to Feng Ai and others, but Situ Ao would definitely be told.

"Jiang Yi, you are here."

Sitting in the study, Situ Ao seemed to know that Jiang Yi would come. He personally poured a cup of tea for Jiang Yi and waved down his descendants. Then he said, "Jiang Yi, the information I got this time is a bit ridiculous, and if ... If I guess correctly, it should have something to do with your old counterpart. "

"Old man?" Jiang Yi's eyes became cold, Shen said, "Wu Family?"

"I can only say it was conjecture."

Situ Ao said in a deep voice: "After you left Xuandi City, Wushang returned to Beidi City. After that, the army in the city was mobilized frequently. The people in the city and the elite children of the Wu family were all secretly transferred. The army and strongmen in the four domains of the Wu family also constantly mobilized, trying to disrupt our sight. However, the Emperor of the Shadows circulated to me that five demigods of the Wu family disappeared mysteriously, and no trace has been found. "

"Ten days after the five demigods disappeared, something happened on the mainland of Star Star. Of course ... now we don't know what happened to Star Star mainland. Last time Wan Guan sent someone back, leaving ten Tianjun peaks lurking. Secret guard, but none of these ten people came back to ~ These ten people are most likely dead, so I infer that it may be the Wu family's hands. "


Jiang Yi held a tea cup in his hand. At this moment, the tea cup burst, and the tea was directly evaporated into an aerosol. His eyes flickered, and his conclusion was well accepted. He has the Xuanshen Palace in his hand, which is equivalent to holding a peerless sword, which can attack the Wujia evil family Tujia at any time. It is not impossible for the Wujia to jump under the wall and go to the star continent to take hostages for protection. This is not impossible.

"Wu Shang, I'm not going to trouble you, but you're coming to trouble me? Anxious me, kill all the members of your Wu family"

Jiang Yi grunted his teeth and yelled.He was not as guilty as his family. Last time he blood-washed the Wu Family's four realms. All the soldiers killed were military soldiers of the Wu family. They had never killed civilian women and children. That is the inverse scale of Jiang Yi.

"I'll go back to the star continent first, and leave at night." Jiang Yi got up and left, no matter how he heard it, hearing is nothing but seeing is believing.