My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v13 Chapter 27: Sense of belonging

Laobu glanced at the people flying down from the sky, his face sinking, and he ordered to the people around him: "Fastly accuse Liu Tong, the Lord is not here, and today this is a trouble."

A disciple of the Demons Pavilion rushed inward, and Lao Bu waved the people in the Demons Pavilion towards the front, surrounded Jiang Yi and the mad **** fortress, and then stared at his eyes. Eight people flying from above.

All eight were god-level, and seven were wearing golden battle armors, with a dragon pattern on the back, and surrounded by a spirited old man in a golden Chinese robe. The crowd flew down, the old man's eyes locked on Jiang Yi's murderousness, the man at the Kuangshen Fortress and the old cloth obviously knew this person, and the five men at the Kuangshen Fortress bowed slightly and saluted: "Have met the leader of Roch"


The elder known as Roach is very famous in Condor City, because he is the elder of the Luo family and specializes in handling some external chores on behalf of the Luo family. Sweeping his face, and finally falling on Jiang Yi's face, he said in a cold voice: "This man assassinated my son Luo Huan in the mad **** fortress, do you not send people to our Luo family, but to the Devil Pavilion? He led the old confused? "

"Roach Leader"

Obviously, the people in Kuangshen Fort would like to see this situation, otherwise they would not go to the obituary of the Luo family first, and then come here to meet people. The person killed inside, and ... he is a disciple of the Demon Pavilion, performing the task, so He is not offensive on both sides, and can only bring people. As for how to deal with this person, you and the two parties will negotiate to deal with it. We leave first, In this regard, the commander will go to Luo's house to thank him in the future. "

The people at Kuangshenbao apparently received the command of He, and this time they were very decisive. They threw people back on the Shenzhou and left directly. If they stay in this situation, they will only cause more trouble. Anyway, the people of both sides have arrived, and they must fight to kill them to solve it by themselves.


The people in the Mengge Pavilion blocked Jiang Yi behind him for the first time, and at the same time more than a dozen Mage Warlords rushed out. He Wei also rushed out from the inside. This man was very moral and rushed directly into the crowd. Standing beside Jiang Yi.

"Negotiate a fart"

Luo Qi's eagle-like eyes glanced proudly over the face of the Demon Pavilion, and said coldly, "This man has assassinated my son Luo Huan, and this matter has been reported to the patriarch. This person will not die, and our Luo family will not have to. Mixed in Blue Eagle Mansion, your Devil Pavilion is very good? Luo Huan, but a disciple of War God Pavilion, do you dare to take on such a task? You will not give an explanation to the Devil Pavilion. go"


The Gods of the Seven Gods of War Pavilion actually lighted up their weapons directly and walked aggressively towards Jiang Yi, apparently preparing to grab people. Today, Jiang Yi has seen the majesty and domineering of the God of War Pavilion, and did not take the Demons Pavilion at all.

"Who dares?"

Laobu's momentum rose, and a spear appeared in his hand. He also said, "This person is a disciple of our Mengge Pavilion. When you say take it away, what is it? When we do it, what do we want to do? Destroy us first "

A white arc knife appeared in He Wei's hand, shaking his arms and shouting, "Bu Lao is right, our Devil Pavilion is not a bully, who wants to steal someone and step over our bodies"

"咻咻 咻"

Dozens of gods in the God of War Pavilion will continue to fly out at a short distance. At the same time, there is also an extermination war on the side of the Extermination Pavilion. A lot of people will go out to see the excitement, and there are countless people around the square. People were also alarmed, and quickly gathered towards this side.

There is a clear tendency to expand things.

Jiang Yi's heart was raised in his throat, and the situation has now evolved into a conflict between the God of War and the Extermination Pavilion, and a war may break out at any time. If the two sides start a war, he will be the first to be killed. aims.

He just couldn't retreat. So many people in the Demon Pavilion appeared for him. If he escaped, how could he be worthy of them? The arrogance in his bones also forced him to stand still, but the fire dragon sword appeared in his hand, and even if he died, he had to find a way to drag one or two backs.

"Stop it all"

A burst of applause came from the Demon Pavilion, and then a small, thin old man with dozens of Demon Wars was about to come out. Laobu was relieved when he saw the man. The Lord of the Court is not present. The leader Liu is the person in charge. Today he comes forward, and it is impossible for the prestige of the Demons Pavilion to sweep the floor.

"See Leader Liu."

Dozens of people on the side of the Demon Pavilion were so excited that it was as if they had found the backbone of the main body, but Roach didn't care about it at all, and the corner of his mouth showed a touch of mockery. Son Luo Huan, we have to explain this to the Luo family. The patriarch is very angry. Please give me an explanation.

"What is it?"

Liu Tong led a very short man with a small face and smaller eyes. He smiled and walked back with his hands on his back and said, "Someone posted a task and asked Luo Huan's head. Our disciples in the Demons Pavilion took the task to kill the target. Is this normal? ? "


Luo Qi smiled angrily, and his body shook slightly. He stretched out his fingers and pointed at Liu Tong: "Liu Wei, are you sure your brain is okay? I am still asking you this question-who posted the task in the end? You Ming Mo Ge knows that the target is Luo Huan, why do you want to take this task? Can any task be taken casually? If someone next assassinates you to assassinate your commander Liu, is it possible that God of War can also take it casually? To be honest … To kill you, Commander Liu, there are 30 people in our God of War Pavilion who can do it easily. "

Luo Qi's meaning is very obvious. If Liu Tongling does not give a statement, the God of War may be a new task tomorrow, assassinate Liu Tongling. When the time comes to investigate, you have a precedent for the Demon Pavilion. No wonder we are the God of War Pavilion. From this sentence, we also reveal the essence and domineering of the God of War Pavilion.

"Who posted the task? Sorry, no comment. We must keep the task publisher secret."

Liu Tongling was not irritated at all, and still held his hands with a smile. He said lightly: "As for why this task should be taken, there is naturally a reason. Luo Huan had contact with Fei's son Fei Ming half a month ago. It shows that they have contacted at least ten times in the past few months. Every time I talked in the secret room, I was very happy. What should the family do? Roach. You should be very clear. Check the Eagle House. "

"You ... framed"

Luo Qi's face changed greatly, and his eyes shone like a poisonous snake. He gritted his teeth and said, "Liu Wei, you should know the inside story. If you don't want to say anything, the Luo family must have a face, and the patriarch is furious. Next, you bear the consequences yourself ~ ~ Sorry "

Liu Tongling smiled and shrugged, "Miege Pavilion will not abandon any disciple, this is the legacy left by Miege Emperor.


With a wave of his hand, Luo Qi lifted people into the air and glanced at Jiang Yi with a faint glance in the air, and said in a cold voice: "The face of the Luo family can't be beaten by anyone. Liu Wei, you will pay for today's affairs."

Luo Qi left, and the people of the War God Pavilion also retreated angrily. Liu Tongling smiled from beginning to end, like a kind old man. He gave Jiang Yi a grateful admiration, and smiled slightly: "Boy, you are very kind, but ... I can only guarantee you once, if you go to the mission in the future, ask for blessings.

Jiang Yi was rarely touched, but this time he was moved so thinly, he bent down deeply, and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Commander Liu, if Jiang Yi can survive, he will be a Demon Pavilion even if he is dead. Ghost of the Court "

For the sake of being a small figure, the Miege Pavilion did not hesitate to offend Luo's family, so Jiang Yi had the heart to belong to the Miege Pavilion for the first time.