My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v13 Chapter 34: Covert

Jiang Yi changed to the old man's appearance, left the attic and returned to Nancheng. He changed his appearance several times, and finally turned into a black **** and walked towards his attic.

There were secret agents near the attic, and Jiang Yi did not know whether the Luo family knew their departure. He didn't worry that the news that he would go to Luo Qing Yan's other hospital would be exposed. Luo Qing Yan was so smart that there would definitely be arrangements, and he would definitely not let anyone hold his feet.

Back in the attic, the Black God waited anxiously for a while, and looked at Jiang Yi with concern after he returned. He didn't know what happened, but Jiang Yi's unusual behavior today made him aware of the problem.

"It's okay, you go back to practice"

Jiang Yi didn't want to explain.The black **** returned to his room silently.Jiang Yi sat in the hall for half an hour, pondered things over and over, and then changed back to his own appearance and went out to the Demon Pavilion .

"Jiang Yi, how is it?"

He Wei has been waiting for the Devil Pavilion, Jiang Yi chose to conceal, and smiled slightly: "It's all right, I explained to her, she didn't embarrass me, did you tell Liu Tongling's nephew?"

"No." He Wei shook his head and then gave a thumbs up: "Your boy is very good. He made a fake to deceive a group of people. Brother Liu is still sad at the moment."

"Sculpture of the worm, don't tell him the truth about it."

Jiang Yi shook his head with a bitter smile, then immediately said, "How can a monster break through the demon god? What do you need?"

This time he is out, it is very likely that he will not be able to come back. He is going to leave something for the black god, and he does not follow him to the upper world. He Wei thought about it and said, "This is simple, the upper world. The heaven and earth aura can easily turn the monster into a demon god. You go to Shentongge and buy a demon tribe to practice exercises. Your little demon is also reluctant to break through, and you should be able to break through if you practice for a period of time. "

"Thank you so much. I'll go around. Brother He, please do your work."

Jiang Yi arched his hand, He Wei nodded and left, Jiang Yi suddenly stopped him and said, "Brother He, you are my only friend in the Upper Realm, now, and from now on, too


He great laughed, waved his hands and left, leaving a sentence: "Boy, don't come here, I don't like men ..."

"Ha ha"

Jiang Yi watched He Wei's departure quietly murmured: "He Wei, if I can not die this time, and I will make achievements in the future, I will never forget your kindness

He turned and left to enter the Shentong Pavilion, and spent two thousand **** sources to help the black **** buy a book of demon cultivation practice. He read the cheats, and if the black **** is not surprised, he should be able to break through the demon god. By then, he will really become a human, and he will be able to mix in the upper world.

After that, he went straight to the innermost floor of Shentong Pavilion, and took a yellow magic book.

This secret technique is called "Hidden Spell", it is a very magical supernatural power. After releasing this supernatural power, it can lurk in stealth. Those who are not strong in soul cannot be found at all.

The soul of this supernatural user is stronger and stronger. After Jiang Yi got the "rootless water" from Luo Qingyan, he immediately thought about this supernatural mystery. Unrooted water can improve the soul for a short time. In conjunction with this "hidden technique", it is a very suitable way to escape. If he can understand this hidden technique, he will have a better chance of survival.

Stealth requires three thousand battles, and Shenyuan's words require six thousand. Jiang Yi's eyelids did not blink, and he threw out six thousand gods to buy this magical power. Shenyuan is a good thing, but if it's dead, it's more for others, Jiang Yi is very bold in this respect.

He went to the grocery store after buying the hidden, and bought a lot of messy things, such as highly poisonous things, such as a magic stone-thunderstone. This stone is made by a powerful smelter, and it contains a complex array of forbidden gods, which contains huge energy. If it is hit, even the warriors of the level will be seriously injured.

Luo Qingyan gave ten thousand gods. Jiang Yi originally had more than a thousand. This time, he almost spent all, leaving less than a thousand emergency. I bought five of the Thunderbolt, and five of the venomous Scorpion Yellow Powder.

After doing all this, Jiang Yi went to the task hall. Sister Mei was not accidentally inside. After seeing Jiang Yi, a smile appeared on her face, and she suddenly said, "Boy, you are very good. Someone has designated you to answer. A mission? And it ’s the most top mission at the level of the gods. It ’s not worth ten thousand battles ... I advise you kid, it's better not to take this mission. I feel this mission is a trap, and you are deliberately letting you go to die. ”

"Ha ha"

The task speed of Luo Qingyan was very fast, Jiang Yi reached out and said, "Give me the task."

Sister Mei took out a dossier, Jiang Yi glanced at Waner and smiled. The task was too simple, that is, to go to the Mohuo Mountains to get a hundred elixir called red barnyard grass. There is information on red primroses. Jiang Yi has seen this herb many times in the mountains north of Jiyang tribe. This herb is too common and it is estimated that it is not very useful.

Such a mission is so amazing, even a blind man knows that there are ghosts in it, but Jiang Yi was relieved when he thought about it, because the mission is bright and there is no reason to refuse it.

"its not right……"

Jiang Yi suddenly thought of a problem. If he didn't go to the place designated by Luo Qingyan in the Mohuo Mountains, he would collect some red primroses, and then secretly returned to the condor tribe. He would easily get 10,000 battles. Luo Qingyan Afraid that he will release pigeons?

No matter how

Jiang Yi decided to take over the task, which was completed within five days. How can I get to the Mountain of Fire in five days? Jiang Yi was not worried at all, Luo Qingyan had already arranged these things.

"Little man"

When Mei saw Jiang Yi, she would inject Tianli into the dossier, which meant that he was determined to take over the task. He regretted a bit, "Do you really want to take risks? I know you want to be promoted to extermination, but you Don't fight with your own life ~ ~ As long as you stay with my sister, I will do my best to help you. "


Jiang Yi laughed, Tianli injected into the dossier, the dossier lighted up, and the mission was officially started. He shrugged and said, "Sorry, I have a low life and can't eat soft rice. Sister Mei, find someone else."

After speaking, Jiang Yi threw the dossier into the ring, turned and strode away, his footsteps were unusually firm, his back was as straight as a sharp sword, and he was like a fighter who was bound to die.


Looking at Jiang Yi's departure, the unfortunate color in Mei's eyes receded and gradually became cold. She muttered with a voice she could hear: "Do you really think how smart you are? This 10,000 battles are very tempting. But you did not come back to get it. It ’s a pity ... The old lady has n’t had a chance to abuse you, you are going to die. Hey, Luo hydrocarbon is the chief of the Luo family. You have to join the Luo family. Miss Qing Yan is too powerful, hum, Luo family will die this time. This condor city is not Luo, but Luo. "