My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v14 Chapter 59: Someone followed


There was a sound of coquettish applause from the distance, Jiang Yi glanced secretly to applaud Qi Qingchen.

This woman can make the whole man look ashamed. She walks through the Jiansha tribe like a breeze. Every time a soft sword is swiped, a Jiansha tribe's head is broken and her body falls down. Countless sword-sha people swept at her like swords, but she could avoid it again and again.

Fly, Fly, Fly, Sharp, Reverse ...

Qi Qingchen perfectly demonstrated what the top-level body style is. Her body fluttered in the breeze like a catkin, and she often bent her body several times, feeling like curly hair. It seemed that she had become a boneless animal. Her Qiao's face is always light and light, elegant and pleasing to the eye.


Jiang Yi was so fascinated that he was hit in the chest with a small sword, and his body flew out. He quickly looked back. This woman is really a poisonous poppy flower. The more you look at it, the more you look at it, the more you smell it, it will fascinate people deeply.

Of course, Jiang Yi simply appreciates beautiful things, and his heart is frozen. He promised Yi Chan Yin Ruobing and others, and he would definitely not slap flowers in the upper world. This woman is also very toxic, falling in love with her easily broken.

The other six were also fierce. The titled God of War was not bragging. These six were the guards sent by the Emperor Tianhan to Qi Qingchen, and the combat power was naturally considerable. Moreover, the Jiansha tribe attack is relatively single. It relies on the attack of the limbs like sharp swords. Although the six are not as fierce as Qi Qingchen, in the past one hour, they also killed at least a few hundred swords.

Every time a sword-sharp clan is killed, ten small swords fly down weakly, and the pressure on this side gradually decreases. Some strong men started to move in the distance, preparing to work together to clean up the Jiansha clan. After all, after every encounter with the Jiansha clan, it is impossible to rely on Qi Qingchen seven.

The combat power of a single Jiansha clan is actually not strong, and their horror lies in the combined battle formation. There are also limbs that can attack. It feels rushing into the army. There are long and bright swords in all directions.

Now the formation has been disrupted by Qi Qingchen and the six titled gods of war. Many people rushed to the killing for a while and found that the killing was not too difficult. The morale rose sharply, and the fighting became more powerful.

Slowly, everyone was familiar with the attacking methods of the Jiansha tribe. As long as they were not attacked together, the Jiansha tribe was not terrifying. The phoenix army is the only God of War-class powerhouse, but there is no male brother in it.

The only headache for everyone is--

The Jiansha tribe's defense is too powerful. It can't break the Jiansha tribe's head without a few tricks of the superior soldiers. However, they attack their bodies and limbs. They have no effect at all, they are all dead, and there is no pain.

With more than a hundred people joining, clearing up is faster. In just half an hour, most of the thousands of Jiansha clan were cleared by Qi Qingchen, Qi Qingchen shot back and gave it to the others. Jiang Yi and Di Linger did not participate in the war over there. Jiang Yi knew himself. Di Linger was weaker. The poison must stay to protect them.


All the small swords are no longer attacking here, Jiang Yi asked curiously: "How many sword evil clan in the secret territory? Will you encounter tens of thousands of sword evil clan army?"

"of course!"

Qi Qingchen said affirmatively: "I followed the experience of my father the emperor, and once encountered more than 100,000 swordsmen army. However, this situation is rare, at most tens of thousands. For the base camp, if you are not particularly lucky, you will not encounter an army of more than 100,000 swordsmen. "


Jiang Yi's countenance grew heavy. If tens of thousands of troops were encountered, it would be easy to have a large number of deaths and injuries. Qi Qingchen glanced at Jiang Yi and said, "Relax, if you encounter an army, I will take someone to stand up. If you retreat immediately, no It would be too dangerous. "

"No, it's still too dangerous!"

Jiang Yi cast his eyes on the poisonous spirit: "Poisonous spirit, wait for you to replace Qi Fei to investigate. If there is an army of Jiansha tribe, we will bypass immediately."


Qi Qingchen turned her eyes and smiled lightly: "If he went to investigate, he would be much safer. The hidden technique of the phantom family is the best in the world!"

"The general is ridiculous."

The poison spirit arched his hand and said modestly: "The poison spirit will go all out. Please help the general to help protect our young master."

"Ha ha!"

Qi Chen smiled with a smile: "Rest assured that with me, your young master can't die, go ..."

"call out!"

The poisonous body suddenly disappeared into the air and began to take over Qi Fei's investigation work. Jiang Yi was relieved. The Phantom is the best scout, none of them.

"Base Camp?"

Jiang Yi remembered what Qi Qingchen said, his eyes flickered a bit, and Shen Sheng asked: "Have the king-class strongmen who came here to explore before entered the base camp? Maybe there are strong men lurking in the base camp, and there is a big array? I always feel that these sword-sha people are more like puppets. "

"No ..."

Qi Qingchen gave a very positive answer, explaining: "The strong kings have all been to the base camp. My father and the emperor have also been there before. They searched the base camp several times in detail and did not find any banned formations. For any breath of life, this Jiansha tribe should be a strange thing born from heaven and earth. Hehe ... Jiang Yi, after you are strong, you can go to the base of Jiansha tribe. It is said that there are hundreds of millions of Jiansha tribe there. "

"Don't go!"

Jiang Yi's head was shaking like a rattle, and he had no tendency to masochistic. How could he go for it himself?

Between conversations, the distant battle has come to an end, and this battle is perfect. There were no dead people, but more than 20 people were injured and two others were seriously injured.

"Qi Hai, recuperate the two people in the space artifact, and the rest continue to march. Qi Fei, you don't need to investigate, and go with everyone." Qi Qingchen ordered and glanced at Di Linger and Jiang Yidao at the same time: "Qi Hai, Wait until you are responsible for protecting the Sergeant. "

Qi Fei saw that the poisonous spirit had disappeared without much accident, but was relieved. The strong man of the phantom is a natural scout. If there is such a talent, he is not required to let him explore like this ...

Qi Hai took in the two heavily wounded sergeants, and then flew over with Jiang Yi, and the army continued to advance. The location of this mission is a bit far, and it will take a day and a half to arrive. The mission is not too dangerous, depending on whether the road is calm.

The road is calm!

After flying for more than half a day, I never encountered an army of sword-sharp clan. The poisonous spirit would leave a walking route along the way, and everyone just followed the route.

One day later, there was no sword sword tribe. UU read the book The Fire Phoenix Army was convinced of the spirit of poisonous spirits, and even Qi Qingchen deliberately transmitted the voice and said that the spirits were powerful.

"call out!"

After another hour, the poisonous spirit suddenly floated back, Jiang Yi looked at him nervously and asked, "What happened to the poisonous spirit? Is there a sword army in front of it?"


The poison spirit shook his head, and Zhang Pingping's face was a little surprised. He glanced at Qi Qingchen and explained in a low voice: "I found a trace of our phantom warrior nearby. Although I didn't meet, but ... I have seven It is assured that there is a strong man from the Phantom Family following us. "


Jiang Yi and Qi Qingchen looked at each other, both of them exposing a hint of shock. There are not many phantoms in the Dangerous Army. Is it a strong man brought by regret? What does it make people follow them? Is there a plan?


PS: Chapter 6 is here. I thought of Chapter 7. I'm too tired to write. Go to bed. Good night everyone!