My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v15 Chapter 77: Big man

The knife was so frantic this time, and Ko Nongying never encountered any interception along the way. She did not enter any city in the green field, so she flew in a straight line. It took five days to fly out of the green field.

To the northeast of Qingyu is Longyu. This is a site controlled by the Long family, but the Long family is under the control of the Qing emperor. Ke Nongying is also afraid to ride the teleportation array, let alone release Jiang Yi. Continue to fly, after two days of full flight, the chariot finally stopped in a large city on top of a mountain.

"See Miss!"

Although it is Long Yu here, the owner of this city is the family of the Ke family. Ke Nongying followed the city lord into a huge castle, she stretched lazily and waved her hand: "I'm tired, Lord Ge cheng, go down."

After flying for a few days, Ke Nongying was really tired enough. A white palace appeared in her hand and Jiang Yi was released. Then he went straight into the room and said at the door: "Jiang Yi, stay in the castle, don't go out, wait for me to take a break and teleport to Linyu."

"Go to Linyu?"

Jiang Yi blinked and didn't understand. Aunt Shuang explained: "The Qing Emperor is very powerful. If you want to go directly to Jiuyang City, it will take a lot of trouble. First go back to Linyu, and you can teleport to Jiuyang City.


Jiang Yi suddenly realized, "I thank my predecessors for their confusion."


Aunt Frost was a little upset with Jiang Yi, and Leng Huo entered a room and ignored Jiang Yi, apparently because Jiang Yi was angry at Jiang Yi.

The ban on the castle was opened. Jiang Yi did not dare to go out, and turned around in the hall to grab the fruit on the table and eat. After eating about a dozen of them in a row, he was bored, and casually entered a room, took out the leaves of God, and continued to understand the original meaning.

No time for cultivation!

After blinking for a long time, Jiang Yi was awakened by the restraint in the room, and he got up and walked outside. Ke Nongying rested, took Aunt Jiang Yihaoshuang out of the castle and entered a separate castle in the backyard. There was nothing but a huge teleportation array.

"Turn on the teleportation array!"

Ke Nongying waved his hand and said nothing nonsense. Although Jiang Yi was very curious, he didn't ask much to follow in to teleport. Soon a white light came on and the three disappeared into the teleportation array.