My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v16 Chapter 81: Regret

At the moment when Emperor Tianfeng Feng appeared, Tan Xianger instantly understood the meaning of the words "a complete defeat", and understood why Jiang Yi arranged for the funeral and immediately fled.

Tanuki Xianger knows Jiang Yi's identity very well, knowing that Jiang Yi is human. Since the Emperor Tianfeng dared to chase and kill, Feng Nei saw Jiang Yi's identity and secretly circulated to the Emperor Tianfeng.

After knowing everything, Tan Xianger's whole body collapsed in the palace, and it felt like the sky was down.

Minjiang Yi said before leaving, that there would be no major event in the Eastern Region. The Emperor Tianfeng knew his identity and had little to do with the situation in the Eastern Region. Dongyu is still theirs. There is really nothing wrong with the tyrannosaurus king in the raccoon tribe.

But Tanuki still felt terrified because Jiang Yi was going to die.

She is Jiang Yi's slave. Although the two have skin relatives, they are still master slaves. Jiang Yi never said that she liked her, and did not openly show that Tanuki is his woman, Tanuki is now recovering.

It was only during this time that Jiang Yi did what she wanted, to make Tan Xianger admire him from the bottom of his soul, obsessed with him, and loved him. She took Jiang Yi as her heaven, but now the sky is going to collapse ...

She lost a square inch and had no idea what to do. She could only continue to call the King of Dragons, Dr. Wang Tianpeng, and let them come back as soon as possible.

Min Jiang Yi is never invincible in her mind, it is a god-like existence, but Jiang Yi's realm is only the feudal king level, and the comprehensive strength is only comparable to the pseudo-emperor level. The other party was indeed Tianfeng, the first strongest in the world of Tian Yao, and Jiang Yi escaped for a long time. The question is, where can he escape?

Uh ...

Jiang Yi fled to the east. He did n’t have time to make doubts. The Emperor Tianfeng was too fast and fast, and he had a strong sense of knowledge and could easily follow him. Therefore, he wanted to hide where he was going around. .

He ran straight to the east, always using the power of Xuanhuang and flying at the fastest speed. He knew if there was any hope of survival, depending on whether he could escape to a place before the Emperor Tianfeng caught up.

That place is called the Demon Abyss, the first Jedi in the sky monster world!

Escape to the Demon Abyss does not mean that you can live, but there is at least a glimmer of hope, because it is said that several emperors did not dare to go deep, and he ... have survived in the Devil Abyss.

The owner who squinted his eyes was terrified, but he was chopped down with a sword. Whatever the reason, at least he once escaped from the Demon Abyss, so this time he would not necessarily die inside. If he doesn't go in, it will be dead.

Jiulonggu is not too far away from Tianpeng Realm. Ten million miles east of Tianpeng Realm is the Demon Abyss. But how to say that you must cross half of the eastern region. Although Jiang Yi is faster than Tianpeng Wang, it takes one day.

The power of Xuanhuang in the body is constantly being consumed. One hundred and eight acupoints have been alive. Jiang Yi has now reached the Tianpeng collar. Crossing the Tianpeng collar can enter the barren land, but his body has been No heavy load.

Any increase in body elixir method will have side effects and cannot be maintained for a long time. The flesh body was not so powerful at first, but pulling seedlings helped to make it rise to horror for a short time.

This body will not bear heavy load. If you force it to go down, it will not only be extremely weak, but also cause huge trauma to the body.

I felt tears of pain from the muscles in my body, and it seemed to explode at any time, but Jiang Yi was still running at full speed. The ring in his hand took out a beautiful leaf, and Tianli poured the leaf into the light. The pain in his body quickly disappeared, and the fatigue in his soul was slightly weakened. He continued to run wild with his head covered.

The divine leaves can make the pain of the flesh disappear, but it is not so useful to the soul. There is a constant sense of weakness in his mind. If he does not have a strong willpower, I am afraid that he will have passed out at this moment.

He is about to cross Tian Peng's collar, but it is no more than ten thousand miles away from the abyss of the demon. This distance is nothing to him at ordinary times, but at this moment he feels abnormally far, as if it is on the side of heaven.

I ran for a million miles again, and Jiang Yi finally couldn't stand it. If he continued to run, he would definitely pass out. As soon as Tian Hanzhu brightened in his hand, King Gou Chen appeared, and he sank and said, "Take me to the Demon Abyss at the fastest speed."

Wang Gou Chen's eyes swept away, and he found that it was almost barren. He heard that his eyes narrowed slightly when he went to the Demon Abyss, but he didn't dare to disobey Jiang Yi's order, and only ran away with him.

Wang Gou Chen's speed was a little slower than Jiang Yi, so Jiang Yi ran wildly. He brought Gou Chen and another pseudo-prince class to run with him, and to see if he could use them to stop the Emperor Tianfeng.

There was a constant feeling of weakness in his soul. Although Jiang Yi had been treated twice with God's leaves, it was still the same. Jiang Yi could only bite the tip of his tongue and let the pain hurt his soul to ensure that he would not fall asleep.

According to time, it is very likely that Emperor Tianfeng is not far behind. If he drowses at this moment, he will not know how to die when he catches up with him.

One hour, two hours, four hours!

Min Jiangyi was closed with his eyes closed and King Wang Chen was flying wildly. He did not fall asleep. These hours helped him recover a bit. He has been in a united state of heaven and man and can sense everything around him.

There are hundreds of thousands of miles to the Demon Abyss.

Min Jiangyi's heart was a little bit jittery. At this speed, he could reach the Demon Abyss in at most two hours.

在 At this moment, his soul suddenly trembled. Under the unity of heaven and man, he was very sensitive to the surroundings ~ ~ He sensed a slight wave from the sky to the west.

There is nothing at the end of the sky on the west side of the sky. The fluctuation is very slight, but there is a kind of enlightenment in Jiang Yi's mind. The Emperor Tianfeng finally came.


He didn't hesitate. When Tian Hanzhu lighted up, he released another pseudo-prince class, and then gave him a death order: "at all costs, stop me from the strong one that comes after me."


The Soul Slaves absolutely did not dare to disobey the command of the master. The pseudo-emperor-level powerful blasted towards the back, and he could also sense the fluctuations in the sky on the west side, knowing that the powerful came after him.

Wang Gou Chen Jiang took Jiang Yi to continue flying wildly, approaching the abyss of the demon little by little, Jiang Yi entered the unity of heaven and man to sense the fluctuations behind.

The pseudo-Emperor blasted away, and the space fluctuations were very strong. The space fluctuations in the distance were getting closer and closer, and finally the two waves overlapped together.



剧烈 A violent explosion and a scream sounded, Jiang Yi sank inwardly, that pseudo-empire could not stop the Tianfeng Emperor from doing a trick?


A cold voice sounded in Jiang Yi's ears quickly: "Give up Xiao Nier, Bendi spares your life and sends you out of our heavenly demon world, otherwise Bendi makes you regret yourself!" (To be continued) [ 】 If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )