My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v16 Chapter 87: Don't you hate me?

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At the beginning, Jiang Yi thought that he had read it wrong, and rubbed his eyes several times, thinking that there was an illusion. It wasn't until he repeatedly confirmed that he had bitten the tip of his tongue, and then he knew that the light was not fake.

The leaves of God light up, the power of Xuanhuang moves around the body, and Jiang Yi's speed soars to the extreme. He is afraid that the light of hope will suddenly annihilate, and he will reach the vicinity of the light at the fastest speed.

The light was getting brighter and brighter, Jiang Yi's eyes were getting brighter and brighter. After a fragrant incense, his consciousness locked in the light, his tiger body trembled again, and he almost cried again.

Guangliang is a round mouth, just like a wellhead. Jiang Yi can also see the blue sky and white clouds above through this mouth.

"call out!"

Fearing that the dream would be broken, Jiang Yi didn't stop for a moment and continued to soar, and then rushed out of the mouth at a horrible speed.

"Really, really, I finally came out, I came out!"

After rushing out of the wellhead, Jiang Yi found himself on a wasteland. The wasteland was a bit depressed, with yellow leaves and cold winds, and no animals. There was only a wild mountain.

But at this moment, he feels that this is the most beautiful spot, that the barren mountains are so cute, that the old trees and weeds are so amiable, and even smelling the soil, it feels the best smell in the world ...

He was trapped at the bottom of the lake for a whole hundred days, but this was the time in the upper bounds. There was nothing on the bottom of the lake, it was dark, and the water was frozen. Not to mention ordinary people, it is estimated that if Wang Gouchen sneaked in for 100 days like this, he would go crazy?

"Whoo ~~"

Jiang Yi breathed with a big mouth. He sat on the ground with his hips trembling with excitement. People who have not experienced it will never be able to appreciate Jiang Yi's mood at the moment. It's like people who haven't been in jail do not understand the taste of living in prison for decades ...


Jiang Yi sat for a full half an hour, and when his sky was cold, Wang Gou Chen was released, and then he said a word and fell directly to the ground and fell asleep. Wake me up immediately. "

Jiang Yi was so tired that he didn't sleep well in the ice lake. He couldn't hold back when King Gou Chen took him to move forward, and he would take a nap. Often he had just slept for an hour, and he would be awake alive. The kind of torture almost collapsed his mind. If it wasn't for his breath in his bones, he would have been crazy.

"This, this, this?"

What Jiang Yi said, Wang Gou Chen didn't hear clearly. His eyes were shocked, and Jiang Yi generally thought that he had read it wrong, and gave himself two slaps, and then he woke up.

"Really out? Really out!"

King Gou Chen's lips have been choking for a long time and he can't believe this is a fact. He has been desperate for a long time and thinks that he can't get out of that ice lake. It wasn't Jiang Yi who ordered him forcibly. He would definitely not continue to fly upwards, but he did not expect that Jiang Yi's obsession and persistence really took them out.


King Gou Chen looked at Jiang Yi who had fallen asleep, and had the urge to worship. He was convinced this time, not because he was Jiang Yi's soul slave, but because he was convinced to Jiang Yi deep down.

One hundred days!

Don't mention him, even a few emperors can't insist? After all, no one knew that flying to more than a hundred days would reach the end. No hope makes people desperate. Without hope, who can persist for so long?

"Awful, lunatic!"

Gou Chen was sighed for half an hour, he was afraid to walk away, Jiang Yi gave him an order, he could only protect the law honestly, waiting for Jiang Yi to wake up.

This wasteland consciousness was also restricted, and Wang Chen went to investigate and determined that the consciousness can only detect thousands of feet. There is nothing in the thousands of feet, no creatures, and Wang Chen doesn't care. With his and Jiang Yi's fighting power, the general situation is not afraid. If the horror of the Demon Abyss exists, they are useless to be afraid, but to die anyway.

"Where the **** is this? How could it be possible to see the sky? And the sense of God is limited here, this is definitely not the sky demon world!"

Gou Chen Wang thought for a while, but it was fruitless, and he didn't even think about it, just waiting for Jiang Yi to wake up, and everything followed him anyway.


Jiang Yi slept for more than 70 to 80 hours. He felt that this sleep was the most comfortable in his life. After waking up, the body was soothing to the extreme, and both the body and soul recovered to their peak state.

When he woke up, he saw King Gou Chen's face, feeling very kind. He sat up, stretched his body, and explored the situation around him. Then he grinned, "Lao Gou, is it all right? "

"Old hook?"

King Gou Chen rolled his eyes, he was King Gou Chen, but he didn't have a surname. However, Jiang Yi was in a good mood, he didn't care so much, and arched with a smile: "The master is terrific. He can take us to the birth day, everything is normal nearby."


Jiang Yi didn't want to go to investigate anymore. Instead, he took out some dried grains and fruit, and some fine wine. He also took out some tables and chairs and placed them on the flat ground.

Then he released Feng Ni, poured three glasses of wine himself, grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it, while eating, he said to Feng Ni and his eyes full of shock, said: "Come and come, all Do n’t hesitate to celebrate our escape. Do n’t care so much. Eat a good meal first. ”

King Gou Chen sat down with some restraint, Feng Ni didn't sit and didn't speak, and her beautiful silver eyes swept around, and the shock in her eyes disappeared after a long time.

She still didn't ask any questions, and Wang Chen went in and out of Tian Hanzhu continuously. During this time, she could actually guess some things.

She pondered for a moment and looked at Jiang Yi with some admiration and said: "Ancient person who is not only the transcendent talent, but also the spirit of perseverance! Jiang Yi, your people's words are indeed correct, no wonder Your people can be so powerful, Fung Ni admires. "

Jiang Yi was eating happily ~ ~ I was in a good mood. I felt Feng Ni was truly admired. He felt a little better. He smiled and beckoned: "Princess Ni, don't brag about me, come and sit Well, whether we can get out of this bizarre space or not, whether we die or live in the end, let ’s have a good meal and talk about it. It is also a matter of life to drink with you and other strange women. "

"Strange woman?"

Feng Ni moved again. She could feel that Jiang Yi's words were sent to her heart. She asked with some doubt: "Jiang Yi, don't you ... hate me? Praise me?"


Jiang Yi smiled lightly: "It's not you, why am I drinking and eating meat here? But hate and resentment does not mean that I don't appreciate you, and the enemy can't appreciate it. After all, our grudges are only their own, camp It ’s different. This is obviously a strange space, and we may all be trapped here for the rest of our lives, and it ’s boring to care about so many. "

"Sure enough, he is a strange person. He is not mortal."

Feng Ni bowed slightly, saluting, "Jiang Yi, Feng Ni has never served anyone in your life, you are the first. Whether you can go out or not, Feng Ni will never be your enemy again."