My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v2 Chapter 69: I'll take revenge

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"call out!"

Under the desperate eyes of countless people, the person Wang Yin quickly fell downwards. When he left the ground to count several feet, Jiang Yi's body finally couldn't stand up, and the whole person was pinched to the ground.

And at that moment, Jiang Yi's hand suddenly flashed red, and a burning breath permeated the Four Wilds. Ren Wangyin died before suppressing the people around him, and the terrible high temperature took the nearby Several people burned to death.

"Fire spirit stone, broke the king's seal for the little man!"

Jiang Yi's body was surrounded by black elements. He exhausted his whole body's strength at the moment when the fire spirit stone appeared, and suddenly bounced it with his finger. The fire spirit stone completely ignored the pressure of the king's seal and flew up.

This Vulcan stone can easily burn through even the prohibition of Wanlong Tianjun, and even the jade boat that is obviously a heavenly or holy artifact can be destroyed. According to Jiang Yi's conjecture, Wang Yin of this person should ... can also be destroyed Off!


Jiang Yi guessed it right. When the fire spirit stone touched Wang Yin, it immediately burst into a blue flame and burned. At the moment when the two touched, the golden light on the human king's seal suddenly dimmed, and the huge large seal also quickly became smaller. Eventually, the original small seal of the size of a fist was restored, and the top also became dull and the bottom There is also obviously a small hole.


The audience was stunned, and those who were about to wait for death looked at Xiaoyin, who was easily grasped by Jiang Yi, with a look of horror on their faces. At that moment, Jiang Yi was too fast. The crowd just felt a scorching breath of horror, and the big seal suddenly disappeared into the air, and the coercion that shrouded the people also disappeared ...


Jiang Nianliu, who was sitting in the ancient chariot of chariots, suddenly spit out blood, rolled his eyes and became soft, completely fainted. The human seal has been refined by him, and he recognizes the Lord. At this moment, the seal is destroyed, and he is naturally stunned and stunned.


Changsun Wuji's eyes were frightened and unbelievable. How could Jiang Yi destroy the holy weapon? Does he also have a holy weapon in his hand? Otherwise it cannot be explained at all!


The grandson Wuji didn't hesitate for a long time. When the spirit beast symbol lighted up, a blue dragon appeared. He held Jiang Nianliu with one hand and leapt the ancient **** chariot onto the blue dragon's back to control the blue dragon. Flying quickly in the distance.

Today's situation is really weird. Although he is in the air at this moment, he can't guarantee that anything will happen again, but it's better to flee with Jiang Jiangli for the first time.


The members of the Changsun family immediately reacted and fled in all directions. The survivors of the Jiang family and the Zhenxi Army, as well as those warriors who were about to attack Jiang Yi, came to their senses and pulled their legs to escape.


Jiang Yi reacted faster than them. A horrific murderous scourge poured out instantly. Nearly a thousand people shrouded in it. Jiang Yi's body flickered like a ghost. The black light in one hand shone, and from time to time, he took a shot of Bao Yuan. With a sharp sword in his hand, he harvested his head all the way, and the slaughter began again ...


People hiding in the surrounding woods, including Ji Tingyu, would not dare to watch it again, otherwise everyone would be unable to escape later. Jiang Yi has killed Red Eye, and it is estimated that he will be mercilessly beheaded except the warring people! With the true cooperation of Biao Yuanzhang and the killing, Jiang Yi is already invincible in it. Who dares to stay and die?

"I did not misread the Warriors! Too fierce!"

Zhan Wushuang saw his blood scorching from a distance, and he could not wait to go in and kill himself. Unfortunately, he couldn't move. Today, he took the liberty to rescue Su Ruoxue, shooting Gu Shanhe has already crossed the border, and then he will completely offend Jiang's parents' Sun family.

The warriors also gave a slight nod. Zhan Wushuang was forced to take a shot today, and everyone disagreed. At the moment, they all admire Zhan Wushuang's eyes. If Jiang Yi does not die, if he is given ten or twenty years, the mainland will definitely have a peerless powerhouse, and the fighters will also benefit from it.

The massacre soon ended, not all of them were killed by Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi was so weak that he could no longer kill him. Nevertheless, nearly a thousand people were also killed and killed by more than half. The ground was full of broken limbs, and blood flowed like a hell.

"call out!"

The remaining hundreds of people ran away in terror in all directions, ran away at the fastest speed, and looked back at Jiang Yi from time to time, his eyes were as scared as watching the demons in the underworld ...


Jiang Yi's body shook and finally fell to the ground. He was injured in many places today. When he fell from Tianjun's tomb, he had broken one or two ribs. I have been fighting with tragedy for so long, and I continue to release the true meaning of the killing. My body is already weak to the extreme, and it can be considered to be against the sky now.

"Battle tiger, take Jiang Yi back!"

The Warriors confessed, and a warrior at the top of the Purple House immediately rushed out to hug Jiang Yi, and a group of people quickly retreated and ran away towards the distance.

On the ground, blood from many corpses still came out, staining the ground with blood red.


Jiang Yi woke up for three days before waking up. He opened his eyes stupidly and found that he was lying in a cave.

There were dim candlelights around, a man with a bronze complexion was sitting and practicing next to him, a young girl in a black dress and a veil leaned against the wall to sleep, and on the other side a woman in a white dress was also sleeping on the ground. With.

Zhan Wushuang noticed the change, opened his eyes, and looked at him with a smile: "Jiang Yi, are you awake? How do you feel?"

Jiang Yi wriggles his mouth, swallows a spit, then closes his eyes to look inside, and clicks: "The injury has recovered, my body is still weak, and I have to rest for two days. Where is this? Teacher Su is all right? "

"This is a burrow, so you can rest assured!"

Zhan Wushuang explained it, glanced at Su Ruoxue lying on the blanket on the ground, and smiled: "Teacher Su is not a big deal. Her Feng Yuan San medicine has been relieved. Now she is only weak and needs to rest for a few days."


Jiang Yi smiled reluctantly. He sat up and prepared to meditate for healing. Zhan Wushuang handed over a bottle of healing medicine. Jiang Yi took a word and said nothing politely.

Zhan Wushuang was able to shoot this time. Jiang Yi had already identified him as a brother. It would be too pretentious to speak kindly between the brothers.

In the next few days, due to the injuries of Jiang Yi and Su Ruoxue, the crowd had been hiding in the cave sought by the fighters and did not go out. ~ Su Ruoxue also woke up the next day and began a silent healing.

Five days later, Jiang Yi's injuries were all recovered, and Su Ruoxue also recovered. After Jiang Yi determined that Su Ruoxue was not in trouble, he happily got up and said Zhan Wushuang, "Wushuang, are you going with me or walking away?"

Zhan Wushuang had expected Jiang Yi to leave, and he smiled bitterly: "Let's go separately. There are some things you don't have to worry about. I always want to avoid my identity."

Seeing Su Ruoxue also stood up without saying a word, Zhan Lin'er asked with some confusion: "Brother Jiang Yi, Ruoxue, where are you going?"

Jiang Yi reached out and touched Zhan Lin's head, grinning and showing her mouth full of white teeth, and said lightly: "I'm going to get revenge and grab some treasures by the way. Xiao Liner tells me what kind of treasures you want, I can help You grab it! "


Zhan Lin'er's pearl-like eyes lit up immediately, but she saw Jiang Yi's amazing combat power with her own eyes. In the tomb of Tianjun, I am afraid that no one can be against him. It is really too easy for him to grab the treasure. Then she immediately shouted in excitement: "Brother Jiang Yi grabbed more, grabbed the treasures of the bad guys, and shared some of them back!"