My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v5 Chapter 4: Made Yunlu

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Out of stock!

This is a very poisonous word, and the other party is also the most popular prince of Tian Xuanguo, otherwise this time it will not be sent out, Jiang Yi's words make the other party's face crackle.


There was no unexpected uproar in the hall, especially the civil servants on the side of Da Xia Kingdom could not help but smile. The wicked need to be grinded by the wicked. Against the level of King Tianxuan, they dare not mess up, but Jiang Yi can be unscrupulous.


Because all the King Kong strong and the demon Queen have agreed, Jiang Yi can not be shot within three years, and Jiang Yi's strength is invincible, he has the true meaning of killing and soul-stealing moves are not afraid of siege. So he annoyed him, even if he killed Yunlu by hand, the King Kong of Tianxuan Kingdom would not move, the army would never dare to move, and he would die in vain ...

Xia Ling just knew this, and he shrank immediately after Jiang Yi appeared, so he didn't dare to confront him. Yunlu obviously did not understand this reason, or because Yunhe's death, he was very resentful to Jiang Yi, plus his self-identity, that Jiang Yi did not dare to move him.

So after Jiang Yi broke his swearing, he immediately became furious and cursed: "Jiang Yi, what are you? Isn't it relying on the demon? As a human being and a monster, do you still have a face? Huh? Hum, even if the demon guards you, there are only three years. How will this prince see you die after three years? "


Jiang Yi laughed in the sky, his body was surging wildly, and his body shot towards Yunlu like a shadow. The killing really released the murderous anger and left Yunlu instantly immobile. Even the two heavy-duty dark guards behind him couldn't move. He easily stretched out a hand and pinched Yunlu's neck, lifted him in mid-air, suspended his murderous energy.

He looked up at the terrified Yunlu, sneer: "I Jiangyi is nothing, but I can easily pinch you! Don't say who to rely on, cut off your identity as a prince, what are you? What? Step back 10,000 steps and say, even if you are a prince? I dared to kill your brother back then, and I dare to do you now. Would you like to try? "

Jiang Yi finished his last sentence. Although he did not release the true meaning of the killing, his eyes were as cold as a beast. He saw Prince Yunlu's body covered with cold. At this moment, he smelled the breath of death and could not say a word.


The atmosphere of Roewe Hall was extremely suppressed at this moment. All the officials of Da Xia Kingdom did not dare to spit out. I was afraid that Jiang Yi would actually kill Yunlu by hand. By then, the Lord of Tian Xuan Kingdom would be furious. Meet each other.

Xia Yi's body took a few steps back to the side again, for fear that Jiang Yi would go crazy and do him. Tian Xuanguo ’s Shenwei Dark Weixin mentioned his throat, Jiang Yi was beside him, but they did not dare to act lightly, and they were afraid that a bad Yunlu would hang up ...

Su Ruoxue sat quietly on the top, Mei Mei looked at Jiang Yi's straight back as obsessive and affectionate. As the leader of Daxia Kingdom, she didn't mean to stop Jiang Yi at all. In her opinion, Jiang Yi is heaven. As long as Jiang Yi wants to do something, she will not interfere, she will only silently support it.


The young monk Huigen suddenly announced a Buddhist slogan, which broke the peace in the hall: "Jiang, donate your butcher knife, and become a Buddha on the ground! Killing can never solve the problem, everything is peace."


Jiang Yi threw it with one hand and threw Yunlu directly out of Roewe Hall. His stern face was facing Xia Ling and others, and Shen said, "Today is the day of Ruoxue ’s ascension. If you sincerely congratulate us, Welcome, if you make trouble, don't blame Jiang, you're welcome! If you want to leave, you can go now. "

"call out!"

Tian Xuanguo's two **** dark guards immediately flew out to lift Yunlu, but was pushed away by his palm, and he looked at Jiang Yidao with resentment: "Okay, okay, okay! Jiang Yi, three years later, this prince I will see how you die, and if there is a chance, this prince will kill you. "

The Yunlu Prince went away in anger. Two generals, Xia Xie and Beiliang Kingdom, looked at each other, and took one away at will. The Dragon General of the Qing Dynasty and the General of the Holy Spirit also embarrassedly made peace. Jiang Yi smiled and left. The two vice presidents of Qinglong College and Baihua College hesitated for a while to leave. Originally, they came to see the lively, and now Jiang Yi appeared strongly, and there was no livelier to see the natural departure.

The hostile forces went away, and the atmosphere in Roewe Hall was relaxed. Jiang Yi smiled towards Dean Hui Genqi and walked straight towards the harem. Many people were suspicious, but the new king ascended the throne and Jiang Yi left? Although no one dared to make trouble, but as the regent of Da Xia Kingdom, it was not good to be absent on such occasions?

Su Ruoxue didn't care, nodded to the officials of the Ministry of Rites, and the officials immediately started the following rituals according to the ascension ceremony, worshiping the heavens, patrolling the city, and receiving blessings from various forces in various countries.


Jiang Yi left hurriedly, naturally not because he was arrogant or disappointed at the ceremony, but because two guests came!

After he came out of the ground, the old man explained all the way to the guests who came today. Anyone wants to make trouble, everyone's identity, etc., so he knows that Yunlu is Yunhe's younger brother. Xuan Guo's most popular prince.


The old man also brought him a very unexpected news. Two guests quietly arrived in Daxia Kingdom today. They are in the Piaoxue Palace at this moment.

Piaoxue Palace arrived soon, surrounded by army regiments outside the palace, seeing Jiang Yi striding forward, all the sergeants kneeled down and drank, "See the Regent!"

"Get up!"

Jiang Yi waved his hand, strode inward, and before entering the gate, a surprise voice came from inside: "Boss!"

"call out!"

A fat meat ball rolled out, hugged Jiang Yi, and muttered: "Haha, boss, I want to die!"

Jiang Yi grinned, looking at the fat round face in front of him, feeling very kind. He reached out and patted his head, "Wan Guan, why are you fat again?"

Qian Wanguan let go of Jiang Yi, laughing nonchalantly, Jiang Yi looked at another young man in the palace. The man had a bronze-colored skin and was so handsome that he dropped scum. The two looked at each other and both reached out a fist and punched each other's chest. Then the two laughed.

"Brother Wushuang, I haven't seen you in a long time, and you can come here? It surprised me!"

Jiang Yi grinned and said to Jiang Xiaonu next to him: "Small slave, let someone arrange it. Later, I will have a good meal with Brother Wushuang."

"Okay, sir!" Jiang Xiaonu went down and arranged for the eunuchs and maids to prepare wine and dishes. The little fox stood on her shoulder and heard that there was another big meal, and it was terrible.

"If Xue Xue Jiji ~ ~ Can we not celebrate this important event?"

Zhan Wushuang smiled slightly, carefully looked at Jiang Yi's eyes, and sighed: "Jiang Yi, you really are not in the pool. You haven't seen it in a year, you have made so much noise, and now you are the regent , Your wedding with Ruoxue is about to start, right? "

Jiang Yi touched his nose and smiled, and groaned for a moment and said, "This depends on what Ruoxue means, right ... Brother Wushuang, how are you and Princess Yun Fei? Last time I saw Yun Fei in this palace Once, but then I hurried back to Lingjushan and left. "


Speaking of this, Zhan Wushuang's color sank suddenly, Qian Wanguan also kept shaking his head and sighed, Zhan Wushuang groaned for a long time, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "Jiang Yi, can you do me a favor?"

Jiang Yi looked upright and said solemnly: "Brother Wushuang, please say, as long as I can do it, there will be no other words!"

"it is good!"

Zhan Wushuang sang aloud, his body suddenly burst out of murderous gas, and gritted his teeth, "Please help me and make Yunlu together!"