My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v5 Chapter 88: Signal

The eyes of Qian Wanguan and Wushuang Yunfei and the money family all lighted up at the same time. No one in the audience was sure to win Xiao Ming, but Jiang Yi was not included. If Jiang Yi is really moving, the killing comes out, and everyone in the audience can't run, only to wait for death!

So they didn't worry about Jiang Yi at all, instead they got excited and waited to watch the show. Since Jiang Yi decided to go to war, they have a certain grasp of victory.

Xiao Xiaoming's mouth twitched again and again, and the scar was twisted. He sneered and looked at Jiang Yidao: "I won't kill the unknown people, boy, report to the name!"

Minjiang Yi quickly responded, smiled slightly, and said politely: "Under Qianye Ye, the Qian family slaughterhouse is in charge!"

"Qian Daye? Slaughterhouse leader?"

Xiao Xiaoming muttered in confusion. Qian's house also has a slaughterhouse? The slaughterhouse still has a command?

"噗嗤 ..."

Many sister-in-law Bingxue smiled immediately, Xia Feiyu reacted first, and smiled so lavishly that many sons' eyes brightened and stared at her two beetroots that jumped up and down, and her expression was drunk.

"Qian Daye? Uncle Qian! Seek death!"

The light laughter around him made Xiao Ming wake up, he was furious, and saw Jiang Yi didn't move, and his legs came like a cannonball, and the iron hook that glowed with coldness brought the chill. Jiang Yi swept fiercely.

Min Jiangyi stood still, his face calmed down, and his eyes and ears had long increased with black power. It is said that it is not allowed to use elemental force, but he does not need elemental force to attack. He operates in the body. There is no King Kong strong in the field, and he cannot detect with divine knowledge. Who knows?

His consciousness has been quietly explored long ago, and the greatest reliance he dares to come out is consciousness!

He also knows that he can explore everything, and he can anticipate the enemy. Even at this moment, he can detect that Xiao Ming's other hand is gathering the power of thunder and lightning in the heavens and earth, and a trace of the power of thunder and lightning moves quickly inside his body. When he walked, he gathered his hand holding the iron hook. As long as the iron hook touched Jiang Yi's body or weapon, the power of lightning can instantly hurt Jiang Yi.

Min Jiangyi had too many ways to kill Xiao Ming, but he didn't want to reveal his identity, so the killing could not move, the ground fire could not move, the fire spirit beads, fire dragon sword, teleportation, and the wind restraint could not move.

The only thing he can do is weather the thousands of patterns!

外 This stranger has seen it before, and if he released it without a fire dragon sword, he would never guess it. Of course ... he can't use the fire dragon sword to release it, because it must use Yuanli.


Xiao Ming in front has attacked. The iron hook is like a sickle of death. The light shines on it. As long as you touch Jiang Yi, the thunder and lightning will immediately shoot out. The audience held their breath and wanted to see how Jiang Yi escaped This trick.

Jiang Yi still didn't move, but at this moment the wind around him flowed, and at the same time, his body became blurred. A virtual image suddenly formed in front of him, because Xiao Ming rushed across, so he didn't accidentally hit His ghost.

Don't split up!

巫 This witchcraft Jiang Yi is not deeply conscious. He can only gather a ghost image, and he cannot control the movement.

But the ghost image was released at this moment, but it scared Xiao Ming. Anyone rushing forward, and suddenly a human figure appears in front of them, they will be shocked by themselves, dodge immediately?

This is human instinct, not to mention Xiao Ming's eyes appearing exactly like Jiang Yi's at the moment, just in case this is a powerful attack?

So his body quickly slid away to the side, the hook suddenly swung forward, and the power of the thunder and lightning screamed out, turning into an electric snake toward the shadow of Jiang Yi.


The deity of Yongjiang Yi laughed a long time ago, the virtual shadow in front of him suddenly disappeared, and his body rushed forward like a tiger, one hand turned into a sharp claw and grabbed Xiao Ming.


白 A flash of white light on his claws instantly turned into hundreds of claw shadows, each of which looked extremely real. All the powerful swimmers in the audience narrowed their eyes. No one could tell which one of Jiang Yi's paws was real. Xiao Tianhu sighed in his heart, his eyes flashed with murderous anger, and his fists clenched furiously, he knew ... Xiao Ming is done!

Xiao Ming ’s power of thunder and lightning had just been released, and it was too late to condense. In addition, the virtual shadow just made him frighten a moment. Now, when he saw hundreds of claws, he was frightened and pale, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. As he retreated, he waved the hook in his hands in an attempt to stop Jiang Yi's attack.

The problem is ... The distance between the two sides is so close that Jiang Yi's body is already very powerful. Even if he doesn't use his power, relying on his body's speed is too fast. How can Xiao Ming escape?


Wu Mantian's claws disappeared, Jiang Yi's claws easily caught Xiao Ming's lower abdomen, he started harder, and directly caught Xiao Ming's Dantian Purple House.


The sound of a cracked watermelon sounded, and the strong element of strength emanated from Xiao Ming's abdomen, shocking the whole audience. Xiao Ming opened his eyes and cracked wildly, wielding an iron hook to share with Jiang Yi, but Jiang Yi's other hand was easily chopped on his wrist, knocking his weapon into the air, and smashing him with an elbow. Fly out.

I have a sense of God. He can easily predict Xiao Ming's attack. Without Daowen attack, Xiao Ming is a dancing monkey. Two warriors with similar strengths, one side can know the moves you are going to make in advance, how can you fight?

尽管 So although Jiang Yi ’s body is still a little different from the peak of Shenyou, Xiao Ming was injured, and the gap is almost equal. It is normal for Jiang Yi to hit the other side with ease.

"This weather is thousands of times, and the martial arts derived from it are not bad. Unfortunately, they are all ghosts, unlike the fire dragon sword released, all real attacks!"

Min Jiangyi sighed slightly. He was reluctantly satisfied with the result of the battle. He had realized Dacheng after weathering thousands of times. This is still a middle-level road pattern. He has developed a martial art casually, and the power is also terrifying.


Xiao Tianhu shot a lot on the square table, stood up angrily, and looked at Jiang Yidao aggressively: "It's so brave, you can compete in competition. How dare you kill Xiao Ming? I won't kill you today, I swear by Xiao Tianhu Not human. Qian Wanguan, do it yourself, or do we help you? "


The more than ten people behind Xiao Tianhu drew all the weapons in their hands, and their faces were full of indignation.

The Qian family was severely damaged by two people, but the Xiao family all stayed in the end, neither beheaded nor abolished ~ ~ Even though Qian Tie's internal organs were almost destroyed just now, Xiao Ming did not abolish him Dan Tian, ​​Qian Tie can recover after a year and a half of recovery.

Min Jiangyi directly destroyed Xiao Ming's Dantian, he was completely destroyed, and the Xiao family also lost a strong man. Jiang Yi did too much this time, and rarely did this kind of literary struggle in history.

"That's Qian Wanguan, you're breaking the rules ..."

"Hum! There is no rule, no money, less money, who will play with you in the future?"

"Brother Tianhu, don't talk nonsense, just do him!"

很多 Many sons and sisters in the audience, because Qian Wanguan are friends of Jiang Yi, have been targeting them. At this moment, such a thing happened, and naturally all helped to open up. There was a total killing in the cabin, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme. I am afraid that a Mars can cause a melee.


Qian Wanguan grinned. There was no panic on his round face. Instead, he spread his hands and said: "You picked it up. A good banquet, you just want to kill and kill. Now something is wrong with my family. Really bully our Qian family? Lao Liu, send a signal to tune in, and they will accompany them to the end if they want to play. Today, the old sister-in-law broke out, dare to move Qian Daye, the old sister-in-law and he worked hard!

Uh ...

PS: Recommended tickets, is there a monthly ticket? Please vote for Fentian! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to come to to submit a referral vote and a member click. Your support is my greatest motivation. )