My Fury Will Burn The Heavens

v5 Chapter 89: Blasphemy


A Qian family's body flickered, Fei shot out of the cabin, and soon issued a three-long, three-short Li Xiao. Zhan Wushuang and Yun Fei glanced at each other and quietly made a gesture. The two people also Fei shot out, two loud howling sounded.

"咻咻 咻!"

This is an emergency call for help from the three companies. Once the people on the three ships are sent out, all of them are flying towards this side, their faces are murderous, their weapons are in their hands, their power is running, and they are always ready to fight desperately.


The audience is dead and silent, Qian Wanguan is so abnormal today? So tough? This is completely different from the Qian family's style of behavior. Zhan Wushuang and Yun Fei have also gone crazy, directly tuned to tear their faces, and die?

In history, there were many family banquets involving sisters-in-law who fought each other and occasionally killed people. However, both sides often exercise restraint. As long as they do not kill the important person of the other party, they will not tear their faces and completely enemies. At most, the next time they encounter another fight, or secretly use some means to make the other party dumb.

Today, Qian Wanguan and Wushuang Yunfei are trivial and weak. They have been ridiculed and suppressed, and the three have been forbearing, so they created the arrogance of Xiao Tianhu and others.

When Ou Jiangyi shot, he completely abolished the Xiao family's strongman. This strongman is also a special strongman who cultivates the heaven and earth pattern, and is likely to break through the Vajrayana realm, and Xiao Tianhu is naturally furious and ready to kill Jiang Yi.

But at the moment ...

Qian Wanguan pulled out of the stance, and the fighters got involved. The most important Yun Fei's younger brother became a prince at this moment, because Jiang Yi Yun Fei was also hot in Tian Xuan Kingdom. If it was completely out of touch with Yun Fei, it would be equal to He Tian Xuanguo fell out.

天 Xiao Tianhu was hesitant in his heart. He is the first son of the Xiao family, but he is not the patriarch of the Xiao family. If this matter is not handled properly, it will affect his position in the Xiao family.

The sword fight is waiting for people to die. It is the Xiao family who died. It was a matter of fart for them.

The other sister-in-law, who was arrogant, suddenly died down, and it was not a big deal to see the excitement, but at this moment, he dared to ignite the fire because the Xiao family's affairs and the three families were completely upset. They are not fools ... ...

So the situation in the field was strangely reversed and turned into the Xiao family.


Xiao Xiaohu swept around, and soon discovered the changing situation. The sword fight and the sister-in-law of Beimang Country have quietly sat down? Wherever he looked, the original allies all bowed their heads and drank tea. There was only money and invincibility in the audience. Yun Fei sneered at him ...


Qian Wanguan grinned, and was so overwhelming that he slammed the table again. The yin and yang said strangely, "Xiao Tianhu, Grandpa Xiao, how are you going to play? Put out a way, my little brother will accompany you to the end today. The first son of the North Mang State, must not let us down? "

Wu Zhanwushuang and Yun Fei looked at each other and were a little speechless. Qian Wanguan was always a low-key boy who paid attention to his wealth. If you are usually afraid of slap people, you will laugh. Jiang Yi is here today, the arrogance is so arrogant ... they can't stand it anymore.


Xiao Tianhu's eyes were about to spit fire, the blue bars on his face burst, terrifying, he was about to run away, a guard behind him pulled him, shook his head and whispered: "My son, today Nothing can be done, come to the Japanese side, find this later. "


Xiao Tianhu stroked his sleeves and said coldly, "Let's go, Qian Wanguan. Xiaomou remembers today. I advise you that the Qian family should not go to the North Mang country to do business, or you will take the consequences."

The Xiao family's people persuaded and left the cabin, and today the banquet was almost open.

I watched a lot of shows and it was enough, and the sword battle and others left. Soon the people in the cabin left seven or eighty-eight. Jiang Yi had already returned behind Qian Wanguan. When many of his sons and sisters left, they gave him a subconscious glance and remembered his appearance silently.

Xiao Ming's strength is very strong, he is still a strong person who cultivates the heaven and earth pattern. Jiang Yineng abolished him. The strength is naturally stronger than Xiao Ming. It should be one of the strongest players in the audience, and everyone naturally treated him. Pay more attention, and Jiang Yi ’s horrifying claws also left a deep impression on everyone.

Such strength, it seems that he is only in his early thirties. This is a genius that is likely to break through Vajrayana. Many people look at Jiang Yi with some enthusiasm, and secretly envy Qian Jiajia to recruit such a genius.

"Sister Qianrou, thank you for your hospitality and say goodbye!" When everyone left, Qian Wanguan smiled and saluted the host of the banquet.

Qianshui Qianrou is wearing a fiery red floral skirt today. Her clean and exquisite facial features are not covered with pink powder daisies, but she is still beautiful. She sat on the main seat, glanced lightly over Qian Wanguan's face, but this time she didn't bow her head slightly, said some scene words, but said, "Qian fat man, wait!"

She turned her eyes and locked Jiang Yi, and suddenly said, "Qian Da ... Ye, how does this little sister see you so familiar?"

When the three of them saved Qian Wanguan's heart, Shui Qianrou said such a sentence deliberately, did he already see through Jiang Yi's true body.

Hao Jiangyi walked out in a hurry, saluting, and then with a rude and ruthless voice, he replied: "Return to Xiaorou sister Xiao, in fact, Ohno sees Xiao sister very familiar."

"Oh ... Qian Daye, where have you met Ben Xiaoyu before?" Shui Qianrou asked with interest, Mei Mu stared at Jiang Yi's every move, hoping to see a little flaw.


The corner of Jiang Yi's mouth slightly tilted up, revealing a smile of evil charm, and his gaze was also daring to glance over Shui Qianrou, his eyes were full of evil light, like a hungry satyr, his voice It also became a little ambiguous: "Ono has met Xiaoye in her dreams, but Xiaoye is Ohno's lover in dream ..."


Several elders around Qianshui Qianrou all drank coldly ~ ~ The body was so aggressive that Jiang Yi dare to profane Shui Qianrou in public? This person is arrogant.


Suddenly Qian Wanguan slammed the table and stood up in a rage, sulking: "Qian Daye, get out of me, you dare to blaspheme Qianrou sister-in-law, believe it or not this patriarch cut off your work and turned it into an **** Palace? "


Qianshui Qianrou flushed with blush and gave a soft whistle, and the inner doubt was completely relieved. Jiang Yi is a gentleman, how could he have such a wicked look?

Zhijiang Yitian is a witch, and there are beautiful women around him, but he has never sent any scandals except Su Ruoxue, so Jiang Yi has never been a lecherous person in her heart. At this moment, the contrast is so great that she naturally rejected her inner doubts.


The gloomy eyes of Minjiang Yiyin swept away from the elders of Shuiyueguan, turned his head and walked outside, Qian Wanguan and others also left and returned to Qian's cabin with the three members.

"Boss! I want to die!"

As soon as he entered the cabin, Qian Wanguan let his subordinates guard the outside and entered directly and gave Jiang Yi a bear hug. Zhan Wushuang and Yun Fei also smiled with joy, Jiang Yi was suffocated by Qian Wanguan's fat body, and quickly smashed him with an elbow, his eyes glaring, "Dead fat man, you open to death, hug So tight? I've heard that your boy is like Longyang, sure enough ... "

(To be continued) []. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Chuangshitou to recommend and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )