My Girlfriend has a System

Chapter 113: I promise that your grades will not be b

The **** fans who stayed up all night, have bought their own idol albums.

An album of ten yuan, but for each major website, an account can only buy one album.

The record is a bit more expensive, plus a cost, 20 yuan a piece, but it is unlimited.

So this shows the horror of the platinum album.

Platinum album refers to the album with a standard of 1 million.

This is a terrible number. Even if it is a singular song, the goal is nothing more than a platinum.

From the 12 o'clock point onwards, the sales of albums of major stars have risen geometrically, ten, one hundred, one thousand...

Then the stars quickly opened the gap, and after the sales reached “10,000” units, the momentum was stagnant, and only two albums were riding.

Gu Shishi's new album "Invisible Wings", and Chen Liling's new album "Rose Blossoms".

But the data is...

Although the data of the two are far more than the runners behind, but the data gap between the two is also very big!

Chen Liling's "Rose Blossoms" is one-third more sales than Gu Shishi's "Invisible Wings"!

"Hey, Gu Shishi can still catch up?"

"After all, it is a flower, and there is still popularity."

"But Chen Liling's momentum is too strong..."

"Yeah, now it’s only a third of the data of Gu Shishi."

"After all, after the song, it is not the existence of a layman who can challenge."

Countless people have commented that they are ridiculous.

If it is not with Chen Liling, with his own support, Gu Shishi can still get a decent result, but now...

"Hey, I know it will be like this." Chen Liling snorted and closed the website.

"Fortunately, I ran early, otherwise..." Mingya disdain.

Gu Shishi looked at this data, his face was frowning. Now it’s only a few hours. The data has already been opened.

Generally speaking, the initial distance is the closest, and the further the distance is, the further away the distance is.

This is not a good sign!

In the end, the gap between the two may not be doubled.

It may be several times the difference!

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and sent a message to the **** adult: "God, sorry, we may have to lose..."

This time, the gods gambled on their own worth, and Gu Shishi gambled on the hope of entering the music scene in the future.

The weight is not small.

If it fails...

Gu Shishi bit his lip.

God's adult did not reply, Gu Shishi's only shook his head: "Maybe he has already rested..."

Thinking about it, she called Su Shi.


"Hey, are you?" A sleepy voice sounded.

"Su Shi! Today is my new album release, have you bought it?" As soon as he heard the suspicious voice of Su Shi, Gu Shishi rushed to his heart.

When I was so important, did you actually sleep?

Do you care about not caring me?

Su Shi yawned: "Buy."

"Oh? Have you bought a few?" Gu Shishi took a nose.


"You don't know how many more to buy?"

"Amount... can you buy more?"

"Of course! Now, you have to buy it for me!" Gu Shishi snorted, and there was a tear in his eye socket: "Now, immediately, right now!"

"Well, I will buy it now." Su Shi yawned.

"Buy a few more!"

"Well, I know."

Gu Shishi is full of grievances.

Normal people will buy more friends to support themselves.

But Su Shi...

Humph! Bad things without conscience!

I did not hesitate to lie to Li Jie at the beginning, but also to bring you to visit our company!

The lips moved, Gu Shishi seemed to want to blame something, but ultimately did not speak.

Just tears...

After a string of strings, the sound began to choke.

"Su Su..."


"I am... maybe more than Chen Liling."

"Is the data bad?"

"Well, not very good, I am one-third less than her, the gap... I am afraid it will get bigger and bigger."

Su Shi washed a face, and also awake a few points, comforted: "Don't be afraid, at first it is not as normal as people, after people are old-fashioned songs, **** fans are more scary, what do you compare with people?"


"No, now go and sleep for me, um... sleep more for a while, you have been busy these days, it is estimated that you often stay up late."

Su Shi thought for a moment and said: "In this way, you have the organs, the door is locked, and an alarm clock after 12 noon is set."

"I promise that after you get up, the results will never be bad."


"Really, I promise."

"Then I went to sleep."

"Well, as long as you sleep, I will guarantee the results." Su Shi said.

"Then I really went to sleep..."

"Sleep, I promise."


Gu Shishi is indeed very tired.

Her time has been very tight, and she took time to take a tour with Su Shi in the middle, and the days after that were almost always recording day and night.

If the company doesn't have a lot of throat candy and other things that protect the scorpion, her scorpion may have been hoarse.

She is now nausea on the taste of throat tea.

Now that the album has been released, it is already the result of her efforts.

Although the results are not good now, but it is her mind.

So she lay in bed and fell asleep almost quickly.

The phone is turned off, the door is locked, and the curtains are tightened...

Only a tired body fell on the bed and slowly restored his spirit.

I don't know how long it took, she finally woke up.

"Well? What time is it?" Gu Shishi opened his eyes in confusion.

The room was dim and the dark curtains blocked the outside sun.

Gu Shishi got up and stretched out.

For a long time, there is no such leisure that I can sleep until I wake up naturally.

She was awake for five minutes before she remembered her situation.

"Oh, my album was released yesterday..." Gu Shishi’s eyes were a bit Her ambition was not very good at first, but only with the gods. Grit your teeth and decide to put on one.

But now it seems... still failed.

I looked up and glanced at the clock. It is already three o'clock in the afternoon.

"It has already been said to be good twelve o'clock..."

Gu Shishi hesitated, although she did not give hope to the results, but she eventually picked up the phone.

The picture of the boot is a little bit skipped, and Gu Shishi is so rude.

At the end of the picture, it suddenly sounded several times.

“Hey?” Gu Shishi’s strange look, a dozen or so new messages in the short message, a lot of calls on Q, missed calls for more than forty?

"Even if I slept today, this is too much?" Gu Shishi frowned and boarded QQ.

Su Shi actually sent her new news.

Just opened, suddenly the phone rang.

Caller, Li Jie.

"Hey, Miss Li, how are you -"

"Poetry! You have to die for me! How can you call you?" What are you doing? Fast! Go back to the company, the company is looking for you!"

"Ha?" Gu Shishi is a bit embarrassed, what more can be done now?

"Your new album is very good! Now the company is discussing to give you a promotion budget, let you pay for platinum! You are not coming back soon?"

The phone hangs up, and the interface with Su Shi just clicked in.

"I said, I promise that your grades will not be bad."

There is also a picture below, Gu Shishi opened, is the sales data until noon.

Sales first.

"invisible Wings"!