My Girlfriend has a System

Chapter 192: First name

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"Su Shi, how do you use your real name directly? Have you used that pseudonym before?" Gu Shishi sent a message

"Su Shi! You have made a new song, and you don't write a song for Ben Yan!" Zhang Xiyan sent an angry expression.

"Su Shi, I know that you are really powerful. Is it an exclusive secret that the teacher of the gods taught you? Unfortunately, I always wanted to apprentice, but he never refused to accept it..." This is what He sent.

Su Shi can only make two laughs, and he uses his own name to send a new song, which seems to be known to everyone.

In fact, it is normal. Su Shi’s songs are nothing. It is his freedom to write songs to others.

But this time, the results exploded directly!

Now Xue Zhiqian's new song "Ugly Eight" has already killed the new songs of Jay Chou and Junjie, and directly climbed to the top!

To know that these two are not general, they are classic songs, and they are popular. Except for other stars, they are almost top stars.

However, "Ugly Eight" still killed them, and the songs are not saliva songs, they still kill them without eye-catching.

This is blame if it does not attract attention!

Su Shi thought for a moment, first responded to He Wei: "I didn't teach me, but I am a teacher... He doesn't seem to want to accept an apprentice."

Well, Su Shi himself can be sure that ‘God’s really don’t want to accept apprentices!

Then he replied to Zhang Xiyan.

"Xiao Yan, are you going to release a new album?"

"Yeah, this Yan Yan is so bitter, and unlike Gu Shishi, there is a big **** to escort, hehe..." with a grievance.

"Oh, but my song is not likely to give you, it is a boy's song."

"You will also write the girl's songs." Zhang Xiyan sent a tearful big eyes: "Or, I am selling for a song, is it good?"

"Amount... Actually, you can give it to me-"

"You won't say that you want money? Is it true that Ben Yan's body is not as good as a little money?" With a tearful expression.

Su Shi: "..."

What can he say at this time? I bought your body?

Still continue to give me money, your body, I don’t want to...

It seems that they are not quite right.

"Cough, you can find me when you want to receive a new album, I will give you a discount."

Su Shi hastily concluded this dialogue.

Then there is the news of Gu Shishi.

"I didn't think about anything, just thought about it, or used my real name."

"Well, well, the composer is not like a star, some people like to take the stage name, some people are used to the real name, anyway, you are." Gu Shishi laughed.

Often the name of a star is not good, and it will deliberately modify a name that is easy to remember.

After all, the source of the star is wide, the parents' knowledge is not equal, and Wan has a big name together... It is estimated that you are really famous.

"But have you not used the stage name before?"

"Well, I think about it now, anyway, the art name is good, anything else, they will know me, just use the real name." Su Shi smiled: "Moreover, I don't want to introduce it to my friends later, say 'This is a swearing teacher, let's give lectures to everyone..."

"Hey, who made you use this name."

"It doesn't matter, they know who I am anyway."

In the end, ‘defilement’ is not as deep as hidden by ‘God’s.’ Never show up, whether it’s Star Art or Kuji Music Network, you can easily see Su Shi’s identity.

"But to speak, I seem to use this name when I write a novel..."

Thoughts flashed in my mind, and Su Shi immediately ignored these things.


The fermentation of "The Ugly Eight Monsters" is far faster than Su Shi’s imagination, and more.

Star Art Entertainment, Board of Directors.

"Director Xin, how can you say that there is no such person? Then we are not explaining to the whole world, we have no bottom line in the art, there is no principle?" A director spits on the air, unceremonious.

Director Xin still estimated that he was wrong, even if he knew that he was doing the right thing, even if everyone in the room knew that he was doing right at the time, he still ushered in criticism.


"Cough, Wang sensible, then what do you say?" A sensible next to the cold asked: "Do we want to offend the gods to protect such a low-profile composer?"

"That can't be given up directly. After that, does Star Art still have a face in the world?"

"There are songs that have a face. Lao Xin is doing it right. We all know this. Do you choose to protect that Chen Sai?"

"I want to say, maybe there is a better solution."

"Please come first to mention one."

The two sides became more and more angry, and even began to scream at the table.

The director of the party was thrown aside.

Because, Director Xin, is the person who belongs to the post-speaking director!

And their department, the one with the director of the king, is the opponent!

"It’s true that it’s done, but the result is still a fight...” Xin’s heart sighed.

Do they know that they are doing the right thing?

of course I know!

But still have to be noisy, no noisy, how to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain greater benefits?

Leng Jianhua crossed his hands and sat firmly in the chair. A pair of sharp eyes looked at the two sides quietly.

Under the sharp gaze, the quarrel between the two sides slowly subsided, and finally.

"Chairman, what do you say?"

"Chairman, you can say something!"

Leng Jianhua still has no openings, just watching them coldly.

They looked at them... and they were finally taken down by the sight.

However, in the heart of Leng Jianhua, he knows that he can only do this step.

Each of the company's shareholders has a strong back office, a lot of financial resources, even if he can not completely ignore.

"This time I can only calm things down and then reward him slowly."

He was thinking, suddenly.


The knock on the door sounded.

"Come in." Leng Jianhua began.

A tall woman came over and walked straight to the side of Leng Jianhua: "Chairman, the one you let me pay attention to, has new news."

Say, hand over a long-written document.

Leng Jianhua took over and looked straight ahead.

The directors present were frowning. When they were waiting for a meeting, the secretary actually broke in directly.

What is the important thing?

Suddenly, Leng Jianhua smiled lightly: "Ugly ugly...?"

"This kid is somewhat self-aware, knowing that he is long..."

Whispered two words that no one could understand, and Jian Jianhua looked up and looked sharp: "Wang Director, you said that because of a god, it is not enough for us to expel Chen Sai?"

"Not enough, but it should be euphemistic." Wang sensible and arguing.

Even if he can't say that he is not enough, in fact, if he is to put his person in the position of Director Xin, it is up to him to maintain Mr. Xin now.

Leng Jianhua shook his head: "No, I think he did a good job."

"Should be...reward!"

The directors present were in awe, and they simply couldn’t understand why Cold Jianhua would make such a decision.

"Nothing strange, but you only saw the gods and did not see another person." Leng Jianhua smiled and sent the documents in his hand.

The directors took over and their eyes shrank.

"Su Shi's new song, killing two songs of the gods?"

The incident that was noisy today has let them know the name of Su and now...

A director next to me was silent for a moment and said: "I secondly, I should commend."

This sentence seems to remind the directors that it seems.

"I also seconded."

"It really should be rewarded."

"Which Chen Sai offended two talented composers? It just made trouble for our company!"

"This kind of person should be fired, I will seconde!"

In an instant, almost all the directors did not hesitate to open the second line.

Director Wang’s face changed and whispered: “I also seconded, let Chen Sai... fire it!”

Su Shi, who caused this series of changes, is sending her sister to the exam.