My Girlfriend has a System

Chapter 205: When the award ceremony is in progress

High speed text starter

Mobile phone synchronization reading

"Please master the master!"

Ai Wei lowered his head, his face was sincere and his eyes closed.

Because the time is a little longer, in fact, she has been a little bit stuck, but still at the prompt of the system, barely maintain the most sincere posture...

This attitude...


Since the moment she got to that angle, Su Shi’s apprentice has been settled!

Su Shi forced her eyes back from the white sputum and coughed: "Cough, I will teach you."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Of course, after the thank you, Ai Wei still followed the guidance of the system, kept his eyes closed, and then slowly opened his eyes, with a touch of excitement.

"Well, let's exchange the contact information first. Do you have q?"

"Of course, or how to contact the editor."

"That's good, let's add a friend first..."

The annual meeting finally began when the newly released two masters and men promoted each other's feelings.

The red fire on the stage, the flower carpet, and the star lineup of the handsome men and women are quite heroic.

"Hello everyone, I am the host Lan Feng!"

"I am the host's history."

“This is the stage of the 20th China Festival Annual Conference!”

"Today, the various authors who are doing, you are the real protagonist..."

The two were first seen, and they seemed to be the host of the Mango TV station, Hua Dan.

It is still very big to see from the point of view.

After a few words of opening remarks, the two hosts began to introduce today's guests.

"Let us welcome Chen Kun, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Bureau!"

"There is also the vice chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Market Association, Meng Xin, Meng Meng!"

"The famous poet Mo Junyang teacher!"

"The famous singer Chen Liling teacher!"

"Famous home, falling to heart teacher!"

After each introduction, everyone under the applause sounded, and the man also got up and bowed.

"Great hand..." Su Shi touched his chin, his heart.

These guests are very famous, such as Chen Liling, even Su Shi has heard his name.


"Who is that heart?" Su Shi whispered.

He is also a network writer, and he also sweeps the list on weekdays.

But I really didn't see an author called Lost Heart.

"A writer of traditional literature seems to be writing martial arts." Ai Wei whispered, and then strangely asked: "He is very famous in the world, do you not know the teacher?"

It turned out to be traditional literature, Su Suran suddenly realized, and then said.

"do not know."

Ai Wei: "..."

Of course, although Su Shi does not know, but since it can be invited, then it should be well known.

The annual meeting, in fact, is a meeting that shows off its own business, adds confidence to employees, and inspires them to work harder.

Of course, the main way is to show yourself.

For example, so many big stars, writers, presenters, etc., are actually ways to increase the pressure.

Of course, there is another very important one - to send bonuses.

Oh, no, it should be a trophy here.

Therefore, after presiding over the ten-minute corporate culture, the future of the company, and the status of the company, it finally entered the topic.

"Then, next, we will promulgate the list of Chinese original literature, the first person in the male frequency is - author, admiral!"

"The first female frequency is -, the author, the night rain is blooming!"

"Male frequency, the second is..."

Did not give a name, the spotlight will hit the author directly, then the author smiled and walked to the stage.

"Teacher, do you have any awards?" Ai Wei thought, whispering.

"It shouldn't be, Maple didn't inform me." Su Shi shrugged: "And people who seem to be on the stage are all finished."

A book may collapse in the later stages, causing a significant drop in performance.

So in general, the rewards are given to the author of this book.

Ai nodded and then encouraged: "It's okay, after the teacher's new book is finished, there will definitely be your trophy next year."


Su Shi has no flaws in the trophy because...the trophy is copper, not gold.

Waiting for the names of several books, several names, ten people have already stood on the stage.

Then the host smiled and said: "There is a member of the Shanghai Municipal Association for the Advancement of the People's Republic of China, Meng Xin and Meng Meng, who gave them awards..."

Soon, a middle-aged man in a tunic suit came to the stage.

Meng Xin took the trophy in the hands of the beautiful woman behind him and sent it to the hands of the authors.

"Come on, write well."

"OK, thank you."

"The next thing to write a little positive energy, don't beat it up and kill."


"You women love, love, write too much, can you be a little career next time?"

"it is good......"

"Can you write less about the gods and gods? How can you teach a new generation?"


"The next one is to add fuel. It is best to write a little connotation."

"Okay, I will work hard."

He didn't send a trophy, he always said a few words.

Su Shi frowned without listening to a few words. Is this the words... is it encouraging?

Although the award ceremony was very boring on weekdays, the words spoken were the same, but there was no such thing!

How to listen, it seems like arrogant accusation of each other.

Is this what the award-winner should say?

Looking at the expressions of the authors who received the awards, they smacked their lips, but they did not rebut, and silently responded.

It’s like a teacher reprimanding a student...

But you are also great gods! It is a great god!

It is the top **** in the net world!

"What kind of Mengxin is that person?" Su Shi could not help but say.

"I look up..." Ai Wei is also a bit unwilling, take out the phone to find out.

"Found, I used to write, and like the heart, are martial arts, very famous at the time, there are several remake of the TV series."

Su Shi couldn't help but say: "And then? What results did he have? What qualifications do you say?"

"Amount... Are these not achievements?" Ai stunned.

"Is this counted?"

Su Shi snorted.

Perhaps the network and traditional literature are incompatible. Su Shi’s past life has heard that the old **** is saddened by the author of traditional literature.

He smiled at the time.

However, and an emerging industry will suffer from the suppression of traditional industries, he is also used to it.

But now it is not suppressed, is it a good face? !

Do you endure this?

Su Shi looked around in a circle, the surrounding gods, the authors behind him were somewhat unwilling, but ... there was no one who dared to speak.

"So waste? So what?" Su Shi also deliberately saw not forgetting me and unintentional eyes.

These two were so emboldened by Su Shi, and now they are embarrassed?


"Then, next, we will promulgate the list of original literary newcomers, the newcomer of the male squad is - the author, swearing!"