My Girlfriend has a System

Chapter 221: Ai Wei's most powerful trick

High speed text starter

Mobile phone synchronization reading

Again and again, even Ai Wei will inevitably feel a bit strange.

The system replied leisurely: [Host, this is a necessary task for the Dawenhao system. If you can coach you as a writer as soon as possible, it is the system's long-cherished wish. 】

[And now there is no doubt that being close to Su Shi is the fastest way to complete your dreams, and the faster you post, the faster you become a writer. 】

"What is the quicker post..." Ai Wei’s face was red.

However, hesitating, Ai Wei is still relieved.

After all, there is a real big writer who is by his side. It is a strange thing not to learn from others.

"The task now..."

[Since Su Shi has strong strength and outstanding achievements, his sinister appeal to the enemy may not be completely guarded. Please go to the investigation! 】

"You said that you went to investigate again..." Ai Wei shook her head. She didn't even know who Su Shi's ‘enemy’.

Just a network novelist, she knew that ‘unintentional’ and ‘forget me’ had not dealt with Su Shi.

At the same annual meeting, Su Shi also provoked the female author ‘Wang Shulan’.

If you add a few editors, a few friends, a few relatives...

This range is too big, there is no way to lock it!

But thinking about it, Ai Wei decided to start with a group of several authors.

Authors generally have a readership, which is convenient for managing fans, calling on readers, and occasionally asking for tickets and rewards.

Ai Wei actually has a group, but the number of single digits is a bit too much.

But in the group of great gods, there are thousands of people!

Sometimes even a group can't put it down, you have to open 2 groups, 3 groups, 4 groups...

Ai Wei looked for it and started with the group of ‘forget me.’

A group is a VIP group, and only a full set of readers can enter.

Hesitating, a bite, Ai Yan looked bitter at the balance in the account.

"I hope so, otherwise I will have a meal this month..."

The author is really hard, especially on the street.

The income is not high, but also in order to keep up with the times, to see other texts.

But fortunately, because I don’t forget my new book, it’s not too late. He’s not like Su Shi’s general explosion. The vip chapter is just over a hundred. The whole order is not expensive.

Ai Wei changed a trumpet and clicked to apply to join.

Agree quickly, but in three minutes, Ai Wei added to the group.

"When is the new one updated?"

"Author, go quickly to codewords!"

"Hey, there are new people, new people are taking photos!"

"Newcomers are going, this group is the foundation!"

"Newcomer, red?"

Ai Wei thought about it, and he made a ten-point red envelope.

"I am going, newcomer, are you afraid of being killed?"

"Tell you, if I was management, I kicked you early!"

Ai Wei chuckled and said nothing.

Her new number is the number of the boy. In the beginning, when I started to work with the author, I didn’t introduce anything. I didn’t change anything. Naturally, I wouldn’t be treated by sister paper.

But fortunately, after a couple of newcomers, Ai Wei began to dive quietly, while keeping a concern.

The atmosphere in the group is OK, but Ai Wei remembers his ‘spy’ status and is silently silent.

She used this kind of push, and added an unintentional VIP group. I wanted to join the group that I was worried about, but I found it and found it.

So Ai Wei searched the Internet for the ‘dropped’ microblog, and added one, set the attention.

In fact, she once wanted to find Su Shi’s fan base, but she saw it all over the place and did not find a group number.

Obviously, Su Shi did not build a fan base at all...

Oh, there isn't Weibo, but I found a bunch of fake slogans, and there is also a pretender who borrows money from Ai.

"The next step is to pay attention to it, but what is the dark tide of the system? It will take a long time to find a little information."


Ai Wei just sighed and heard a sound from the phone.

“Hey? Is it a weibo’s Weibo?”

Ai's strange look, this look, let her cold eyebrows, my heart.

"This man really dare to say anything!"

That is the lost microblog, with official certification.

He sent a new post.

"Hey, I went to the annual meeting of the net text two days ago. I was kind enough to point out the author of a younger generation. The result was that he was picked up. I didn't bother to think about him. He also said that I should remember him. Name, he wants to write a martial arts to compare with me."

"Wait for a few days, I looked left, right, and I didn't find the name of the person. Maybe he didn't write the text, but he was written and edited and returned."

Ai Wei looked at it, almost all of it was blown up.

Is there such a shame?

You are pointing at your nose and you can still call this a pointer?

The teacher said to you, ‘I don’t care about you’, can it be used as a breach?

And the annual meeting that opened only two days ago can actually be said to you for several days?

Although not in the group, there are a lot of fans in Weibo.

As soon as he heard these words, many fans have left a message.

"Who is so shameless, in the face of the teacher's advice, he does not accept it, but he still swears?"

"I also said that I want to compare with the teacher of the lost heart than the martial arts novel... Can he read the book he wrote?"

"I have heard about everything in online novels. Some children write about the story of you who swear at me every day. I kill your family. Oh, I don't know how many brainless guys look."

"After all, online novels, what can they see?"

"Who is the author? Look at me and go to his Weibo to go and have a meal!"

"I heard that it was called "smuggling and swearing", but I found it and didn't find him on Weibo."

"Oh, it is estimated that there is no face to apply for Weibo..."

Ai couldn't help but type his own account and typed: "Have you made a mistake! It is obviously a big worry to my master!"

However, the unforgettable Weibo is a reserved place for fans.

"The teacher who is worried will be jealous? He has always been so gentle!"

"Oh I will give you a few words. If you don't accept it, you can count it. Can you write a novel?"

"Garbage trumpet, go on!"

It’s also a well-known writer, and there are a lot of fans. How can Ai Wei have so many fans?

However, several of them seem to also watch online novels. They know the name of ‘dirty words,’ and they persuaded them twice, and then they were stunned by the fans.

"Bastard!" Ai gnawed the teeth.

As a girl, she still doesn't like the arrogant Wen Qing. When did she get this kind of insult?

Ever since, her teeth bite, and her heart decided to launch the most powerful move.

- Call the teacher!

"Teacher, come, someone will marry you!"