My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 175: ceremony

Nan Mao didn't intend to continue the topic of losing face with Tang An, so he stepped on Tang An's palm hard, urging him to go quickly.

Tang An continued to poke away the branches and leaves of the trunk in front of him. At the same time, because the Southern Cat was sitting on his shoulders, he had to poke away the leaves from higher places, or he would hit her in the face, and she would be troubled by himself.

"Then...Is there a ritual to bring people back to life?" Tang An asked with great expectation and a little nervousness.

Nan Mao let go of Tang An’s earlobe, and put it softly on his cheek. After a moment, he let go, a soft feeling appeared in his heart. This feeling seemed to make people distract others. The emotions are dispelled, and then become concentrated. Being affected by another person's emotions, the thinking in his mind seems to change his habits... Nan Mao is a little uncomfortable, and shook his head to disperse this kind of permeation in his heart. feel.

She understood why she asked this, what he was expecting... The first time she met him, it was next to his mother's graveyard, the one who lay motionless on the grass and put his arms around the tombstone, regardless of the scorching sun. boy.

"I know what you are thinking... It's just that I told you just now that there is nothing in this world that can exist forever, let alone weak humans?" Nan Mao lowered his voice, as if the wind passed through Tang An. The flicking leaves are a bit unnatural.

"I know." Tang An sighed. Fortunately, he didn't expect too much. He just heard Nan Mao mention the magical rituals. These rituals are very mysterious and powerful. It is inevitable that people can look forward to the technique of reviving the dead. In those stories, resurrection and immortality are side-by-side secrets. Since immortality can be realized in a certain sense, then resurrection to a certain extent may be okay. Good-looking novels are in Black = Rock = Pavilion


"But what?" Tang An asked quickly again.

"Don't get excited!" Nanmao hates that others expect to do things that you can't do. "It is impossible for your mother to appear in front of you as you did before death, as you expected. But I can use it. The ritual of retrospect is supplemented with alchemy, allowing her to reappear in front of you. She has emotions and memories of you, but she can't be called alive. She can be said to be a dead person who uses alchemy to maintain her existence."

"It's no different from coming back to life!" No matter how it exists, for Tang An, the most important thing is of course the mother's emotions and her memories. Is there a difference between maintaining existence through alchemy and maintaining life through medical means? ? No!

"If you can accept this... In the future, my spiritual power will be restored, and I can help you see your mother again..." Nan Mao looked forward and sighed with some doubts. It really makes the cat incomprehensible."

"Okay, okay!" Tang An was overjoyed, a little excited, and wanted to jump up. Compared to being immortal, this is what Tang An dreams of most. Tang An repeatedly said: "My lord, from now on, I will be your best Faithful servant! No, I am a slave, even if you ask me to dig a hole and bury myself now, I am willing!"

"Why do I want you to dig a pit and bury yourself?" Nan Mao was so happy to see Tang An, a little angry, "What is from now on, isn't it before?"

"It used to be too!" Tang An announced loudly that he was extremely loyal to the Southern Cat King.

Nan Mao put his hands on his chest sullenly, why he couldn't help but hope that he was happy when he saw him suddenly depressed, but when he saw that he was happy because of other things, and he was a human or a female human, I am particularly unhappy!

Nan Mao didn't want to talk to Tang An anymore, but just sat on his shoulders, feeling the traces of the residual spiritual power in the air, on the leaves, and on the grass.

After walking for a long time, the two people gradually saw a faint moonlight coming through. Knowing that it must be because of the open ground over there, they quickened their pace. Tang An and Nan Mao walked to the big tree in the front. Suddenly he opened his eyes.

Here is a piece of emerald green grass exuding a faint luster in the moon, with small light blue fluorescent flowers, surrounded by tall broad-leaved trees, surrounding this large piece of grass.

There was a dilapidated small temple in the middle of the grass. Tang An first thought of the place where the old man he had met said to worship the lake god.

The kobolds on the stalls are not very credible, but it is not uncommon to say that the custom of worshiping the lake gods is not uncommon. This custom is not fabricated by carpet tabloids and magazines. Most rivers and lakes will have them before the beginning of the fishing season. The ceremony of worship, pray not to encounter strong winds and waves, and the fish and shrimps are full.

This small temple should have been the place of worship in the past, and now it is probably used by the old man to worship the Kobold Lake God.

Nan Mao jumped from Tang An's shoulder, the skirt flying up and down.

"The traces of spiritual power permeating here are the strongest..." Nan Mao raised his head with his eyes closed, walking, looking, smelling, it is the cat's way to perceive the world.

Tang An watched the moonlight fall on her delicate little face. The quiet expression and beautiful face made the heart beat flinching. Tang An remembered a lyric: That night is too beautiful and you are too gentle.

"Tang An, tear down that temple!" Nan Mao pointed to the small temple and said loudly.

Sure enough... this kind of night is too beautiful and the Southern Cat King is too gentle, that is definitely an illusion! Tang An asked strangely: "Why did you demolish that temple?"

"There is a dog painted on the door panel of that temple. I hate dogs!" Although I came to investigate the tracks of the kobolds, the Southern Cat doesn't like seeing dog patterns on places of worship like "temples" because The dog spirit family is not a royal family, only the royal family can have totems in places like temples.

The king is the king, and he can do whatever he likes and dislikes anytime and anywhere. Tang An remembered that he had just shown loyalty, so he went up without hesitation and prepared to take down the door...After all, the temple was demolished. Tang An was still a little jealous. It was not the kobolds or the lake gods who were jealous, but the people who were in awe in his heart.

"Hold on!"

Tang An had just walked to the small temple and was about to observe the pattern of the dog and kicked the door again when Nan Mao spoke suddenly.

"This dog is painted like a New Year's picture, it seems to be a door god..." Tang An looked back at Nan Mao while observing, wondering why she suddenly called for him to stop.

Nan Mao didn't see Tang An's suspicious eyes, nor did he explain why, but opened his hands and looked up at the moon in the sky.

The moonlight seemed to sense something. In Tang An's surprised eyes, the moonlight shining on the flowers and plants shifted from its original position and fell on Nan Mao.

Without the shining of moonlight, those flowers, flowers, and grasses that are emerald green or glowing in the moonlight will have a lot of ammonia nitrogen in an instant.

Nan Mao's body seemed to be condensed with moonlight, and the layers of moonlight covered her like a veil. Tang An's eyes widened, but Nan Mao's clothes seemed to be getting lighter and thinner.

Faintly, showing the curves of her body, although immature, it still has gentle lines.

The whole body of Nanmao seemed to be carved from beautiful jade, transparent and crystal clear, and the hazy beauty made Tang An hold his breath.

Suddenly, the light was shining, and Tang An had no time to make a choice between keeping his attention in surprise and turning his head quickly, don't look at indecent assault. The dazzling light had already covered Nan Mao's body.

Nan Mao stretched out its immature body, and then curled up. When the light dissipated, Tang An's eyes appeared as a big, fluorescent white cat.

The fluttering hair exuded the brilliance of diamonds. She proudly raised her head to look at the moon, and then turned to look at Tang An.

It was this glance, for a moment, the big white cat jumped up and rushed into the sky along the moonlight, then turned into a little light, and disappeared without a trace.

Tang An stared at the sky with widened eyes, and after looking at it for a long time, only to find that the Southern Cat did not jump up and then jumped again.

"Where did you go?" Tang An raised his head and looked at the sky. There was water vapor over Yangcheng Lake, but in this kind of weather, the stars and the moon could still be seen shining clearly, but there was no big white cat flying.

"At least tell me where you are going?" Tang An reluctantly lowered his head and began to observe the surroundings.

There is no change in the surroundings, it seems that the moonlight has been absorbed by the southern cat. The flowers and plants do not have the original feeling of aura and fairy aura. If there is a kind of fairy flower and grass in the world. It feels, but now it feels like just a patch of flowers and plants planted in a general botanical garden.

Tang An came to the ruined temple again. This is a small temple less than three meters high. The roof is covered with mud and blue tiles. There are many hollow holes on the three walls. The main entrance is the two painted dogs. Big wooden door.

The dog on the wooden door, although the painting is not very, it can be seen that it is just an ordinary earthy dog. Tang An took a picture of himself in another state of the same kind of earthy dog, and then walked in In the temple.

Although the temple is small, because the entire temple only enshrines a clay sculpture Bodhisattva, it looks a bit empty. In front of the clay sculpture Bodhisattva is a crumbling table of eight immortals, and there is a gray futon in front of the table.

Tang An stepped on the mud and the dew all night, his pants were already dirty, and he did not mind and knelt down to worship the Bodhisattva. It was a disrespectful apologize for the unrespectful apologetics he had just prepared to open the door, or he was waiting for forgiveness for continuing to open the door.

When Nan Mao comes back, it is estimated that she will still demolish the temple gate.

Tang An finished worshiping the Bodhisattva before he got up and watched the Bodhisattva. He couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that the Bodhisattva was stitched together. The half of the Bodhisattva seems to be the second brother Guan. The style of the robe is very familiar, the second brother Guan. His head was gone, but on his neck was a clay dog ​​head with round eyes. The workmanship was rough. The squinting expression reminded Tang An of a Shiba Inu that was popular on the Internet.

Tang An felt that this must be a good thing done by the old man who said that he had seen the lake god, who was originally enshrined here was probably the second brother Guan, and then the old man wanted to worship the lake god, but he did not reshape the golden body for the lake god. Just change a dog's head, which is much simpler and the cost is also low.

The light in the temple is too dim. Although I can see clearly, I can't even think about taking pictures with my mobile phone. Tang An decided to wait until dawn before taking a picture and sending it to his circle of friends.

After sitting for a while, Tang An was a bit hungry. After all, there was a Nanmao sitting on his shoulders and it was quite an effort to walk such a long way, but the cooking and barbecue materials were all at Nanmao's, and he couldn't go to the lake to catch crabs. Eat raw with fish.

Forget it, wait for Nan Mao slowly, Tang An sat back on the futon, and now he can only wait for Nan Mao here.