My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 190: Chief coach

Just as Lin Yuling knew that there were undercover agents in her support team and Ye Yiyu's support team, Ye Yiyu should also have this understanding. After meeting Tang An and Lin Yuling in KTV, maybe Ye Yiyu might have begun to wonder if it was not. Coincidentally. That's why there will be arrangements for the future, and that's why the pear and the sugar baby appeared.

Did you think Ye Yiyu was too shrewd? Tang An is actually not very sure.

The sugar baby kept reporting to Lin Yuling the information she had obtained undercover. In fact, she told Lin Yuling this, it was impossible for Lin Yuling to do anything personally, but the two girls still talked with gusto.

After chatting, Lin Yuling and Tang Baobao began to take photos again. Unlike Lizi, Tang Baobao did not hesitate to turn the camera away when Tang An appeared in the camera, trying to ensure that only her and Lin Yuling were in the photo.

Tang An felt that this was not because Tang Bao was worried about what the photos would reveal, she just disliked it... She just felt that Tang An in the photos of the two girls was not so appropriate.

These girls treat Lin Yuling. Tang An suspects that they are not just liking. Maybe there is the plot of Lily. Otherwise, Tang An can hardly understand their enthusiasm. It seems that doing anything for idols is willing, with a sense of love. This great feeling of sacrifice and self-righteousness is in it.

"Is he Yuyu's boyfriend?" It seemed that after having endured it for a long time, Tang Baobao finally couldn't help but asked after taking the photo.

Girls like gossip, especially about their idols. This is a very important question that must be asked.

"No." Tang An shook his head.

Lin Yuling also wanted to deny it, but she didn't expect Tang An to answer faster than herself! Doesn't this mean that he can't wait to get rid of her relationship, he just feels that he can't let others think that he has an ambiguous relationship with her, which seems very embarrassing to him!

"He is... he is the coach, aren't we the Yulin Army? He is the chief coach of the Yulin Army! I appointed it!" Lin Yuling thought for a while, and arranged an identity for Tang An when she thought about it.

Chief coach! What is this? Tang An stared at Lin Yuling with wide eyes.

"Understood!" Tang Baobao became inexplicably excited. "Our support team has always felt that there should be a person who has a good personal relationship with Yuyu to lead us. Every time we contact an agent, we find it difficult to communicate! If Having a head who has a good personal relationship with Yuyu will be able to convey the wishes of our fans more conveniently!"


Just as Tang An wanted to speak, Lin Yuling stepped on him.

Tang An stared at her, and then settled accounts with her. Anyway, he didn't intend to be the chief coach of this kind of mischief. He only knew that the wife of the most famous coach Lin Chong had been robbed. The wall stick coach is better, but forget it.

"I think so too!" Lin Yuling happily shook Tang Bao Bao's hand.

"Chief coach, is it convenient for you to leave a phone call?" Tang Baobao was expectant.

Tang An found that he had more and more part-time jobs. From the general to the chief coach, he was downgraded! Tang An feels that he still misses the Southern Cat King even more...Although the King often feels helpless, at least it is a strong posture, which makes people involuntarily feel that it is her confidence, but Lin Yuling? When Tang An met her, there was always a feeling that she was going to hit her severely.

Before Tang An could speak, Lin Yuling told Tang Baobao Tang An’s phone number... Tang Baobao quickly took down the phone number, and noticed that Lin Yuling didn’t have a phone book, and she recited Tang An’s phone number. She was a very familiar person. , Otherwise, how could you get off the phone by back?

It is not difficult to write down 11 numbers, but there is no doubt that you must be careful to write down someone's phone number.

Tang Baobao had to go to class tomorrow, and he had agreed with the family to arrive home, so he took a taxi and went back after completing the task, and did not forget to make a phone call gesture to Tang An.

Tang An and Lin Yuling stood there and watched Tang Baobao leave, and then Lin Yuling put on masks.

"The chief coach? Hmm... yes, you still know the term chief coach, where did you learn it?" Tang An Yuling blankly.

"Am I so ignorant?" Lin Yuling said triumphantly, "The head of the 800,000 imperial army chief, lion head Lin Chong!"

Lin Yuling shook her head and scratched her hair.

"Are you imitating a lion's head?" Tang An couldn't help sighing, what kind of idol is this, is it a bit idol? Or is it the result of the recent variety show guidance, the more popular idol celebrities are dating?

"Right! Does it look like?" Lin Yuling stretched out her hand to grab Tang An's hair and asked him to imitate it.

Tang An avoided Lin Yuling's hand, "First, male lions have manes, and you are female. Second, lion head is a kind of vegetable, not Lin Chong's nickname, Lin Chong's nickname is leopard head. Third. Lin Chong is not the chief instructor of the Forbidden Army, he is just one of the countless instructors."

Lin Yuling was unbelievably peaceful, and said in surprise and admiration: "How do you know so much?"

"Because I'm not like you who don't study at all." Tang An said angrily.

"I don't read? I recently bought "The Magical Fruit Juice for Thinning Stomach in 7 Days", "Guide to Perfect Skin Care", "Pony Four Seasons Beauty Story", "Hihwa Hand Post", "Luxury"..." Lin Yuling pulls I started to count, then waved his hand, "Many, many, I don't remember!"

"This is also called a book!" Tang An simply sneered. Men and women are not a kind of creature at all, and the thinking circuit is not a level, let alone spiritual and spiritual pursuits.

"I also ordered "The Loft"!" Lin Yuling blushed and said quietly to Tang An, "Do you want to

Tang An shook his head, completely disinterested. Publications like "Attic", like "playboy", have gradually become less popular in the Internet age. Not to mention the body photos of ordinary girls and models, even some photos of popular stars. Outflows are also everywhere. For many people, there is no need to order these expensive magazines with limited content and not exciting enough.

"You are not pure, so you still subscribe to this kind of magazine. It doesn't fit the position of a beautiful girl's popular idol at all. If you are known to you, you will be ruined." Tang An despised Lin Yuling.

"Huh, no one knows! Anyway, I'm still the super popular idol Lin Yuyu who is popular with thousands of boys and girls!" Lin Yuling was proud of her.

"I'm not a human?" Tang An pointed to himself.

"You are not human... You are Tang An..." Lin Yuling rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled even more proudly.

"I am Tang An, why am I not a human?" Tang An was puzzled, and immediately understood that she was referring to her dog son Tang An... Although it was indeed Tang An, Tang An felt very upset that Lin Yuling had taken possession of it. It's cheap that can't fight back!

Tang An glared at her and didn't want to pay attention to her anymore.

The two of them took a taxi and went back. On the way, Tang An played on his mobile phone. He just replied to Ma Shilong’s news and arranged to go to the newly opened area to play games together. Tang An wondered why Ma Shilong invited him to the new area instead of letting him build a number in the old area. , The only reason is that Ma Shilong’s tuba in the old district has already been criticized for notoriety. Even if he has a high level and good equipment, he can’t show off in front of Tang An.

When he arrives in the new area, Ma Shilong can naturally rely on the game experience to give the newcomer all-round protection and help, so that the girl will have a sense of dependence on him in the game, and thus get the purpose of forming an online "love relationship".

Nowadays, many online games have developed into reality. Although most of them are basically seeing death or one-night romance, few can last forever, but who cares? Most of the people who are addicted to online games and looking for romance in online games are simply mental or physical emptiness for a certain period of time, and no one thinks about it for a long time.

Although Ma Shilong is short, fat and ugly, he is confident about finding girls in online games. After all, men often don’t need to be too good to be able to meet the needs of girls, regardless of whether this need is realistic or realistic. In the game, there will be girls throwing arms.

Tang An also planned to give him a hug, haha, Tang An thought, couldn't help but laugh.

"You're so wretched, are you planning to do something bad?" Lin Yuling did not speak much along the way, because she was worried that she would be recognized by the taxi driver again. After getting off the car, she came to think about the phone.

"Don't forget the overtime, a total of three hundred yuan!" Tang An stretched out his hand without hesitation.

Lin Yuling stared at him, this guy! So he took out three hundred yuan from the bag and smashed it heavily into Tang An's palm.

"Hey, about the chief you agree!" When she walked to the door of the house, Lin Yuling emphasized it.

"No." Tang An said resolutely, what the chief coach, he is the golden tooth general of the Beast Spirit Empire, how can he condescend to be the chief coach and mix with a group of little **** kids who don't even grow up.

Although Tang An is actually not much older than Lin Yuling's fans, some even older than him, Tang An feels that he has a superior IQ.

"Then I have no face?" Lin Yuling said annoyedly.

"You can't just think about yourself. At that time, you didn't discuss with me and made your own decisions." Tang An said leisurely. "Could it be that you told Tang Baobao that I was an angel sent by heaven to guard you, the next moment I You have to change a pair of wings and fly to the sky to prove it? Otherwise, you will lose face, do you?"

"How can angels be so ugly!" Lin Yuling decided. Tang An didn't admit that she was a super cute and beautiful girl one day, so she insisted on saying that he was ugly.

Tang An turned around and left.

"Hey..." Lin Yuling quickly took Tang An's arm and settled in pitifully, her eyes flickered and her mouth pouted.

Tang An is just.

"Let's do it... When you are the head coach and Tang Baobao contacts you, you can just deal with it..." Lin Yuling thought and thought, and found a suggestion that moved Tang An's heart. "As long as you agree, I will Don’t steal it from my window, otherwise, you can seal my window from the outside at any time!"

Tang An was a little moved.

"I won't ask you anymore for cats and dogs!"

Tang An nodded. If this is the case, you will never have trouble. Lin Yuling, the two most annoying guys, can no longer do the two most annoying behaviors. For the sake of her own peace, she promised to do what the chief coach does. It's nothing, the most is just to send a message to Lin Yuling.