My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 229: Ancient Underwater City (5)

Uncle Hei seemed to be talking about it, probably what he really wanted to catch was the "water ghost" he said, but he didn't care too much about the fish he caught.

"Can you catch a water ghost?" Tang An was stunned for a moment, wondering if he was mistaken, "Is it a large fish called a water ghost?"

"Just like whales live in the ocean, but whales are not fish. The water ghosts living in the water of Hundred Island Lake are not fish." Uncle Hei pointed to his other fishing rod and said, "This is specifically used for fishing. Water ghost’s fishing rod."

"Something like a water monster?" Tang An nodded to express understanding, "This thing should be difficult to catch."

Uncle Hei looked at Tang An strangely.

Tang An didn't understand the expression in Uncle Hei's eyes.

"Most people hear me saying this as if I'm joking... Brother, why don't you think I'm making up stories with nonsense?" Uncle Hei asked with interest, rubbing the black bracelet on his wrist.

Tang An knew that he was accustomed to this kind of thing, and it was this habit that was abnormal in the eyes of others.

Tang An has fully believed that this is a world where a large number of so-called sciences cannot explain at all. Science can only explain a lot of things in the category in which it works. When another world involving the mysterious domain is revealed before his eyes He can only observe and record more, rather than thinking and trying to explain with fixed so-called scientific thinking.

"I think it is entirely possible that some very rare creatures will appear in such a large area of ​​water. Just like the rumors or sightings of monsters appearing all over the world, it is impossible that everyone has fabricated it." Tang An Of course he wouldn't tell Uncle Hei that he would become a dog, and water monsters were not unusual.

"If you can think so, it proves that you are a very active person." Uncle Hei nodded, "Then I'll show you."

With that, Uncle Hei lifted up the fishing rod that he said was used to catch water ghosts.

This fishing rod is very thick, and the fishing line is also a very thick one. It is estimated that there is no problem catching those hundreds of catties of fish. Tang An was surprised when the fishing line surfaced. The bottom of the fishing line was impressive. It's a little baby without a face!

I took a closer look and found out that it was made of a small baby with a thin and very thin cloth wrapped in stuffing. It was not a real baby's corpse, but even this was still shocking and full of The breath of evil and terror.

Uncle Hei just brought it up and put it down, saying faintly: "The meat is wrapped here, with some special formulas, which can attract water ghosts to eat. Water ghosts eat children. Water ghosts are very smart. It's almost human...but it's delicious. It knows that this is not a real kid, but it can't stand the smell of the bait."

"Has Uncle Hei ever caught a water ghost?" Tang An asked with a cold breath, the world is so great, and such strange people and strange things are really everywhere. I actually encountered a water fisherman today. Expert!

It's no wonder that Uncle Hei is not like ordinary middle-aged and old people who eat in public institutions, but he is a person with a story.

Most people will definitely avoid it when they hear that there are water ghosts. Where can anyone like Uncle Hei also come to fish for water ghosts!

"I caught it once, but it was a pity that it bit off the fishing line and ran away. Now I changed it to this type of fish. It definitely kept biting. But after a loss, it became a lot smarter. It often only bites the bait underwater. Unwilling to swallow it." Uncle Hei sneered, "This ghost is quite clever."

"Is there any hope to catch it?" Although Uncle Hei did not say, Tang An felt that it must be quite a distant thing. He said that Uncle Hei had been on this island for nearly 20 years. In the past two decades, fishing for water ghosts has only one chance to succeed.

"There is no hope, but the Tao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. No matter how evil and sneaky it is, or the gods and bodhisattvas, there is nothing smarter than us." Hei Shu's fingers turned his hands. "The water ghost likes to bite the bait underwater and eat the residue leaked from the gauze that was bitten by it. It is smart, but I don’t know that I have poisoned the flesh. Even if the water ghost is strong and physically strong, I can't stand this chronic poison either."

Tang An couldn't help but think of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea". Didn't the old man also fight the sharks, trying his best? The struggle between Uncle Hei and the water ghost is also protracted.

Perhaps it was because of the tragic and heroic sentiments in Hemingway's works that infected Tang An, and Tang An couldn't help admiring Uncle Hei.

"Didn't the water ghost notice it?" Tang An asked.

"Even if this kind of sneaky thing is smart, it can't restrain one's greed like us, see clearly the danger behind the temptation in front of us, and see what you like to eat, even if you can't help but swallow it, Can’t hold back from eating.” Uncle Hei’s mouth curled up with a disgusting smile, “It can’t be found. I have also found out after long-term observation. Now the water ghost bites the bait more irritably, not as slowly as before. Test, chew slowly and eat a little bit, leaving me with a bare hook. This is a sign of poisoning. This poison is chronic and erodes the mind. Sooner or later, it will accumulate little by little and make it crazy. , And it will swallow my bait again in one bite."

"Uncle Hei, you are so amazing!" Tang Anzan said, if Uncle Hei hadn't insisted on fishing for water ghosts here, with his state of mind and mind, he would be able to do anything successfully, and he would be top in the industry. s level.

In the process of research, how many top researchers can only succeed if they persist and have clear ideas like Uncle Hei?

Uncle Hei just smiled. He was not humble or proud, but he still showed a little bit of satisfaction. After all, what he did was completely insane in the eyes of many people, and even the closest nephew would not believe it. He, and Tang An listened completely, and did not suspect that he was talking nonsense.

"What does this water ghost look like?" Since Uncle Hei has caught it, it means that he should have seen it. Tang An wants to know whether this thing is a primitive monster possessed on earth, or is it another Like the lake gods circulating on Yangcheng Lake, it has something to do with the Inunling tribe.

"It's very ugly, very ugly." Uncle Hei said in disgust, "The sharp-mouthed fangs are a bit like a dead dog after being plucked on fire, but the neck has a mane like aquatic plants, and the hands and feet are like people. , But there are fleshy membranes between the fingers and toes. The length and weight are about the same as that of an ordinary adult, but they have great strength in the water."

Hearing Uncle Hei said that he looked like a dead dog, Tang An's heart jumped. Could it be that this is another Canine? But listening to Uncle Hei's later description, it doesn't feel like it again. The Canines are just in the form of a dog and a human. In the dog form, the appearance is just an ordinary dog. In the human form, it is just an ordinary person. There is nothing particularly ugly. The neck is surrounded by mane and there are fleshy membranes between the fingers and toes.

"Uncle Hei, what do you plan to do after you catch it?" Tang An thinks that Uncle Hei must have a special purpose. Most people may take pictures, shoot videos, and post them on the Internet, or contact some people who like to collect rare. The rich speculation of weird creatures sells for a high price, but I feel that Uncle Hei is definitely not such a person. A person who can do such a thing for such a long time will never do it for such a purpose.

"Kill." Uncle Hei said lightly.

This answer was completely beyond Tang An's expectation. Tang An felt that Uncle Hei's faint tone was full of extremely firmness.

"Have you heard of the Hundred Island Lake tragedy in 1997?" Uncle Hei asked.

Tang An shook his head. It was too long. At that time, he was just born, and the Internet was not developed at that time. Basically, what happened at that time was only recorded in newspapers.

"Could it be that the water ghost did it?" Tang An's thinking was still active.

"A cruise ship that year encountered robbers, and the robbers robbed the cruise ship... At that time, in addition to mainland tourists, there were also some Taiwanese on the cruise ship. According to the official statement, the robbers robbed the cruise ship and chose to sink the ship and kill it. All the tourists on the cruise ship.” Uncle Hei said calmly, as if he was telling something that had nothing to do with him. “This incident also caused tension and led to the emergence of some data in Taiwan’s public opinion surveys against the mainland. A direct change...My wife and children were also on this ship at the time."

Tang An doesn’t know what to say. Like Uncle Hei, he is very persistent, and there must be a very human experience behind it. It is probably this kind of unforgettable experience that makes Uncle Hei prefer to spend his entire life to do one thing. .

"I was always upset that day, always feeling that something was going to happen, so I drove a boat to find someone. My premonition was correct. I saw the cruise ship that was set on fire by the robbers, and saw someone getting off the cruise ship. I jumped down, and I drove over..." Uncle Hei paused, took a deep breath, closed his eyes, "I saw my wife jumping into the water with the child. Her water is very good. I I believe that as long as I go there quickly, I can meet her and the child... But at this moment, a water ghost also jumped off the boat, grabbed my wife and child, and sank into the water."

Surviving from desperation, but there is nowhere to escape. As a husband, a father, seeing all this with his own eyes, Tang An couldn't imagine how heartbreaking Uncle Hei was at that time.

"I hurriedly jumped into the water, but I couldn't keep up with the speed of the water ghost at all. The depth of people diving in the water is limited, but the water ghost is far beyond ordinary people, and has been pulling my wife and children into the bottomless. The bottom of the lake never surfaced again." Uncle Hei opened his eyes, but seemed to have calmed down, "Hundred Island Lake has always had the legend of water ghosts, but no one believes it. I have witnessed it and I know this thing is a hundred. The scourge of the island and lake, the fact that many people disappeared in the lake in the past, was mostly related to water ghosts."

"For water ghosts the entire Baidao Lake is their nest. Unless the water of the entire Baidao Lake is drained, it will be difficult to remove them." Tang An sighed deeply, no wonder Hei Uncle used it. In the most primitive way, such a large area of ​​lake water, water ghosts hiding and attacking in it, it is impossible for humans to search for and make a difference.

"Yes, even the frogmen in the army may not be able to destroy the free water ghosts in such a water area with too many unknowns. What's more, I am an ordinary person, how can I let frogmen come for me? Revenge?" Uncle Hei held the suspender, the blue veins on his wrist bulged, but it was still very stable. Will not let me go, as long as they can take the initiative to find the door, I will have more opportunities."

"Uncle Hei, I believe that I am not the only one who believes in you. There must be other like-minded people who are willing to help you. Have you ever thought about forming a team dedicated to destroying water ghosts? "Tang An suggested sincerely.

"Reality is reality after all. It's not like adventure novels. A team can be assembled so easily. What's more, this thing will last a lifetime. Who can accompany me to toss in this Baidao Lake for a lifetime?" Uncle Hei sighed. He said, "Not to mention avenging my own wife and children. If the water ghosts die in the hands of other people, how can I be willing?"

This is a kind of unforgettable hatred, like the poison of bone erosion. Tang An knows that people with this obsession can no longer persuade and will not accept any suggestions from others. What he has to do is not only revenge, but also tilt. All the hatred in his heart, it was this purpose that made him stick to it. Tang An was thinking that one day Uncle Hei will achieve his goal, and maybe he will lose his soul... Uncle Hei’s soul is probably just a revenge. Soul.