My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 369: Sour and sweet

?The forest is big, there are all kinds of birds and all kinds of insects. There are tens of thousands of teachers and students in China Overseas University. In addition to the various organizations that ordinary schools have, there are also some strange hobby departments. For example, Tang An knows that there is a special study of beards between single dogs and men with girlfriends. They also studied the differences in hair growth rate, the degree of dryness of the skin, the difference in the number of times to go to the bathroom, and so on.

Of course, China Overseas University has SB48 fans. Although the number and enthusiasm are not comparable to those of some support clubs mainly composed of junior and high school students, they are at least those who are willing to support SB48.

Among this group of people, Wang Ji became the chairman. The main reason is that Wang Ji has a relative who works in the parent company of SB48 and can often get some inside information.

But Wang Ji still has some sense of crisis. After all, as the president of the support club, he usually pays more attention to the news of SB48, using this as the information and basis for organizing activities, otherwise how can a president show his sense of existence?

The appearance of Tang An gave Wang Ji a sense of crisis. Recently, a series of gossip surrounding Lin Yuyu and her cousin at China Overseas University has attracted Wang Ji's attention. This freshman is actually Lin Yuyu's cousin. This relationship is comparable to him. A relative works harder in SB48.

Although Tang An is only related to Lin Yuyu, to a certain extent Lin Yuyu is the representative of SB48. Even in the SB48 support club of China Overseas University, more than half of those who like Lin Yuyu, Wang Ji even feels that Tang An must be asked to serve in the club. The discussion of the president of the support club appeared.

When I see Tang An again today, Wang Ji’s feeling is even stronger. If Lin Yuyu wins the vote this time, and the limelight is for a while, then Tang An will also rise with the tide, and the status and influence of his own president will definitely be far away. It's not as good as him...If Ye Yiyu can win the championship, that would be the best. It's just that this kind of thing cannot be controlled by Wang Ji. He knows very well that even if he can influence the entire Zhonghai University's SB48 support club, all votes will go to Ye Yiyu. Even if many more votes are drawn within the school, the gap cannot be made up.

So, this kind of thought is just a matter of thinking, but why should Wang Ji do something to benefit Tang An? With this idea, Wang Ji naturally had to reconsider the answer to sugar particles just now.

How did Tang An know that Wang Ji had turned so many thoughts in his mind, and he didn’t care much about the support of the Zhonghai University SB48 support club. He said to Tang Xian, “I’m not very familiar with this aspect. Do you have any ideas? Yes, I will try my best to cooperate."

Sugar Particle glanced at Wang Ji, hesitated and said, "It's actually very simple. The key is to raise the atmosphere of the scene. When Yuyu comes out, the cheers must be the most enthusiastic and overwhelming! Regardless of Yuyu Whatever we say and do, we will have the most sensational reaction!"

"That's okay, she's already the most popular." Tang An thought for a while and said, "We can also print the props of our support club, like flyers, light sticks, etc., and leave our support club above. The number of the QQ group allows people who are interested in supporting her to enter our group, which is more convenient for canvassing votes."

"I think so." Sugar Particle nodded happily.

"This idea is nothing new, everyone will do that." Wang Ji said dullly.

After Wang Ji changed his mouth, Sugar Particles didn’t want to expose too much of his own preparation activities in front of Wang Ji, saying: “We should discuss with Yuyu, maybe she can cooperate with our activities. After all, voting is very important, other members Almost all of them are doing their best to work with their support club. Everyone unconditionally supports Yuyu, but if she comes to encourage everyone in person, everyone will be more fighting spirit."

"Didn't you say that SB48 is coming today? Will she come?" Tang An asked the sugar particles.

"I don’t know, aren’t you her cousin?" Tang Xiao asked suspiciously. She also watched the video of Tang An and Lin Yuyu playing games together recently. Combined with seeing Tang An and Lin Yuyu on KTV that night, Tang Particles don't very much believe that Tang An is Lin Yuyu's cousin.

"Well, I'll call her and ask." Tang An had no choice but to say.

So Tang An called Lin Yuling, and the sugar particles pulled Tang An’s sleeves a little excitedly. Wang Ji looked at Tang An, and he felt jealous. This person could call such a superstar casually. !

Tang An looked at the phone with the phone in his hand. Sugar particles reached out and pressed hands-free on the screen. Soon Lin Yuling's voice rang, lazily with a lazy charm, like the layer floating on milk tea. Bubbles with sweet sauce fruit pieces.

"Huh! I actually called me. I planned to make you ring a thousand times before answering it, but I was sleeping, so I picked it up when it was too noisy!"

Tang An didn't think anything, because Lin Yuling usually talked like this, but Tang Xian and Wang Ji were surprised. This is different from Lin Yuyu's usual image. This tone is clearly acting like a baby, but not deliberately. A girl's cute and coquettish, only in front of people who are very natural and close, will he hum and act like a baby like this.

"I am with Sugar Particles. I will call you and ask if you are coming to China Overseas University. I heard that there is an event arranged by your company today. Members of SB48 will participate." Tang An asked.

"Why are you with sugar particles?" Lin Yuling recovered and became vigilant. She just woke up and has not recovered to the state of being angry with Tang An. Now when it comes to topics related to others, Lin Yuling will of course be cold. I got up, but still didn't conceal the strong suspicion that Tang An was with other girls.

Lin Yuling quickly recalled whether the sugar particles had a big ****, if it was big, Tang An would definitely hook it up.

Wang Ji didn't think this problem was a problem, but as a girl, the sugar particles could feel the pretentious taste in this tone. Why should pretend to be plain, because you are jealous? And if Tang An and Lin Yuyu are really in a normal relationship, then the key point in Tang An's words is whether Lin Yuyu will come to Zhonghai University, and Lin Yuyu is most concerned about his relationship with Sugar Particles!

"Yuyu, we are discussing about canvassing for you when we are discussing the concert!" Tang Xiaoli quickly explained, while looking at Tang An, as Yulin military coach, Tang An is still good, but as Yuyu's boyfriend …Sugar particles always feel a bit like a toad eating swan meat. After all, Yuyu is the cutest in the universe, and no boy is worthy of it. She should be everyone’s "elder sister", "sister princess" and the like, the best Don't be with boys, you will be defiled!

"Oh... like this, you bother, I will come over this afternoon." Lin Yuling said calmly.

"Then can I call a few more sisters in the meeting, three Zhuge Liang is better than a head cobbler!" Sugar Particle said excitedly.

"Okay, I will let Tang An arrange a meeting place." Lin Yuling finished speaking and hung up the phone.

"Hey..." Tang An still wanted to protest, why didn't he ask him for his opinion, let him arrange it, and move the steel pipe himself!

"Those guys don't dare to skip class yet, knowing that Yuyu is coming, they will definitely be here!" Tang Xian hurriedly got up to call, and thanked Bai Yunxuan for the mineral water he brought over.

Bai Yunxuan bought three bottles, gave one bottle of sugar particles, one bottle to Wang Ji, and one bottle she twisted to Tang An.

Wang Ji looked at Bai Yunxuan and said, "Thank you, are you also a fan of SB48? You can join our SB48 support club of China Overseas University. I am the president, so just ask me to sign up."

Tang An couldn't help laughing. Wang Ji's recruit was really the wrong target. If there is a "black SB48 organization", Bai Yunxuan might want to participate. Perhaps Bai Yunxuan hates Lin Yuling more than Sang Mengmeng.

"We still have this kind of group in our school?" The smile on Bai Yunxuan's face faded a lot, and she frowned at Wang Ji.

"What's the matter with us?" Wang Ji felt a little bit frustrated, because Bai Yunxuan's faded smile clearly revealed some disdain in her tone.

Bai Yunxuan ignored Wang Ji and pulled Tang An aside.

Wang Ji dropped the mineral water and walked away angrily. Now the freshmen are really arrogant. They are defiant because of their beauty. He always wants to make them look good!

"I feel that your relationship with Lin Yuling is pretty good now?" There is no smile on Bai Yunxuan's The corner of her eyes is raised diagonally, as bright as a sharp spot of sunlight falling through window grilles, and There is no sour tone, but sour taste.

"I only made her angry yesterday." Tang An smiled, "No matter how good the relationship is with someone who has just met, it is easy to become rusty because of some things."

What Tang An is talking about is the fact that the relationship between people is probably the one that needs time to test the most. After a short time of getting acquainted, even if it is good enough to be intimate, it will always give people a kind of erratic. Feeling false.

Of course, not everyone is like this, at least Tang An is like this, some scheming, some cities, and people who will not let go of their hearts easily, probably like this.

It’s not to say that he and Lin Yuling will be like this. Although Lin Yuling seemed very angry last night, Tang An is not so worried that Lin Yuling will keep her distance because of this... This possibility is too small. Why don't you play together again after one? Lin Yuling is a child's character.

Tang An's explanation also made Bai Yunxuan feel uncomfortable. What does it mean to annoy her? This kind of description is generally used to describe a very intimate or even ambiguous object!