My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 37: Scheming Girl

   I haven’t seen each other in three years. For teenage boys and children, it’s not a short period of time. On the contrary, it is very long. It feels very long, and in fact it is very long.

In three years, as Bai Yunxuan said, many things will happen, and there will be many changes. Bai Yunxuan who stayed in Tang An's mind is still just the little girl back then, not the present one who looks elegant and generous. And beautiful girl.

   For Tang An, there are many senses of alienation. No matter how good Bai Yunxuan is now at relaxing the atmosphere and mobilizing the atmosphere, she cannot change Tang An’s impression and current feelings.

   Now Tang An doesn't like Bai Yunxuan. He can be sure that for this beautiful girl who is probably the coveted object of all boys in front of him, Tang An can only regard her as a friend at best.

   As a friend, it’s not unusual to drink tea or coffee together, chat, and pass the time when school starts. Tang An could still feel that this was just his own thoughts, and Bai Yunxuan was deliberately drawing closer relations with him.

   Tang An doesn’t understand why she did this, or just a change after three years, the first step for a girl who is good at socializing to open up interpersonal connections in an unfamiliar environment?

   Maybe that's the case, Tang An didn't think too much, and didn't feel that Bai Yunxuan was obsessed with him or had any affection for him.

   The two walked out of the classroom side by side, followed by Huang Delong. Huang Delong was holding a tablet in one hand and glasses in the other, smiling and speeding up his steps and walking side by side with Tang An Bai Yunxuan.

   "Tang An, Bai Yunxuan!"

   "Something?" Tang An asked with a smile.

   "It's okay, you two have a very good relationship. Junior high school is a classmate, and university is a classmate... Isn't it high school?" Huang Delong asked while chatting.

   Which pot is really not open and which pot, Bai Yunxuan smiled and glanced at Huang Delong.

   "No." Tang An shook his head.

   "Where are you going to pass the time now? There is a meeting at 5:30, so I don't rush back, right?" Huang Delong asked with interest, with a gesture of wanting to join.

   "Let's go for coffee." Bai Yunxuan emphasized the word "we".

   "I know that the café environment and taste in the southern part of our school are better than those in the northern part. How about it, where should I go?" Huang Delong introduced enthusiastically.

   "Okay, together." Tang An said indifferently.

   Bai Yunxuan laughed.

   Walking, walking, Tang An's text message rang, and he glanced at it was sent by Zhang Yuying, and just one sentence: I'm here to find you and Lin Xiaohui to play, I'm here, I will be there soon.

   Zhang Yuying didn't talk nonsense to ask Tang An if he had time or something. Just started school, what can I do?

"Zhang Yuying came to play with me... I'll go find her." Tang An winked at Huang Delong, "You two go to the cafe, I'll rush over if it's too late, and we'll meet again at Mingde Restaurant at 5:30 if it's too late. ."

Bai Yunxuan watched Tang An leave. She still had some impressions of Zhang Yuying. She was also a junior high school classmate. She remembered that Zhang Yuying was a little fat and not tall at that time. She was of the kind who would never be seen first in the crowd. I noticed that the relationship between Bai Yunxuan and Zhang Yuying was quite good. I remember that Zhang Yuying also went to Bai Yunxuan's house to play at that time. Zhang Yuying also read Bai Yunxuan's diary. Know something about her and Tang An?

  Bai Yunxuan can't remember very much. After all, Zhang Yuying is really not the kind of girl who impresses people. Although the relationship was pretty good at the beginning, three years have passed.

   Three years, very long, especially for girls who are growing up and developing.

Huang Delong and Bai Yunxuan looked at Tang An’s back together, and they could see that Bai Yunxuan and Tang An had a good relationship, especially Bai Yunxuan seemed to have a good feeling for Tang An, but Tang An didn’t seem to have a special feeling for Bai Yunxuan, otherwise she wouldn’t. Leave Bai Yunxuan.

Although the first impression of Tang An is very general, and he feels that Tang An belongs to the kind of restless and difficult to manage person, but Tang An’s performance just now exceeded Huang Delong’s expectations. At least Tang An understands people’s winks and knows well. Adult beauty, or Tang An can also realize that it is a kind of maturity to have a good relationship with his monitor in college?

"Let’s go, Bai Yunxuan, what kind of coffee do you like?" Huang Delong did not get close to Bai Yunxuan right away, and he only called "Yunxuan" without any affection. Huang Delong knew very well that girls like Bai Yunxuan are definitely not lacking because of the popularity of men. The sense of superiority born out of the appreciation of everyone, and the blind pursuit of it will only make her disgusted. It is most appropriate to start with the topics she likes or the food she is interested in.

   "Nestlé." Bai Yunxuan turned to look at Huang Delong, the smile on her face had disappeared without a trace.

   Huang Delong was taken aback for a moment, is this a "flavor"? Where can I go to a cafe to order a cup of Nestle? That kind of coffee machine can be ordered... but Huang Delong didn't say anything, still smiling, "Let's go."

   "Huang Delong, right?" Bai Yunxuan did not go, stopped, and looked at Huang Delong with her hands on her chest.

   Huang Delong looked at Bai Yunxuan's eyebrows, and there was no change. It was still the delicate and tender characteristic of a girl at this age, but that temperament made Huang Delong a little familiar, but he couldn't say where he was familiar.

"Do you want to chase me?" Bai Yunxuan asked bluntly. As a very beautiful girl, Bai Yunxuan is not shy, let alone feeling a bit affectionate to say this. She is no longer the shy and reserved little girl three years ago. Now, there is no difference in the things that many boys or men reveal in their eyes, which makes her a little bored...Of course, she asked Huang Delong that way, not just because she was tired of the impulse to pursue as soon as they met.

   Huang Delong chuckled, this is not a baby bird anymore, it seems that it is not so easy to get it done.

"You give up... It seems that your father still knows you well, knowing that you will definitely be moved when you see a girl like me." Bai Yunxuan looked up at the weather and frowned, "Actually, I don't like drinking. coffee."

What Bai Yunxuan said was a little headless. Huang Delong is not a person who is easy to be angry, but there is no way to remain indifferent when Bai Yunxuan mentions his father inexplicably, and asks suspiciously: "Why do you say my father ?"

"Your father is Huang Shengwen, and my father is Bai Hualiu. Your father has just transferred to Zhonghai this year, and he is a capable person of the District Mayor Bai. For your father, if you and I can achieve a romantic relationship with your father, It’s beneficial and harmless. It’s just that my father is the same age as your father, and my father obviously has a more ambitious future than your father. In other words, if you and I fall in love, it will only be good for your father, but it will not be good for my family. What? So, don't think too much, your father thinks too much too." Bai Yunxuan said with a smile.

   Huang Delong looked at Bai Yunxuan dumbfounded, this is what a seventeen-year-old girl said? How could there be such a girl who met a boy who tried to pursue her in college, who said that he was so impersonal and so naked that he only considered and analyzed interests, power, and politics?

Huang Delong did not expect that Bai Yunxuan was Bai Hualiu’s daughter, nor did Bai Yunxuan know who she was his son. Huang Delong would not think that the other party was interesting to him and paid special attention to How do you know that my father is? Huang Shengwen? "Family environment determines Huang Delong's instinctive humility in the face of institutional hierarchy. Huang Delong involuntarily lowered his head slightly. Although Bai Yunxuan is not as tall as him, this girl wearing five-centimeter high heels puts him under a lot of pressure.

"Your father has been to my house. I happened to be here. Elders. I always like to talk about the education of my children. I naturally know... When I saw the roster, I was a little surprised, wondering if your father deliberately let You and I are in the same class." Bai Yunxuan is still smiling, Huang Delong quietly changed her posture, these changes in details make Bai Yunxuan very satisfied.

   Huang Delong's face changed. He didn't know if it was his father's arrangement. This arrangement might not be of any use, but adults always like to do this kind of thing. It doesn't matter if it fails, anyway, this arrangement is a matter of saying hello.

"I'm clarifying to you, it's not for any purpose or to play with me. I just hope that you will stop pursuing me in the future." Bai Yunxuan's mouth curled slightly, pointing to the cafe in front of him, "Go," Go for a cup of coffee."

   Huang Delong was taken aback. Didn’t you just say that you don’t like coffee at all? Huang Delong looked at Bai Yunxuan who was walking in the front, and suddenly lost interest in this girl. What he likes is the kind of ignorant and innocent girls who are easy to use. Bai Yunxuan is a girl, let alone fall in love, even if it is a friend. I'm afraid it doesn't mean anything, it's all scheming, all calculations.

   How old is she? Huang Delong couldn't figure it out, he was a baby bird in comparison.