My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 397: Take 1 more pill


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After two steps, the smile on Sang Yueye's face disappeared, but Hu casually threw away the soy milk she had been holding in her hand.

"You actually hit a woman." Sang Yueye said lightly.

"In most cases, men have more endurance towards women. But there are also many times when I think there are only people who should and should not be hit." Tang An frowned, "The kind of girl just now, really It's annoying."

Sang Yueye felt that Lin Yuling was almost annoying, but she didn't say much.

"Girlfriend, it's quite natural for you to say it." Sang Yueye said as if afterwards.

Tang An opened his mouth a little embarrassingly, "Don't tell me...just stand up like this."

"It's nothing." Sang Yueye was expressionless, she said that she was **** by you. Who would talk about this?

In fact, Tang An didn’t do anything, and Sang Yueye planned to teach xùn to teach xùn by herself, but a boy suddenly stood up and stood in front of her, making Sang Yueye, who was used to punching and kicking herself, feel not bad, and had some heartbeats. .

She didn't seem to feel bad, and she could even be said to be a little happy, so Sang Yueye was a little bit angry and irritated, and the reason for her anger and irritation turned out to be that she was in a good mood now.

Why are you in a good mood because of this mess? Sang Yueye feels that only when she solves some problems and her insights on certain topics are even worse than the teacher's self-ashamed, is it worthwhile to be in a good mood. Or it is when the fierce thoroughbred horse on the horse farm bows its head, or it is when the hunting ground takes the most prey.

I was actually in a good mood because Tang An helped me out. I was really as hopeless as Sang Mengmeng. I've never been that kind of stupid girl, but what happened recently? Think about it carefully that my latest encounter was nothing more than the one with Tang An. It seems that the reason why a woman becomes stupid is probably because of the things left behind by the man entering her body.

Unmarried women are mostly smarter than married women. Single women are not smarter than women in love. This difference is really not the fault of men?

I didn’t expect that I was poisoned by this kind of poison. Unfortunately, I didn’t care about it at the time. I just felt that the physical feeling was a little fresh, but I didn’t think too much about the man’s poison. I should detoxify at that time... But now it’s too late. Those things of men seem to be completely absorbed by the woman's body.

In other words, the cell components that make up her now are no longer purely her own, and are also mixed with Tang An's body components. Sang Yueye glanced at Tang An, feeling very strange.

Tang An didn't know what Sang Yueye was thinking, but she seemed to be thinking a lot of things.

"I don't know what's wrong recently. I have a very bad temper and often get irritable." Sang Yueye said annoyedly.

After passing by another pharmacy, Tang An said in a low voice, "Couldn't it be those contraceptives that didn't work. I heard that contraceptives are not 100% effective."

"How do I know?" Sang Yueye also stopped.

"Why... I'll buy a pregnancy test stick to try?" Tang An asked hesitantly.

"It can't be detected yet." Sang Yueye said grimly, "but you should buy it first. If my aunt doesn't come on time, it can be tested."

When Sang Yueye said so, Tang An had to bite the bullet and go to the drugstore.

It was the little girl from last time. After taking a look at Tang An, she recommended a brand to Tang An. It is nothing new to buy this kind of things these years, it is sparse and ordinary.

Tang An bought it and looked at the manual, but hòu handed it to Sang Yueye, while saying, "This usage..."

"I'll watch it myself!" Sang Yueye's cheeks were reddened, "I can even play with electric drills, so I don't know how to use this?"

Sang Yueye is not an ordinary girl, she only knows that she has to ask a boy about everything.

Tang An said "Oh", I can only hope that Sang Yueye was not pregnant... I was really pregnant. Tang An didn't dare to think about what kind of trouble xiàng would be. First, he didn't like abortion. , It's not fair and cruel to this little life, and it's not good to Sang Yueye's body, and secondly, it's even harder to face Sang Mengmeng.

Tang An and Sang Yueye came to the school gate and separated. After Bai Yunxuan was not found, Sang Yueye separated from Tang An. As a younger sister, Sang Mengmeng certainly shared information about heavyweight rivals with Sang Yueye. .

Tang An quietly walked to a corner, and after looking around no one, he quickly called Yan Qingning. Although he did not save Yan Qingning's phone huà, the number that was called is still on the call list.

The call huà was quickly connected, and Yan Qingning’s voice was filled with a touch of majesty. Combined with the low echo and the feeling of emptiness from the receiver, Yan Qingning should be in a big meeting now. What meetings are held in the room.

Meeting so early? But since she will pick up the call, it means that the meeting hasn't started yet. Tang An quickly said to Yan Qingning, "You remember to take medicine!"

"What medicine?" Yan Qingning was obviously taken aback, but still didn't understand.

"Contraceptives!" Tang An reminded in a low voice.

It was precisely because of talking about this with Sang Yueye that Tang An remembered that he had to talk to Yan Qingning about it. Tang An didn’t know how the spirit race was pregnant, but he and Yan Qingning were once pure humans. Let's deal with it according to human thinking and cognition.

Although Yan Qingning gave him back all the water spirits last night, it was only the water spirits that returned him! In the beginning, Tang An gave her not only the water essence and flames, but also the things that can give birth to a small bark. Obviously, there is no way to return those things to Tang An. It is left to Yan Qingning. Can those things make Yan Yan? Tang An didn't know if the lime gave birth to a small bark...Be careful anyway.

Sang Yueye gave birth to Tang An’s little Wang Wang. Although it was also very bad, at least Tang An still felt that it was not completely unacceptable. Yan Qingning was different. If he had a child with Yan Qingning, Tang An would really be castrated. Got his own impulse.

"You!" Yan Qingning was so embarrassed that she looked at the subordinates in the audience and forcibly held her mind. She really hadn't thought of this problem.

"Anyway, you remember." Yan Qingning is not Sang Yueye, she is an adult, Tang An will not buy her medicine to send it over... Moreover, even if she is really pregnant, Tang An doesn't think she is herself. After all, her responsibility is to force a relationship with him.

After talking about Tang An, he hung up the phone, and then went to learn Xiào.

As usual, I saw Lu Shiba and others who were admiring the liàn training of the elder sisters with artistic eyes by the swimming pool. Tang An couldn't help feeling a little. He didn't expect that he was very impulsive when he watched the bikini girls with everyone not long ago. With the longing innocent boy chicken, but now he has had a relationship with two opposite sexes.

Once drunk and chaotic, once I was charmed, once with eighteen girls, once with a mature woman, once with a normal human, and once with an unusual human. Before this kind of sutra, I couldn't think about it at all.

In just two short times, Tang An felt that he was no different from that kind of man with rich experience.

It's really sad for growth, Tang An sighed with emotion.

Tang An hasn't been sad for too long. After all, he is not the kind of guy who can't extricate himself from sorrow, not to mention there are funny classmates around him, beautiful class flowers and school flowers.

The most important thing is that Tang An still has a lot of questions to ask for evidence. Without that time and sadness, he called Ye Yiyu a phone call. He originally wanted to ask Ye Yiyu out to meet him, but he seemed to not take the family idol seriously. , How can you just make an appointment? What's more, Ye Yiyu and Lin Yuling are different. After all, they are as free as Lin Yuling. There is only one SB48. Ye Yiyu spends most of the time in the base of SB48.

Today, Ye Yiyu had activities arranged for the whole day, so she could only meet at night, and Ye Yiyu insisted on meeting at the base of SB48... It was difficult for ordinary men to enter, but Tang An was obviously different, so Ye Yiyu thought of a way.

If Ye Yiyu doesn't come out, then Tang An can only get in. Now it is Tang An who is looking for Ye Yiyu. Tang An has nothing to do, and he can't pretend to let Ye Yiyu come out to look for himself. After all, he is anxious to ask about his mother.

Tang An felt that whether it was Yan Qingning's words, or to ask Sang Musashi, he felt that it was hard to believe what he heard from these old and cunning dog spirits, and he even had to figure out several times to get some useful information.

Maybe he went to them by himself, and they would be used by them... Just like Yan Qingning, Tang An really didn’t want to see Yan Qingning again, otherwise he didn’t know how she was caught by her charm, but hòu was sucked by her again. Gone the water spirit flame.

Ye Yiyu is not 100% After all, when Ye Yiyu came to Tang An, she must have her purpose and desires. It is impossible to put her heart to Tang An, know everything and say nothing, and rely on Tang An. Be long-minded.

But in any case, choose the general from the dwarf, pick the tall one... Tang An thought about it and went to find Yan Qingning or Sang Musashi to confirm that it was better to see how much useful information you can get from Ye Yiyu.

The content of the military training is normal today. It is no longer about moving steel pipes in the stadium, but because the military training is about to end, the instructors have also started to train liàn, after all, there are military training reports and performances.

At noon, Ye Huacai found Sang Yueye. The two girls met in the room behind the rostrum of the gymnasium. This is a buffer room on stage. Usually, few people come here.

Ye Huacai is still the model of that bad girl... She was originally a bad girl. In fact, Sang Yueye used to look a bit like a bad girl, but the difference between her and Ye Huacai is that the bad image of Ye Huacai is played in her true colors. Sang Yueye just looked like it, but in fact Sang Yueye was a high school tyrant, but he didn't care about it.

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