My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 529: 1 sample of boys and girls

It’s actually quite common to get into the soul, especially in breakups, one-night stands, and so on. But how many couples deliberately plant flowers, no matter how hard they work, it’s useless.

Tang An stood there staring blankly and watched. Although he was very determined just now, that was just describing his reason for choice, and it didn't mean that he was truly mentally prepared.

Many people wait until their children are about to grow up before realizing that they are already the father and the head of the family. Most men nowadays mature later in this regard, just as boys' physical growth is later than that of girls. Same.

"Is one tested?" Tang An wanted to be sure.

Yan Qingning took out another one.

"Do you want to check it?" Yan Qingning looked at Tang An expressionlessly, "You bought so many roots, don't waste it."

It can be seen that Tang An's emotions began to fluctuate after confirming the facts, but Yan Qingning calmed down a lot. The matter has reached this point, and it is useless to be nervous.

"Am I going to be a father in ten months?" Tang An stared at the pregnancy test stick.

"Less than nine months." Yan Qingning clearly remembered the day, and took the pregnancy test stick from Tang An angrily, because he got it too close, so it was almost pasted. Myopia.

Although Yan Qingning certainly has no smell, she will be embarrassed after all.

Tang An couldn't help but lowered his head and looked at Yan Qingning's lower abdomen. Not long ago, there was still a beauty that made people unable to move their hands, but soon it would slowly bulge, and then become a big ball, conceived in it. Live a small life, and will fall to the ground next summer vacation and become Tang An's child.

"Then... Then, will our child be a human or a dog?" Tang An suddenly remembered a very serious problem.

"Of course it's a human!" Yan Qingning also looked down at her belly, "You are Tang Hu's son, aren't you still a human?"

Tang An was relieved like this, he almost had a chance to understand the mood of Chen Tangguan Li Jing back then. Nunchaku and lotus leaf chicken


"Then... be born?" Yan Qingning asked tentatively looking at Tang An's frustrated expression.

"Of course." Tang An said without thinking, "Didn't you say it?"

Without being mentally prepared, the mood and emotions can be adjusted slowly, but the principle cannot be changed. Tang An's attitude is very firm.

Yan Qingning's eyes narrowed, and then the corners of her mouth turned up and smiled little by little. The smile of the Fox Spirit Race always carried the charm of a fox and was particularly charming.

"Giving birth is a man and a woman's business, but in the end it is a woman's business. You are done with your business, why do you still have to worry?" Yan Qingning said as she wrapped her pregnancy test stick in a tissue and threw it away. In the trash can.

After thinking about it, Yan Qingning picked up the paper towel bag again and threw it into the barbecue stove. Watching the flames steaming, she felt relieved.

But the smell of burning rubber was so unpleasant. Yan Qingning closed the balcony window, and then stuffed the rest of the pregnancy test sticks and packaging boxes into Tang An’s pocket, whoever bought it took them away. Yan Qingning didn't want anyone else to know what she and Tang An were doing in the room.

"I'm done with my business?" Tang An followed Yan Qingning, following along, "I should say it just started."

"Is there anything you haven't done yet?" Yan Qingning turned her head and almost ran into Tang An's arms, reaching out and pressing Tang An's chest.

"Do you mean that the child will have nothing to do with me after the child is born?" Tang An said unwillingly. After all, he is a traditional Chinese and his own concept of seeding is very strong.

"It's too early to say this." Yan Qingning took a few steps back, perhaps because he was too close, the aura on his body rushed to his face, making Yan Qingning's heartbeat fierce.

Going a little farther, looking at him again, a few thoughts formed in Yan Qingning's heart, the man in front of him... really has nothing to do with him anymore? Who could have thought that it would be like this... At that time, I was just thinking... Alas...

"I think some things have to be clarified early." Tang An doesn't think so. He is not too impatient, but some principled issues must reach a unified understanding.

"Okay, just go ahead." Yan Qingning walked into the bedroom.

Tang An hesitated for a moment, but still followed, she didn't mind much, what did she mind? Isn't this room where the baby was born? I don't know if she is also a little emotional now, she didn't expect to get pregnant at the beginning.

"Will you raise the child in the future, or will I raise it?" Tang An asked, and then immediately added, "Of course I hope it will be raised by me, but since you are a mother, I also respect your opinion."

"Can't you raise them together?" Yan Qingning showed a stubborn look.

"You are more mature and realistic?" Tang An said helplessly. Yan Qingning and Lin Yuling are really more like sisters. Sometimes her words and deeds are not much mature than Lin Yuling.

"Why am I immature?" Yan Qingning was very unconvinced, "Don't think that I am pregnant with your child, you can teach me casually, I am much older than you!"

With that, Yan Qingning's complexion changed and became red. After all, she is older than him, so is it an old cow eating tender grass? But I am really not old at all.

"Think about who my neighbor is? How can I raise them together? Raising together always has to live together. Did you bring your children to live in my house, or do I go to your house? Or just get married. ?" Tang An also said grimly, having nothing to do with the child, simply saying that this matter was not caused by Yan Qingning himself? I am purely a pond fish, my college life has just begun, my little life is steadily running on the road of happiness, who knows that I suddenly become a father!

Yan Qingning understood what Tang An meant. He was talking about Lin Yuling. Yan Qingning bit her lip but said nothing. She walked up to Tang An, hit him on the arm, and walked to the bathroom, general you. The beauty of the show (crossing)


"What are you doing? I think it can be brought up to me. There are many people in my family and there is no problem taking care of the children." Tang An wondered that although the child's growth environment is a bit too strange, as long as the education is good, the three views are not right. What's the problem? What's more, the children raised in their own parents must be more knowledgeable and have a stronger psychological state.

"Your family? You let your child live with a big demon from another world?" Yan Qingning was reluctant.

"Nan can't say that she is a big demon, in fact, she is quite good." Tang An said with a guilty conscience.

"Very good? If it weren't for her, we would be like this..." Yan Qingning didn't want to have any emotions against Tang An, but for the dead white cat, Yan Qingning still couldn't let go.

"If you think about it, our child lives with Nanmao, let Nanmao be her godmother or something... The child's mother is you, and the godmother is Nanmao. Whether it's the earth or another world, who can be bullied? She? Is there anyone in the world with a stronger background than her?" Tang An gave Yan Qingning a realistic analysis.

Nanmao as a godmother? Yan Qingning really didn't think about this problem.

"The child lives in Wutong Lane. The safety of Wutong Lane is not a problem, and the environment is good, not to mention that it is next to the treasured feng shui place you mentioned, and the neighbors are also powerful. It is estimated that Mr. Yan is at least one of the top ten in Forbes in China.” Tang An knows that Mr. Yan is famous, but Tang An doesn't know how much his wealth ranks, and he has not deliberately investigated this issue before.

"Forbes top ten..." Yan Qingning chuckled, "You are too underestimated by Yanjun."

"Anyway, it's good for my child to live with me." Tang An said. Thinking about it carefully, it turns out that he is also quite a remarkable person now. After all, the social circle determines personal social status. Look around yourself. Who are these people! No, what a dog and a cat!

"Are you not afraid that in such an environment, your child will become a lawless bully? The background is too strong, it is not a good thing, let alone ~ ~ you are all children, you will educate Child?" Yan Qingning still shook her head uneasy.

"In short, I don't think it will be like my neighbors." Tang An said confidently. In fact, he felt that Yan Qingning was able to educate girls with mental disabilities like Lin Yuling. It was also a skill, but Tang An could not learn this skill. I don't want to let my children follow in the footsteps.

Yan Qingning couldn't help but glared at Tang An angrily. She felt that when she talked about Lin Yuling, Tang An was like holding her culprit. Lin Yuling, a stupid child, just couldn't live up to her!

"By the way, what is the relationship between you and Yuyu now?" Yan Qingning became unhappy, so she asked casually.

"What do you think!" Tang An was funny and angry. It was originally because of his relationship with Lin Yuling that Yan Qingning felt embarrassed and embarrassed with him. Now it's fine. She is pregnant with a child. Anyway, it's time to break the jar. She was so desperate, he simply came to take Tang An into the army.

"Anyway, you don't want to mess with the relationship!" Yan Qingning looked at her blushing cheeks in the mirror. In fact, the relationship is no longer embarrassing anymore.

"Of course. You were the one who messed up the relationship first." Tang An said.

"Can't you let me be touched?" Yan Qingning said angrily. She is pregnant, and Tang An has to take some reason in this matter!

Tang An was stunned, but think about what he is facing after all is a woman who just knows he is pregnant, so let's let it go.

Seeing Tang An's suffocation, Yan Qingning couldn't help but laughed "poof", and gently pushed Tang An, "Go take a bath."

After speaking, Yan Qingning walked out of the bathroom, leaving Tang An in the bathroom alone.

Tang An was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and went to take a bath? Why is he taking a bath here? (To be continued.)