My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 559: Magic twig

Baihuafang is surrounded by wine shops and restaurants. Four podiums walk around. Several high walls isolate Baihuafang from the surrounding area. In the middle is a ten-story main building, which is quite majestic and majestic. The square is like a strong fortress, it is hard to imagine that this is a place of sensuality and fun.

It is the first time for Xiaozhi to come to this place, pulling Tang An's clothes corners, and looking around curiously behind him, this is really a place of beauty like clouds, watching all the sisters are beautiful and beautiful, plump and enchanting. Xiaozhi couldn't help but envy her, she wanted to have such a look and figure, but it seemed that the bulldog really didn't like this, which made Xiaozhi very embarrassed, and finally gave up the fantasy of longing for such a look and figure.

Especially this sister Huhua, even Xiaozhi has heard of her name, because many male boatmen talk about the name of Huhua when they have nothing to do, but Huhua is originally the forbidden of Hu, let alone. No, places like Baihuafang are not affordable for the boatmen's wallets, but this does not prevent them from showing the infatuation that a relative Fangze died without regrets when they talked about fox flowers.

Master Hu was greeted downstairs, surrounded by many beautiful beauties. He was wearing a black robe with gilt dark patterns very gorgeous. It was in sharp contrast with Tang An who was wearing short shorts, but the beast spirit empire was vast. It's not uncommon for all kinds of unshaven people, but no one thinks Tang An's dress is very strange.

Master Hu looks 30 years old, with white face and slight beard, raised eyebrows, and a bit of dignity, but he is enthusiastic and sincere when seeing Tang Anshi’s smile, as if he was going to entertain old friends for many years instead of the new ones. stranger.

"Please." Master Hu smiled and motioned for Tang An to sit on the wooden ladder.

The wooden ladder upstairs here is different from that of the hotel. Tang An only saw the complicated gear transmission structure, but he didn’t know if it was pulled by an animal. The speed was also faster than the restaurant’s. Panicked.

What Tang An admired was that in addition to Fox Flower, there were two beautiful girls who came up together. One of their weight, even an ordinary elevator on the earth could not bear so many people, but there was no problem here.

When I came to the room where Master Hu hosted the banquet, I gave a brief introduction. Master Hu is a big man with a surname. The last name is Hu Mingyang. He is a branch of the Canine Tribe. It is said that the Fox Spirit is actually a different species of the Canine Tribe. Compared with other branches and main tribes of the Dog Spirit tribe, the Fox Spirit tribe and the Cat Spirit tribe have a closer relationship with the Tiger Spirit tribe.

"I got the news from Dayufang. It is said that Xiongtai wiped out two bone firebirds in one fell swoop. This is quite remarkable. In previous years, the fishing boats of Dayufang were often attacked by bone firebirds in the Linhu area. Harassment, even boat workers were eaten by them. It's just that I was a clone of lack of skills, this time I was wiped out by Xiongtai, which is considered to be a relief for Dayufang." Master Hu's enthusiasm is not unreasonable, and he raised the cup toward Tang An.

Fox Flower stood by to pour the wine, did not take a seat, Xiao Zhi refused to sit down, standing behind Tang An, blinking at the table full of delicious food.

"A little effort." Tang An said nonchalantly, and then took a piece of jerky and handed it to the twig behind him, knowing that Twig had been staring at the jerky for a long time.

Xiaozhi's cheeks were flushed, and he quietly took it, then looked at Tang An with a smile, and took a small bite.

Fox Flower looked down on him, you ugly, what's the use of just eating? Is it possible that you can still eat a beautiful figure like my old lady?

But I can also see that the love of this bulldog for ugly monsters is by no means ordinary. Could it be that there is really a secret hidden in her? Fox Flower still admires Master Hu's vision very much.

"Brother Tang, even though you have a record of killing Bone Firebirds, as usual, we still have to check your rank." Hu Yang raised his brows slightly, showing an exaggerated smile, seemingly forced to help. .

Although Hu Yang is definitely not a simple character, his manners are not annoying, and Tang An can also understand, who is okay when meeting you for the first time?

"Okay, it's necessary." Tang An said cooperatively. He already knew that Hu Yang was in the platinum rank. Facing a master of this rank, Tang An had a natural psychological advantage, and he didn't mind showing his own. Rank, shock Hu Yang's other thoughts, whether or not.

Hu Yang waved his hand. Fox Flower turned around and took out a black lacquered wooden box with the pattern of beasts carved on it. The opening of the box was sealed with a circle of red runes, flashing with a mysterious blue luster. Extraordinary things.

Tang An only finds it novel, because he has never seen it with Nan Mao. Nan Mao judges the rank of others by guessing, and then Tang An believes it.

Xiaozhi was eating jerky seriously, and his pious attitude towards food made Mrs. Hu who inadvertently glanced at her a little moved.

Master Hu pointed his finger, the red rune disappeared invisible, and then he opened the box. Inside was a large black stone slab that looked like an inkstone, with a huge palm concave pattern on the slab.

Tang Anzai looked at it carefully, Master Hu took out the slate and placed it in front of him. Tang An knew at a glance that he just had to put his palm on it.

Tang An didn't ask too much, raised his hand and put it on, and then felt a gentle attraction sending him an invitation. The spiritual power in Tang An's body was running, sending a spirit in an instant. Force past.

The slate immediately gave out a dazzling light, shining brightly, like a huge diamond shining brightly, surrounded by colorful, thrilling and dazzling, it is difficult to look directly at it.

"Oh my God, the diamond expert!" Fox Flower was shocked, clutching her cherry mouth, her body trembled, and she couldn't help but grabbed Master Hu's arm.

Master Hu stood up abruptly, and almost threw the fox flower away and flew, otherwise, the fox flower staggered, still causing the floor to vibrate for a while.

"Master Tang, you are...disrespectful, disrespectful..." Master Hu was incoherent with excitement, but there were some uncertain figures in his eyes that could not be suppressed. He was far from expecting that Tang An was actually a diamond expert. You must know that diamond experts are all experts. The elders of the various tribes, Tang An is already a diamond powerhouse at such a young age, even if he will become the strongest king in the future, it will be a day before he will become the most prominent figure in the empire!

Mrs. Hu knows well, don’t look at platinum on top of diamonds, but he is only five platinum, looking up to diamond experts can only feel deep powerlessness, you must know that 99% of people will not be able to cross platinum in their lives. To the threshold of diamonds.

"It's okay." Tang An thought to herself, Nan Mao is really bragging, she also said that the diamonds on the earth would not work in the Beast Spirit Empire, but she still shocked Master Hu.

It seems that his actions and requests in Dayufang these few days are much more convenient, Tang An said contentedly, and then drank a glass of wine.

The Beast Spirit Empire is delicious in almost everything. This wine is also full of sweet and refreshing taste. After drinking a glass, Tang An feels a little unsatisfied. He drank more than the red wine, white wine, beer number that he drank on the earth. There is also that slightly intoxicating feeling, not just a juice drink made from fruit.

However, the fox flower that climbed up, with the astonishing fascination and admiration in his eyes, made Tang An a little unbearable, and couldn't help but glance back at the twig, and she was still biting the dried meat wholeheartedly.

"I don't know if you are coming here, what are you doing? I will definitely cooperate with you." Hu Yang quickly stood up, not daring to sit down with Tang An anymore.

"Nothing." Tang An said frankly.

Hu Yang was stunned, nothing happened? You are a diamond powerhouse, and you are always a hundred horses to clear the way when you enter. The servants are like clouds. There are cloud cavalry in the sky to frighten the people. Now you are alone in a small port city like Dayufang with an ugly monster. You and I said nothing? Lie to the cat!

"I want my friend to try this." Tang An has taken away his hand, otherwise the stabbing Tang An can't stand the light from the stone slab.

"Please." Hu Yang said quickly, staring at the twigs, as expected, this ugly monster is not an ordinary person!

Fox Flower was also taken aback. This ugly monster is not an ordinary person, but is it also a spirit race?

Xiao Zhi did not respond. Tang An was a little embarrassed, and quickly held Xiao Zhi's hand to stop her from eating. Then Xiao Zhi blushed and looked at Tang An, not knowing what to do.

"Put your hands up." Tang An said to Xiaozhi, pointing to the slate.

Xiao Zhi was a little nervous and curious, reached out his hand to touch the slate, and then slowly put his palm on it.

There was no response from Shiban, and Tang An couldn't help asking, "Can it only detect the stronger ones? Bronze, silver, etc. can't be detected?"

"No, any rank can be detected." Although Huhua is not a spirit race, she is well-informed following Master Hu.

At this moment, the slate suddenly disappeared without a trace under Xiaozhi's palm, and everyone looked at Xiaozhi's palm in a daze.

Xiaozhi was taken aback, and raised his palm to look left and right.

"What's the matter?" Tang An was suddenly stunned.

"This..." Mrs. Hu also looked directly at Xiao Zhi's Fox Flower couldn't help touching Xiao Zhi's sleeve. She was wearing such a loose dress, it was impossible to hide it easily. stand up?

" much is this, I will pay." Tang An said awkwardly, what's the matter? He was sure that Xiaozhi would never hide it secretly, not to mention that she had such a hiding ability under the eyes of everyone just now.

"It's okay, this thing is not worth money." Hu Yang grinned reluctantly, then waved his hand, but the corner of his eyes locked the twig.

Next, Hu Yang didn't ask much, but stood and persuaded Tang An to try the specialties of Dayufang. Tang An was already full, and now he has no appetite. After a while, he left and went to buy clothes with Xiaozhi. NS.

"My lord, I didn't take the slate." Leaving Baihuafang, Xiaozhi said to Tang An quietly, "I never steal anything."

"Of course I know you don't steal things." Tang An smiled and stroked her hair. He knew she didn't steal it, but it might not be her.

There was an ominous hunch in Tang An's heart, this big fish shop was afraid that he had to leave quickly.