My Goddess is a Cat

v1 Chapter 91: Cat belly

After completing the task at the Super Knife Hypermarket, Tang An carried a lot of things and went home with Nan Mao. Considering that Tang An was holding too many things, it was very inconvenient, so Lin Xiaohui took the initiative to change the supper to the next one. Tang An invited her and Zhang Yuying to dinner.

Of course there is nothing wrong with Tang An. At the same time, I was thinking that many times the friendship between girls is like paper, but there will always be some girlfriends that make people feel warm. Just like Lin Xiaohui always thinks about matching Tang An all the time. With Zhang Yuying, we must create opportunities for Zhang Yuying.

   Why is Lin Xiaohui so stubborn? It's useless to tell her. She and Zhang Yuying are just friends, and they don't even have the so-called ambiguity of being a friend or a lover.

   Tang An sent Lin Xiaohui into the taxi, and then took a photo of the taxi's license plate number. The taxi driver saw it, with an unpleasant look on his face.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else. It wasn't against you, the master. I just got used to it. After all, it's a girl alone." Tang An apologized to the driver master with a smile.

   "It's okay, it should be. Now the society is chaotic. It's not a bad thing to have multiple minds." The driver looked slowly and nodded.

   Lin Xiaohui waved to Tang An from behind, and gave a thumbs up. The boy who pays special attention to the safety of girls is worthy of praise.

   Lin Xiaohui left, Nan Mao looked around, and received most of the yogurt under his skirt.

   Tang An looked at Nan Mao’s skirt.

"When I read some fairy-xia novels, I often see things like storage space. Your principle of storing things is also this kind of storage space? Is it a space independent of our real space?" Tang An has always been curious about this.

   Nanmao nodded, rare and weird canine spirits.

"Is this skirt storing things?" Nanmao does not only have one skirt. This is what Tang An is very curious about. The storage space should be a very rare prop. Does every Nanmao's skirt have Yes? It is really a unique concept to make every one of your skirts into storage space.

"The word you call storage space means cat belly in the Beast Spirit Empire." Nan Mao said, pulling the hem of his skirt, beckoning, the black tiger forward didn't know where he rushed out. There is still a bone in his mouth.

   Nanmao frowned, and lightly kicked the black tiger forward. The bones in the black tiger forward's mouth fell to the ground, and he uttered an extremely miserable cry.

   No matter what kind of cat it is, it is especially unpleasant when it screams.

  Nanmao twisted the black tiger forward's tail, and after a long walk, he threw it down. The black tiger forward seemed to be in a bad mood, so he was furious.

   After the Nan Mao dealt with the Black Tiger striker, Tang An then asked: "Why is it called Mao Datu? This name's so simple..."

   Tang An feels that this name is the same as the name given to some farm tools or daily necessities unique to rural areas in northern rural areas.

"This is because in the history of the Beast Spirit Empire, there used to be a cat. She ate everything and everywhere, and then ate the entire northwest corner of the empire..." Nan Mao flipped through a book. Then he said: "Her name is Mao Datu."

"Could it be that your beast spirit empire is a big cake?" Tang An couldn't imagine, what kind of place this is, the northwest corner of an empire was eaten... So Tang An remembered that if a monster suddenly came and grabbed it. The scene of the earth beginning to gnaw.

"Mao Datu is a mutant cat with spatial ancestry, so she can swallow space. She ate the northwest corner of the empire by swallowing space. Do you know what it means?" Nan Mao looked at Tang suspiciously install.

   The look in her eyes made Tang An feel very shocked, but she didn't know or she didn't know. That was something in another world. Isn't it right that she didn't know it for granted? So even though Nan Mao looked at him with eyes like yours that the incomprehensible canine clan must not understand, Tang An still shook his head quietly, his expression unchanged, and calmly looked at Nan Mao.

"In your understanding, the process of a cat's belly swallowing is nothing more than a big mouth, and then swallowing it into the belly like eating. In fact, this is not the case, because the cat's belly pedigree, she has the ability to directly swallow the space Ability...Any object exists between spaces, and space itself is an independent object. When the space that exists as a carrying object is swallowed, then the objects that exist in the space will naturally be swallowed. That’s it.” Nan Mao thought for a while, took out a bottle of yogurt, took a few sips, and said, “It’s the same as drinking yogurt.”

   "What does it have to do with drinking yogurt?" Tang An looked at her suspiciously, "You just want to drink yogurt."

"I want to drink yogurt, do I need to make an excuse!" Nan Mao said loudly, "I just give you an example... If I swallow the yogurt box directly into my stomach, will the yogurt in the box be taken by me? eaten?"

   Tang An suddenly realized, "Isn't that open your mouth and swallow it into your stomach like eating?"

"Stupid..." Nan Mao disdain to explain, but think about Tang An is his own golden tooth general after all, and he still needs to teach him something in the future, so he took a deep breath and let himself be taken from his stupid subordinates. I broke away from the anger that came, "Space is not a kind of physical substance. Although in our eyes, the space that can wrap the rivers, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars is naturally very vast, but in fact, space is a weightless thing. As long as it has the ability to swallow the space, the process of swallowing is very simple. The cat has a big belly and opens its mouth to **** and suck, just like sucking the yogurt in a yogurt box, sucking the space into her mouth."

   The analogy of Nanmao's yogurt box and yogurt made Tang An confused. How could the space be compared to a yogurt box and then to yogurt?

"The cat with a big belly is only this big!" Nan Mao opened her hands and gestured, "So she can't open her mouth and eat the northwest corner of the empire, but she slowly sucked away the space that contained the northwest corner of the empire. , So the northwest corner of the empire is gone."

   Say it early, how easy it is to say that! Tang An finally understood that the size of Nan Mao's gesture was about the same size as when she became a cat, two laps larger than the Black Tiger striker.

   Such a small cat has actually eaten the northwest corner of an empire. Tang An is still the head of the human mind. It is hard to imagine what kind of scene it is.

"Is the beast spirit empire as big as Zhonghai?" Tang An couldn't help wondering whether this empire was worthy of its name. Even if Zhonghai was as big as the name, eating the northwest corner of Zhonghai would be shocking ~ the beast spirit empire is bigger than the entire earth. They are much bigger! Much bigger! Nan Mao waved his hands, seeming to cover the entire sky of night, and then said with some pride: "I am the king of the beast spirit empire!" "

   "I am the general of the Beast Spirit Empire!" Tang An followed, very happy and proud.

   "Pretend again, I'll hit you!" Nan Mao glared at Tang An. If you are happy, you must be really happy. It hates that you are not happy at all and pretend to be happy. This kind of insincere emotional expression is really perfunctory.

   "But speaking of it, Datong Cat is really a very powerful cat!" Tang An quickly changed the subject, actually admiring this cat named Datong.

Thinking about it carefully, it turns out that the cat spirits have a history of being able to eat so much. The cat belly can eat the northwest corner of an empire. Maybe it doesn’t prevent her from eating the entire empire, so the Southern cat can drink so much milk and Yogurt is also taken for granted.

   Fortunately, the Southern Cat did not eat the northwest corner of his yard.

"She only has this ability because of her spatial bloodline." Nan Mao disagrees. "Finally, she was sealed by the kings of that generation of empires and the chiefs of all tribes, and they were made into the storage you mentioned that can store things. Space, because of her history, this storage space was named Cat Dadu."

   "That's pretty miserable." Tang An said sympathetically, feeling that a big cat that can eat so much is also cute, but it was sealed and made into a big pocket.

   Nanmao touched his skirt, and being able to accompany the bottom of the king's skirt is the supreme glory of the cat's belly.