My Goddess is a Cat

v2 Chapter 10: First love

   Classmates gathering, there is no need to arrive in advance. Tang An is a punctual person. He arrived at the time stated by Zhang Yuying. Tang An saw Zhang Yuying standing in front of the fountain in the square.

Zhang Yuying is actually a pretty girl, or her temperament tends to be more cute, a bit like AKB48's Watanabe Mayo, especially after many people say that she is Watanabe Mayo, Zhang Yuying also tried her clothes and hairstyle. Imitating Mayu Watanabe made her gain a lot of popularity in the school, and then some nasty things that often happen between girls happened. Some counterfeit goods or actresses were often heard by Zhang Yuying.

   Zhang Yuying does not have a strong heart. After feeling uncomfortable, she no longer imitates Watanabe Mayu, but because she is beautiful and cute, she is still very popular among boys.

Today Zhang Yuying is wearing a dark blue short skirt, a white short-sleeved shirt, a pair of black half-length socks, and a black canvas bag in her hand. She still wears the style of Japanese school uniform...probably a traditional Chinese student. Uniforms are too depressing for girls to love beauty. This Japanese-style student outfit is very popular in Zhonghai. In addition to daily life, many girls wear Japanese JK uniforms in various comic shows and COS parties.

   Of course, the so-called absolute domain is associated with this kind of dress. The white skin of the thighs exposed between the short skirt and the socks is very eye-catching and intriguing.

   Zhang Yuying’s skirt is actually not short. Unlike Japanese female students, many Chinese girls wear safety pants when they wear such short skirts.

"Brother Ying, where are the other classmates?" Tang An walked over and called out Zhang Yuying's nickname... "Hua Xu Yin" is a novel written by Tang Qi Gongzi, and there is a heroine in it called "Brother Ying". The popularity of this novel is not low. After it became popular, Zhang Yuying gained the nickname of "Brother Ying" among girls, and the boys followed suit.

   However, Zhang Yuying has nothing in common with the assassin's "Brother Ying".

   "Who told you that there are other classmates?" Zhang Yuying looked at Tang An and pursed her lips.

   "Huh? Just me and you... Why are we going? Suddenly dating me, I feel a little flattered." Tang An patted his chest and said.

   "Ask you a big-headed ghost..." Zhang Yuying's cheeks were slightly red, and her hair was thrown on her shoulders, "Just kidding, other students went to order, I'm afraid you can't find a place, let's go."

Following Zhang Yuying, the fountain next to him shot out splashes, which reflected the light in a colorful color. Tang An looked at Zhang Yuying's back, especially the skin between the short skirt and half of the socks, a little attracted by the seductive color. I was taken aback for a while and realized that they were all familiar classmates, and didn't usually pay attention to this aspect. What's going on today? Suddenly noticed the temptation of Zhang Yuying as a girl?

   Maybe the weather is too hot, maybe the **** descriptions in the books I read a few days ago are too fresh in my memory? Tang An thought so, but was pushed a bit by Zhang Yuying before he came back to his senses. Zhang Yuying asked, "Tang An, have you made up your tuition?"

   "Well, there is no problem." Tang An nodded, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, even if you don't have money, I can sell myself. Didn't you say that a versatile boy like me is the most popular with rich women?"

"Bah...Then you have to know the rich woman first. Do you think it’s okay to walk on the street and hang a sign on your body?" Zhang Yuying hammered his shoulder and gave him a blank look, Tang An. It's hard to see what people are thinking about, and I don't know if the tuition problem is really solved.

   "This is a good idea." Tang An said seriously, "I will call you when the time comes. If you encounter a rich woman who is too ugly, you must come to the rescue."

   "No heart and no lungs." Zhang Yuying stopped laughing with him, pointed to a shop in the alley in front and said, "Hey, it's there."

   "Say it earlier, I've been to this place." Tang An smiled slightly, "I have eaten here with Bai Yunxuan before."

   "Ah...I don't know." Zhang Yuying said embarrassedly, and glanced at Tang An's expression.

"Look at what I'm doing... it's all things in the past. Besides, behind which unruly man, there will not be a sad first love? Men, it is through this experience that they grow up and become more attractive. "Tang An said in a vicissitudes of life.

   Zhang Yuying chuckled, this person is like this, he is relaxed at all times, making people feel that there is no pressure to be with him, and there is nothing to worry about.

This is a small shop. In the middle of the old gatehouse and the gray street, a small lamp hangs on the shaking plaque. This kind of old building that remains before the founding of the People’s Republic of China is occasionally in every corner of Zhonghai Unwilling to reveal it, it shows the history of the city. The history of the small shop is not that long. The owner and his wife started operating this small restaurant after being laid off in the 1990s.

The small restaurant business is good, the taste caters to the public, the key is to clean up, the dishes are exquisite, and there have been celebrities eating here, the owner and his wife and the recognized celebrities took photos together and hung them in the store. , It also makes people think that this store should be good, the star effect is not big, but it also played a role.

Tang An and Zhang Yuying walked into the shop. Tang An hadn’t been here for a few years, and the owner didn’t recognize him anymore. He still warmly welcomed him to the small box and saw Zhang Mulin, a high school classmate, Zhang Fazhong and a girl, Lin Xiaohui. They all played well with Zhang Yuying. Among them, Zhang Mulin and Tang An had the best relationship, but they didn't talk to Lin Xiaohui much.

   "Tang An, you are finally here!" Zhang Mulin patted Tang An on the shoulder and pressed him on the seat. "First, we fined three glasses of wine. We have had so many meetings in the summer, so you won't come."

   "Three cups are too many, just one cup." Zhang Yuying said with a smile, and poured a half glass of beer for Tang An.

   "Brother Ying still takes care of Tang An like this...It's a pity, your university is not in the same school, Tang An, there will be no Brother Ying covering you in the future!" Zhang Fazhong said with a smile looking at Tang An's half glass of beer.

   "What's wrong with not being in a school? Brother Ying can cover the entire Zhong Hai." Tang An said disapprovingly, and then drank the beer in the glass in one gulp.

   Everyone laughed. Zhang Yuying poured a full glass to Zhang Fazhong. Zhang Fazhong yelled that Zhang Yuying was eccentric, and then finished the drink, but no one insisted that Tang An really drink three glasses of beer.

   "Tang An, we will be a school in the future." Lin Xiaohui spoke, her voice clear and green.

Tang An didn’t know, she showed some surprises, and said, “After I filled out my volunteers, I didn’t go to school... It seems that everyone’s schools are counted in the group. I didn’t download the form at that time... Which department?"

   "E-commerce... seems to be the direction of opening an online store." Lin Xiaohui said not very clearly.

   "I also It seems we are a major, but I don't know if we will be assigned to a class." Tang An said happily, "I didn't expect high school classmates to be college classmates."

   "Tang An, rabbits don't eat grass around their nests." Zhang Fazhong knocked on the bowl and said sourly.

   Lin Xiaohui gave Zhang Fazhong a white look, Zhang Yuying giggled, "Zhang Fazhong, it's been a few days, hurry up and get it done."

   "Don't worry, Tang An will eat Ge Ying if he wants to eat grass on the edge of the nest, and he won't catch Lin Xiaohui's attention." Zhang Mulin patted Tang An's shoulder confidently, "Don't you think?"

"To die! Today I told you clearly that Tang An has always been the little brother under my cover. Is there a elder sister looking for a little brother?" Zhang Yuying said angrily, "What you said, I even have the last chance to confess to the school Lost..."

   "I wish Sister Zhang can find a handsome guy who is the most handsome in the new semester." Tang An poured a half glass of beer for Zhang Yuying, "Come on... a drink!"

   Zhang Yuying glared at Tang An, what Sister Zhang?

The food came, and the five people ate and drank. Perhaps it will be a rare gathering in the future. The atmosphere is very warm. Tang An smiled. To be honest, Zhang Yuying is really beautiful and has a lovely face. He is also very cheerful when he is with boys. It's awkward. Such a girl should be very popular in college. I hope she can find a good boyfriend. In the last days before the college entrance examination, the boys and girls in the school confessed crazy, the beginning and end of the relationship every day There are a lot of them. Zhang Yuying and Tang An have some ambiguous rumors, so few people have confessed to Zhang Yuying, and Zhang Yuying has also complained about Tang An.

   Tang An knows very well that, in fact, there is nothing between him and Zhang Yuying. It is just a high school friendship worth remembering. I hope I can make good friends in college.